Ficus variegata Blume, Bijdr. 459 1825. (Syn: Covellia racemifera (Roxb.) Miq.; Ficus agusanensis Elmer [Invalid]; Ficus amboinensis Kostel.; Ficus cerifera Blume; Ficus ceriflua Jungh. [Illegitimate]; Ficus chlorocarpa Benth. [Illegitimate]; Ficus compressitora Elmer [Invalid]; Ficus cordifolia Blume; Ficus domestica Zipp. ex Miq.; Ficus ehretioides F.Muell. ex Benth.; Ficus garciae Elmer; Ficus glochidiifolia Hayata; Ficus gummiflua Miq. [Illegitimate]; Ficus ilangoides Elmer [Invalid]; Ficus integrifolia Elmer; Ficus konishii Hayata; Ficus laevigata Blanco [Illegitimate]; Ficus latsonii Elmer; Ficus paucinervia Merr.; Ficus racemifera Roxb.; Ficus subopaca Miq.; Ficus subracemosa Blume; Ficus sum Gagnep.; Ficus sycomoroides Miq.; Ficus tenimbrensis S.Moore; Ficus variegata var. chlorocarpa King ………; Ficus viridicarpa Corner);
India (Throughout), Bangladesh, Bhutan, China, Malaysia, Myanmar, Nepal, Pakistan, Thailand, Vietnam as per Synopsis of the Genus Ficus L. (Moraceae) in India Lal Babu Chaudhary*, Jana Venkata Sudhakar, Anoop Kumar, Omesh Bajpai, Rinkey Tiwari and G. V. S. Murthy-   Taiwania, 57(2): 193-216, 2012;
Common red stem fig

Tree about up to 30m tall. Bark grayish brown, smooth. Leaves alternate, ovate to ovate-elliptic, pubescent when young, base rounded to cordate, margin entire, undulate or slightly toothed, apex acute, acuminate, or obtuse, petiole 2-4 in. long, stipules ovate-lanceolate, glabrous. Figs rarely solitary, usually clustered on shortly tuberculate branchlets from old stem, red, with green stripes and spots when mature, globose to depressed globose, apex slightly depressed, bracts ovate, peduncle 1 in. long. Male flowers near apical pore, calyx lobes 3 to 4, broadly ovate, stamens 2. Gall flowers near apical pore, calyx lobes connate, tubular, 4 to 5 lobed, covering ovary, ovary enclosed by calyx lobes, style lateral, short, stigma funnel form. Female flowers calyx lobes 3 to 4, linear lanceolate, style persistent, stigma clavate, glabrous. Achenes obovoid. Syconus fruit.

Seeds are passed through the alimentary canals of birds and other animals that feed on the fruits.
Wasps play an important role in pollination and reproduction of this species.
Susceptible to insect pests.
Evergreen to moist deciduous forests; and cultivated
Asia: China, India, Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, Myanmar, Nepal, Papua New Guinea, Philippines, Sri Lanka, Taiwan, Thailand, Vietnam; Oceanic Islands: Pacific Islands; Australasia: Australia.
Local Distribution: Meghalaya.


Ficus variegata (Moraceae), a new record for Peninsular India by J.V. Sudhakar* and G.V.S. Murthy- Rheedea Vol. 22(1) 62-65 2012-
AbstractFicus variegata Blume, earlier known only from northeast India and Andaman Islands, is recorded for the first time from Peninsular India. A detailed description, illustration and photographs are provided.


MS May, 2017/07 Ficus sp. for ID : 7 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (4)

Location : Hlimen, near Aizawl city.
Altitude : ca 1,200 m. or up to 1,700 m.
Habit : Small or small to middle-sized evergreen tree
Habitat : Wild
Note : Tender leaves are cooked and eaten as a vegetable.

This should be Ficus auriculata ​Lour.

Thanks a lot sir … Same species was identified as Ficus racemosa (268066-MS May, 2017/01)

Going through both posts by … non of both are either Ficus racemosa or Ficus auriculata. 
With so much variation in leaf morphology images in both posts should be of Ficus variegata.
The reason is, though figs resemble to F. racemosa but inflorescence pattern, white spots on figs and leaf shape (leaf blade base rounded to shallowly cordate in Ficus variegata).

Thanks a lot sir … for confirmation

MS May,2017/01 Ficus sp. for ID : 14 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (2)

Location : Dampui, Mizoram
Altitude : ca 1,100 m or more.
Date : 30-04-2013

Habit : Small to middle-sized tree
Habitat : Wild

Sir, photos are identified as Ficus racemosa L.

It appears like Ficus racemosa….

I think the leaves does not match to Ficus racemosa. Please check again if possible.

Photographs are identified as a Ficus racemosa L. It is highly variable species. Different earlier varieties of this species are merged under typical F. racemosa. Thanking you.

This should be Ficus racemosa L.

