Blumea obliqua (L.) Druce, 609 1917. (Syn: Blumea amplectens Wall. ex DC. (ambiguous synonym); Blumea amplectens var. arenaria (DC.) Hook. fil.; Blumea amplectens var. maritima C.B.Clarke ex Hook.f.; Blumea amplectens var. pubiflora (DC.) Hook. fil.; Blumea amplectens var. tenella Hook. fil.; Blumea anagallidifolia DC.; Blumea arenaria DC.; Blumea arenaria var. arenaria ; Blumea obliqua var. arenaria (DC.) G. S. Giri & B. Mitra; Blumea obliqua var. arenaria (DC.) G.S.Giri & B.Mitra; Blumea obliqua var. maritima (Hook.f.) G.S.Giri & B.Mitra; Blumea obliqua var. obliqua; Blumea obliqua var. pubiflora (DC.) Maheshw.; Blumea pubiflora DC.; Conyza amplectens Wall.; Conyza amplexicaulis Lam.; Conyza obliqua Buch.-Ham. ex Willd.; Conyza villosa Herb. Madr. ex Wall. (ambiguous synonym); Erigeron asteroides Wall. (ambiguous synonym); Erigeron obliquus L.; Placus obliquus (L.) Kuntze);
India (throughout, Indian Punjab, Uttar Pradesh, West Bengal, Assam, Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan, Gujarat, Maharashtra, Goa, Karnataka, Tamil Nadu), Sri Lanka, Myanmar [Burma], Pakistan (Karachi, Pakistani Punjab), Java, Andamans, Lakshadweep Isl. (Laccadives) (I), Bangladesh as per Catalogue of Life;

Herbs, erect, dichotomously branched; stems branched, yellowish, 5-50 cm high, puberulous. Leaves elliptic oblong to lanceolate, apiculate, margins serrate dentate, base half amplexicaul to obtuse, 0.5-5 x 0.2-2 cm, scabrid to velutinous on both surfaces. Heads solitary, terminal and axillary, 6-10 mm in diam., long pedunculate. Involucral bracts linear-lanceolate, 1-8 mm long, hairy on dorsal surface, reflexed at maturity; outer ones apiculate; inner acuminate, often tinged with purple, margins scarious. Receptacle slightly convex, areolate, glabrous. Corolla of bisexual florets yellow, tubular, 4-5 mm long, 5-lobed; lobes acute, papillate, pubescent; corolla of female florets filiform, 3-4 mm long, 2-3 lobed, glabrous. Achenes dark brown, oblong, not ribbed, pubescent. Pappus yellowish white, 3-4 mm long.
Flowering and fruiting: July-March
Wastelands near sea coasts
India, Pakistan, Myanmar and Sri Lanka

Compositae herb for identification :: 240314 :: March013 : 3 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (7).

Please help me in identifying the Asteraceae herb.
Height: 1.5 feet
Habit: bushy herb
Leaf: 12-15 cm long
Head: 0.5 cm long
Habitat: dried wetland; clayey soil
Alt.: 61 m asl
Place: Ariyalur dist., TN
Date: 08 Mar 2014

Blumea obliqua, I suppose.

Wild Plant For ID : Tiny Purple Flowers : Nasik : 120116 : AK-3 : 03/03 : 5 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (2)
Wild plant with tiny purple flowers seen at the Nandur Madhmeshwar Bird Sanctuary, an hour’s drive from Nasik.

looks like some Asteraceae member

is it Epaltes sp.?

… had suggested Blumea Species

Blumea obliqua, I guess.

Thanks a lot for the id.

Should I take this plant as Blumea obliqua?
To me it looks closer to … images of Blumea axillaris, identified by … on Eflora. 
Same id was suggested by …. earlier.
Kindly have a look.

This is not Blumea axillaris, the heads are solitary, in axillaris they are in panicles; if this plant is aromatic it may be Blumea obliqua,

Thanks a lot for your comments and letting me know the distinguishing features between the two suggested ids.
Won’t be able to recollect now, but I will keep in mind if I revisit the place to check if the plant is aromatic.

Resurfacing my earlier post for id confirmation.
Adding more pictures taken in the last week of Dec, 2017 taken at the same place.
Attachments (7)

Pl. check Blumea obliqua


¿ Lamprachaenium microcephalum ?: 10 images.
Requesting ID of Asteraceae plant growing at Vaghbil, Thane (Maharashtra).
Habitat near creek side lining rice fields and mangrove. The erect much branched herb standing about a metre high, with slightly woody branches.
Two sets of photos attached: (1) 17 NOV 09 and (2) 18 DEC 08. Number of photos too many … hoping to make it easier for ID.
Referencing Shrikant ji’s FFOS, putting my own wild guess: Lamprachaenium microcephalum (quite a tongue-twisting genus name !!)

