Ecology of Alpine Arid Pastures : I am PhD Scholar of Wildlife Institute of India (WII), registered in Forest Research Institute (Deemed) University (FRI DU).

My topic of the PhD is Ecology of Alpine Arid Pastures with Special Reference to Livestock Grazing in Upper Dhauli Valley of Nanda Devi Biosphere Reserve, Western Himalaya

I am in a need of volunteer for the period of for 4-5 months (July to October; may vary depend upon weather conditions) to assist me in the field.

The field is in Niti valley of Nanda Devi Biospere Reserve (NDBR), Uttarakhand.

The description of work is as follows:

Work will include focal and scan sampling of livestock and wild ungulates, for their behavior and food habits. the volunteer need to do extensive trekking in Himalaya and put up in tents. Basic knowledge of plants and animals of Himalaya is preferable.

There will not be any remuneration but accommodation will be taken care of.

Sir, I shall be grateful to you if you could circulate this message.