
Leaves 10-25 x 0.8 cm, linear-oblong, acute, glabrous, bifarious; sheath open. Racemes 10-20 cm long, slender. Flowers paired at nodes; pedicel 8 mm long, jointed at the middle; tepals 2 x 1 mm, oblong, chartaceous, white; ovary 3-lobed, ovules one in each cell, stigma terminal, entire. Capsule 5 x 6 mm, 3-lobed; seeds 2.5 x 2 mm, reniform, rugose.  

Flowering and fruiting: September-December
Attributions- Dr. N Sasidharan (Dr. B P Pal Fellow), Kerala Forest Research Institute, Peechi)

Chlorophytum laxum R. Br. : Mixed thread: Attachments (2).
Herewith i am sending photographs of …………………….Chlorophytum laxum R. Br.


Chlorophytum laxum SMP Aug02 : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (2)
Chlorophytum laxum
Unlike Chlorophytum tuberosum this Chlorophytum laxum is less common with smaller flower size and lax inflorescence.
Observed on 1st Aug 2015 Vetal Tekdi Pune


Identification Request–Amboli, Maharashtra:: NS August 2022 (02): 6 images.
This herb was shot from a plateau near Amboli, Maharashtra. Identification is requested..

Chlorophytum laxum R.Br. !

Thanks a lot … for id suggestion. Do we have any authentic web images to compare with, other than eFI?


I guess these are matching.


Asparagaceae: Chlorophytum laxum R.Br.: 1 high res. image.
location/date: Chilenahalli, Bangalore Distr., Karnataka, July 1997