– This one is something else, and not Lamprachaenium microcephalum. Am attaching images of Lamprachaenium microcephalum for comparison. Lamprachaenium microcephalum is commonly called Purple blue heads. The leaves are tomentose beneath.

– I think it is Blumea obliqua (Linn.) Druce

the Asteraceae found in saline fields seems to be Blumea atropurpurea Haines. I need to have the herbarium image or the original description to match the specimen. If you can retrieve the following,
1. Bot. Bihar & Orissa 469. 1922 [2:492.1961 (Repr.)]
2. Fl. Ind. Enum. Aster. 14. 1988
3. J. Econ. Tax. Bot. 14:732.1990

– it is Blumea solidaginoides (Poir.) DC., Prodr. 5: 443, 1836; Almeida, Fl. Mah. 3: 85, 2001.
Synonyms: Gnaphalium solidaginoides Poir., Encycliop, suppl. 2: 825, 1811. B. holosericea Dalz. & Gibs., Bombay Fl. 125, 1861 (non DC. 8136). Erigereon molle D. Don, Prodr. 172, 1825. B. mollis (Don) Merrill in Philip. J. Sci. Bot. 5: 395, 1910; Pradhan et al, Fl. Of SGNP 330: 2005. B. wightiana DC., in Wt. Contr. 14, 1834; Hook.f., Fl. Brit. India 3: 261, 1880; Cooke, Fl. Pres. Bombay 2: 75, 1958 (Repr.); Singh et al, Fl. Mah. St. 2: 193, 2001. B. neilgherrensis Hook.f., Fl. Brit. India 3: 261, 1880. Conyza bifoliata DC., Prodr. 5: 435, 1836.
Common name: Makadmari.
common along salt pans and abandoned cultivated fields.

– This is the photo of Blumea solidaginoides (Poir.) DC. The plant which is to be identified is not Blumea solidaginoides.

I will go for Blumea obliqua (L.) Druce as per images, details and references herein.
Blumea atropurpurea looks different as per GBIF specimens


Asteraceae Fortnight Part 2-Discoid Heads: Laggera sp.? for id from Panipat- NS 60 : Attachments (4). 3 posts by 2 authors.
This species with deep purple heads was recorded from near Panipat Thermal Power Station.. help in id is requested..

I think L. aurita only. Shows a lot of variation.

Thanks sir, I think you are right…

I think close to images at Blumea obliqua (L.) Druce


Herb, Agra, U.P : 7 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (4)
Need ID of this small herb from Agra, U.P.
November 19

Some asteraceae member.

Phyllocephalum indicum (Less.) K.Kirkman ??

Did not match with Phyllocephalum indicum or any species under Vernonieae as per comparative images herein.

It is Blumea amplectance very common species in coastal areas/river beds.


Habitat: Rocky & waste lands: 4 images.
Habitat: Rocky & waste lands

Habit: herb
Loc: udaipur
Date: 05/12/22

Please check—l/ar/asteraceae/asteroideae/inuleae/blumea
Any other images of clear habitat and leaves closeups ?

Asteraceae member.

Pl. check—l/ar/asteraceae/asteroideae/inuleae/blumea/blumea-axillaris

Blumea obliqua (L.) Druce

Yes, appears so as per images at—l/ar/asteraceae/asteroideae/inuleae/blumea/blumea-obliqua


Blumea Braj: 5 images.
ID please
6 March 2023
Mathura, Uttar Pradesh

Blumea obliqua (L.) Druce !


Yes, as per images at

Blumea obliqua (L.) Druce :: Waghbil, Thane, Maharashtra :: Jan 14, 2011 · JUN23 DV172: 7 images.

Blumea obliqua (L.) Druce
Waghbil, Thane, Maharashtra :: Jan 14, 2011 · 3:25 PM IST :: about 3 m (10 ft) asl
Many thanks to Sushant More for suggesting the ID at iNaturalist.


Blumea obliqua (L.) Druce :: Waghbil, Thane, Maharashtra :: May 25, 2008 · JUN23 DV173: 1 image.

Blumea obliqua (L.) Druce
Waghbil, Thane, Maharashtra :: May 25, 2008 · 1:54 PM IST :: about 3 m (10 ft) asl
For more aspects of this plant, refer to the post uploaded at 10 Jun 2023 17:40.


Blumea obliqua (L.) Druce :: Waghbil, Thane :: Dec 29, 2007 · JUN23 DV292: 1 image.

Blumea obliqua (L.) Druce
Waghbil, Thane :: Dec 29, 2007 · 10:58 AM IST :: about 3 m (10 ft) asl
Observations of this species, in same area, at different times: May 25, 2008 • Jan 14, 201



Catalogue of Life  The Plant List Ver.1.1  Flickr  eflorakkl  GBIF (high resolution specimens)  India Biodiversity Portal  An Excursion Flora of Central Tamilnadu, India By K. M. Matthew (1995)