Alpinia vittata W.Bull, Cat. 83: 4 1873. (Syn: Alpinia sanderae Sander; Alpinia tricolor Sander; Guillainia vittata (W.Bull) Ridl.);
Bismarck Archipelago; Dominican Republic; Fiji; Leeward Is.; Solomon Is.; Thailand; Trinidad-Tobago; Windward Is. as per Catalogue of Life;
Common name: Striped Ginger


Alpinia for ID : 090511 : AK-1:
Taken during Feb and April, at Mumbai, Maharashtra.
Some Alpinia sp?
Flowers very tiny….plants around 5-6 feet in height.

may be Alpinia purpurata Alba

The above plant seems to be Alpinia vittata. common name Striped Narrow-leaf Ginger.
Kindly validate.

Alpinia For ID : Hiranandani Gardens,Powai : 250314 : AK-34 : 3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (4).
Seen during the Tree Appreciation Walk, Mumbai on 23/2/14.
Is this Alpinia vittata?
Similar to another posted earlier by me from Mumbai, id of which is pending too.

I think this is Alpinia vittata


Alpinia For ID : Hiranandani Gardens,Powai : 250314 : AK-35 : 6 posts by 3 authors.
Another Alpinia seen at TAW on 23/2/14 in Mumbai.
Alpinia vittata again?
Kindly confirm id.

I too had captured the same plant last year and posted on the forum, but is unidentified as yet:
Hope to get it IDed….

On searching, both species posted by me today look like Alpinia vittata.
Had posted them for expert validation.

Thank you …, I take the ID as Alpinia vittata, this was a long pending one….
I missed the Walk, else we would have met, it would be nice to meet you…

My id is based with the help of pictures available on the net.


Attached are pictures of Alpinia vittata captured at Hiranandani Powai, Lakeview in February 2013.
Requested to please validate the ID.



Requesting ID of this plant from Mumbai : 16042013 : ARK-03 : 8 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (2).
Requesting ID of this plant from a cultivated garden in Mumbai, captured in Feb 2013…

Some Alpinia species?

Looks like one of the Alpinia species

Yes, It is Alpinia non fruiting.
I have planted this in DAKC, Thane Belapur road as well as in Reliance (old Nocil).

ID assumed as Alpinia vittata based on this post here …..
Have posted this separately as part of the family fortnight this month.


Araceae, Arecaceae and Zingiberaceae Fortnight: August 1 to 14, 2014 : Zingiberaceae : Alpinia For ID : Mumbai : 280814 : AK-112 :  4 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (7).
Seen in Mumbai at two locations.
For Species id please.

This is Alpinia vittata.

Flower for Id – ID03042018SH2 : 6 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (2)

Flower for id pl.
Location – Dattaji Salvi Garden, Thane ( Maharashtra)
Date – March. 2018

Pl. check Alpinia calcarata  

Alpinia vitata an exotic ornamental

Araceae, Arecaceae and Zingiberaceae Fortnight: August 1 to 14, 2014 : Zingiberaceae : Alpinia vittata : For Validation : Mumbai : 280814 : AK-111 : 4 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (4).
Pictures taken at the Hiranandani Gardens, Powai, Mumbai in Feb, 2014 during TAW.
Kindly validate.

Another possibility is Alpinia luteocarpa, the Red Bamboo Ginger.
Experts please validate.

It is not A. luteocarpa. I have no idea.

I think it may be Alpinia vittata W.Bull, as confirmed by Prabhu Kumar ji in another post at Araceae, Arecaceae and Zingiberaceae Fortnight :: Zingiberaceae (Ginger family) :: Alpinia vittata from Hiranandani Powai, Lakeview :: ARKAUG-39