Devendraea angustifolia (Wall. ex DC.) Pusalkar (Images by Nidhan Singh (ID by Narain Singh Chauhan) & Anil Thakur (Inserted by D S Rawat & J.M.Garg) (For more images & complete details, click on the links))




A New Genus of Himalayan Caprifoliaceae by Prashant K. Pusalkar- Taiwania, 56(3): 210-217, 2011-
ABSTRACT: A group of Sino-Himalayan species characterized by actinomorphic corolla, without (honey-storing) lateral saccate gibbosity, 5 nectaries, anthers as long as or longer than included filaments and flat or carinate leaf vernation, is separated from Lonicera L. and described here as a new genus, Devendraea Pusalkar under the family Caprifoliaceae.
Sect. 1. Devendraea Sect.
Devendraea myrtillus (Hook.f. & Thomson) Pusalkar, comb. nov. (Syn: Lonicera myrtillus Hook.f. & Thomson; L. parvifolia var. myrtillus (Hook.f. &Thomson) C.B. Clarke in Hook.f.)
    Devendraea myrtillus (Hook.f. & Thomson) Pusalkar var. depressa (Rehder) Pusalkar, comb. nov.  (Syn: Lonicera myrtillus Hook.f. & Thomson; L. parvifolia var. myrtillus (Hook.f. & Thomson) C.B. Clarke in Hook.f.;
Lonicera myrtillus var. depressa Rehder in Sargent; L. parvifolia Hook.f. & Thomson; Caprifolium parvifolium (Hook.f & Thomson) Kuntze; L. depressa Royle)

   Devendraea myrtillus (Hook.f. & Thomson) Pusalkar var. cyclophylla (Rehder) Pusalkar, comb.nov. (Syn: Lonicera myrtillus Hook.f. & Thomson var. cyclophylla Rehder) (No distribution in India)

   Devendraea myrtillus (Hook.f. & Thomson) Pusalkar var. minutifolia (Kitam.) Pusalkar, comb. nov. (Syn: Lonicera minutifolia Kitam.); (No distribution in India)
   Devendraea myrtillus (Hook.f. & Thomson) Pusalkar var. myrtillus
Devendraea angustifolia (Wall. ex DC.) Pusalkar, comb. nov. (Syn: Lonicera angustifolia Wall. ex DC.; Caprifolium angustifolium (Wall. ex DC.) Kuntze,
*Devendraea myrtilloides (Perpus) Pusalkar, comb. nov. (Syn: Lonicera myrtilloides Perpus)
Sect. 2. Tomentellae Sect.
Devendraea tomentella (Hook.f. & Thomson) Pusalkar, comb. nov. (Syn: Lonicera tomentella Hook.f. & Thomson; Caprifolium tomentellum (Hook.f. & Thomson) Kuntze)
   Devendraea tomentella (Hook.f. & Thomson) Pusalkar var. tomentella
   Devendraea tomentella (Hook.f. & Thomson) Pusalkar var. tsarongensis (W.W. Sm.) Pusalkar, comb. nov. (Syn: Lonicera tomentella Hook.f. & Thomson var. tsarongensis(No distribution in India) 
Sect. 3. Rupicolae Sect.
Devendraea minuta (Batalin) Pusalkar, comb. nov. (Syn: Lonicera minuta Batalin) (No distribution in India) 
Devendraea rupicola (Hook.f. & Thomson) Pusalkar, comb. nov. (Syn: Lonicera rupicola Hook.f. & Thomson; Caprifolium rupicolum (Hook.f. & Thomson) Kuntze; L. thibetica Bureau & Franch.)
   Devendraea rupicola (Hook.f. & Thomson) Pusalkar var. rupicola
   Devendraea rupicola (Hook.f. & Thomson) Pusalkar var. syringantha (Maxim.) Pusalkar, comb. nov. (Syn: Lonicera syringantha Maxim.; L. syringantha var. minor Maxim. l.c. Caprifolium syringanthum (Maxim.) Kuntze; L. syringantha var. wolfii Rehder; L. rupicola Hook.f. & Thomson var. syringantha (Maxim.) Zabel in Beiss. & al.)
(No distribution in India) 
Sect. 4. Spinosae Sect.
Devendraea alberti (Regel) Pusalkar, comb. nov. (Syn: Lonicera alberti Regel; L. spinosa var. alberti (Regel) Zabel in Ruempler) (No distribution in India) 
Devendraea spinosa (Jacquem. ex Decne.) Pusalkar, comb. nov. (Syn: Xylosteum spinosum Jacquem ex Decne. in Jacquemont; Lonicera spinosa (Jacquem ex Decne.) Walp.; Lonicera linearis Royle ex Hook.f. & Thomson; Caprifolium spinosum (Jacquem. ex Decne.) Kuntze)


I have updated eFI (efloraofindia) page on Lonicera & Devendraea (Pl. click).

Attempts have been made to incorporate most of the species available in India & nearby areas with details & keys directly or through links as far as possible. It’s quite possible that there may be some discrepancy in the accepted names & synonyms taken from other links.

Species discussed so far in efloraofindia are given at the bottom of the page in the form of links against Subpages. On clicking them one can see all the details.

If someone can provide complete list of Indian species with source references it will be wonderful.

Any comments/ corrections are welcome.


Pl. go through Devendraea (Caprifoliaceae‎‎) page with images of species (done by …) in efloraofindia.

If you find any mis-identification, pl. let us know. If anybody can send images of other species of this genera (for incorporation in the website), if any, it will be really nice.

Also, if anybody is interested to take up the activity of inserting images on efloraofindia pages from efloraofindia posts, pl. let us know.