Rumex patientia L., Sp. Pl. 333 1753. (Syn: Acetosa patientia (L.) M.Gómez; Lapathum hortense Garsault [Invalid]; Lapathum hortense Lam.; Rumex callosus (F. Schmidt ex Maxim.) Rech. f.; Rumex interruptus Rech. f.; Rumex patientia subsp. callosus (F. Schmidt ex Maxim.) Rech. f.; Rumex patientia var. callosus F. Schmidt ex Maxim.; Rumex patientia subsp. interruptus Rech. f.; Rumex patientia subsp. pamiricus (Rech. f.) Rech. f.; Rumex patientia subsp. tibeticus (Rech. f.) Rech. f.; Rumex patientia var. tibeticus Rech. f.; Rumex tibeticus Rech. f.); . E. Central Europe to N. Greece: Afghanistan, Albania, Assam, Austria, Bulgaria, China North-Central, China South-Central, China Southeast, Cyprus, Czechoslovakia, Greece, Hungary, Inner Mongolia, Iran, Irkutsk, Italy, Kazakhstan, Kirgizstan, Korea, Krym, Lebanon-Syria, Manchuria, Mongolia, Nepal, North Caucasus, Pakistan, Qinghai, Romania, South European Russi, Tadzhikistan, Tibet, Transcaucasus, Turkey, Turkey-in-Europe, Turkmenistan, Ukraine, Uzbekistan, West Himalaya, Xinjiang, Yugoslavia; Introduced into: Altay, Amur, Belgium, Central European Rus, Colombia, Connecticut, Denmark, Dominican Republic, Finland, France, Germany, Great Britain, Haiti, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kamchatka, Kansas, Kentucky, Khabarovsk, Maine, Malaya, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, North Dakota, Northwest European R, Norway, Ohio, Oklahoma, Ontario, Pennsylvania, Peru, Poland, Primorye, Québec, Rhode I., Sakhalin, Sicilia, South Dakota, Sweden, Switzerland, Tennessee, Utah, Vermont, Virginia, Washington, West Siberia, West Virginia, Wisconsin, Wyoming as per POWO; . Common name: Patience Dock, English spinach, Garden patience, Herb patience, Monk’s rhubarb • Ladakhi: ཤོམཱ་Shoma . ID HELP REQUESTED FOR THIS RUMEX SPECIES FROM SRINAGAR: 10 images. Kindly help identify this Rumex species, It is called Abijin Kashmiri and its leaves are a popular vegetable with a sour taste. All photos in this post were taken in the last week of May 2023. Each small square of graph in the photo is 1 square millimeter Habitat: Wild. A common weed in fields. Habit: Herb. Flowering season April-June. Leaves lanceolate up to more than 40 cm long and 12cm broad. Flowers in whorled inflorescences, bracts reddish scaly, pedicels 3mm long. Flowers about 2mm dia hermaphrodite. Tepals 6 in two whorls. Outer whorl of 3 tepals 0.5mm broad and 1.5 mm long. Inner whorl of 3 tepals 2mm broad and 2.5mm long. Color of tepals green. Stamens 6. Anthers much longer than the filaments. Filaments 0.9mm long and anthers yellow and nearly1.5 mm long. They hang down as in wind pollinated flowers. Ovary three lobed with 3 styles. Stigmas with long papillary cells. The 3 styles lie at an angle of 120 degrees to each other in the spaces between the inner tepals. After fertilization the 3 inner tepals grow and come close together completely enclosing the three lobed ovary. Later thick growths resembling seeds appear on these tepals perhaps to attract birds. These can become red as the fruit matures. It differs from R.dentatus in the inner tepals not having spines. It differs from R.acetosus in having larger leaves and green flowers. Notes on Photos: PHOTO7: Stamens removed to show 3 styles. Note the three stigmas with papillary cells at 120 degrees to each other positioned in the spaces between the inner tepals. PHOTO9: Flower after fertilization with inner tepals enclosing the ovary PHOTO10: Note the thick seed like growths on the inner tepals. To me appears close to images at Thanks a lot for the ID I think the ID Is correct. Notes: PHOTO1: Shows seed like structures on tepals have become red. PHOTO2: Two tepals removed to show fruit (capsule) PHOTO 3: Cross section of fruit showing triangular outline 3 images.
To me leaves look much broader, consider R. patiantia. Size of valves will decide, if longer than 4 mm it should be R. patientia only, it is very common in valley. I agree with … sir…. It looks R. patiantia very common in kashmir valley and locally known as abij Or obull Thanks so much for providing the correct ID. Valves are 5-6 mm. Some interesting facts from Wikipedia regarding this plant:
Yes, appears possible as per keys in Flora of Pakistan:
Also see GBIF. Thanks for confirming ID and the link. . PLANT FOR ID 135 SMP JUN 09 Lahaul Spiti: 2 images. It is from Polygonaceae, Rumex, see ochrea Tentatively Rumex nepalensis Rumex angulatus Rech.f. ??? Looks different from Rumex angulatus Rech.f. as per
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Rumex patientia
Updated on December 24, 2024