Thanks, … Herbarium specimen of this tree was also identified as Ficus variegata at BSI, Shillong.

Sir,  If it show leaves are near to Ficus variegata (They must be verified physically). But Figs are 100% belong to Ficus racemosa L. Thanking you.

Sir, the figs and leaves are same tree as you seen. If this is Ficus racemosa, My post no. MS May. 2017/07 also should be Ficus racemosa in stead of Ficus auriculata because they are same species.

Please find attached similar kind of figs and leaves tree located in AJCB, Indian Botanic Garden, Howrah which was identified by me as Ficus racemosa L.
Photos took by me in May 2012.
Any how for final confirmation of any species the specimen should be verified physically.
Attachments (5)

Thank you for correcting, after close observation white spots on figs and clusters realize me that this is Ficus variegata.

A reply from another thread:
“Going through both posts by … non of both are either Ficus racemosa or Ficus auriculata. 

With so much variation in leaf morphology images in both posts should be of Ficus variegata.
The reason is, though figs resemble to F. racemosa but inflorescence pattern, white spots on figs and leaf shape (leaf blade base rounded to shallowly cordate in Ficus variegata).”


MS Oct.2016/31 Ficus sp. (F.variegata?) for id : 4 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (2)

Location : Dampui, Mamit district, Mizoram
Altitude : ca 1,300 m.
Date : 30-04-2013
Habit : Small evergreen tree
Habitat : Wild
Mizo name : Thei-bate

The photographs are temporarily identified as Ficus variegata Blume

Identification of Ficus sp. : Attachments (1). 6 posts by 3 authors.
I’m attaching herewith photograph of Ficus sp. Probably F. racemosa. Pl. confirm.

efi page on Ficus racemosa  

Can it be Ficus hispida? Ficus racemosa leaves are smaller than the leaves seen in the picture.

I compared the leaf pictures of Ficus hispida and it does seem to match. I am quite sure its F.hispida. Experts can kindly correct me if i am wrong.

It’s confirm, This photograph Ficus variegata Blume.

The photograph is identified as Ficus variegata Blume. Please refer our article on it in Rheedea 22 (1): 62 – 65. 2012. for more details, photos and illustration.


Location : Thenhlum, Mizoram
Date : 25-03-2010 & 07-10-2009
Habit : Middle-sized evergreen ? tree
Habitat : Wild
Mizo name ; Chho-he

Sir, 1st with long peduncled figs belongs to Ficus variegata. 2nd photo with short peduncled figs belongs to Ficus racemosa.

Both images are of different plants, closeup one is of Ficus racemosa and other of Ficus variegata.

I am still confusing about the species of this tree. This tree is larger than that of you had identified as Ficus variegata. Stem and leaves are slightly different. We regarded this tree is as different sp. That you had identified as Ficus variegata (my no. MS May, 2017/01 and MS May, 2017/07) is small, evergreen tree with white stem.

If the close up one is of Ficus racemosa, the other one bearing fruits on the trunk also to be Ficus racemosa, I think.

I guess ID is correct as my post !

Is it Ficus fistulosa ? : 8 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (2)
Location : Dampui, Mizoram. Date : 30-04-2013.
Habit : Small to middle-sized tree. Habitat : Wild. Note : Ficus sp.

This is the Country Fig [Ficus racemosa] locally called Umber / Gular.

I don’t think it is F. racemosa because their stem, fruits and leaves are not same. Ficus racemosa’s picture is attached herewith for your comparision

The tree in this photograph does not look like Ficus racemosa to me. Your original photographs are of the Wild Fig Tree [F.racemosa].

Some of my photographs for comparison are available at these links

The photographs are identified as Ficus racemosa L. earlier they are considered as F. glomerata Roxb. var. chittagonga (Miq.) King. Now this variety is merged under Ficus racemosa L. (= Ficus glomerata Roxb.).

Ficus variegata ?

I think same as in your other thread


SK 2452 11 February 2020 : 13 posts by 4 authors. 6 images– 6 to 7 mb each.

Location :  Koh Chang, Thailand
Date: 09 December 2019
Elevation : MSL
Habitat : Wild
Ficus racemosa L. ??

I think looks different from images at Ficus racemosa

Yes …

If leaf base is rounded to shallowly cordate (not visible in photo) then this is Ficus variegata Blume, otherwise F. racemosa L.

Here is a clear image of the leaves.

Does not look like Ficus variegata Blume.

I hope it’s varigata,

Do you agree with the id ?

Yes … I feel so !

Ficus variegata


Regarding identification of the Ficus Sp. collected from Bolanigir Odisha on Feb 2024: 3 very high res. images.

Ficus reticulata!

I think it looks different from images of Ficus reticulata Thunb. (syn. of Ficus tinctoria subsp. gibbosa (Blume) Corner) at

To me appears close to images at

Species for attached images should be Ficus variegata Blume (Common Name: Red Stem Fig)




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