Devendraea angustifolia

Devendraea angustifolia (Wall. ex DC.) Pusalkar, comb. nov. (Syn: Lonicera angustifolia Wall. ex DC.; Caprifolium angustifolium (Wall. ex DC.) Kuntze) as per A New Genus of Himalayan Caprifoliaceae by Prashant K. Pusalkar- Taiwania, 56(3): 210-217, 2011;

Shrub about 2-4 m tall. Branches dark brown and glabrescent. Leaves lanceolate, linear-oblong, 2-4 x 0.5-1 cm across, glabrous above, beneath pubescent or glabrous, cuneate at the base, margin entire, apex acuminate, lateral veins 5-10 on either side of the midvein, petiole about 0.3-0.4 cm long. Flowers axillary, peduncle 1-3 cm, bracts linear or linear-lanceolate, foliaceous, bracteoles connate, often half the length of the fruit, Calyx limb distinctly 5-toothed, lobes orbicular, quarter as long as the tube, glabrous or pubescent, subequal, whitish-blue or pink colored. Style short glabrous, fruit usually in a pair of confluent drupes 0.7 cm in diameter, globose, red. Seeds few.

Flowering/Fruiting: May-October.
Lonicera species flowers are bisexual i.e., with functional male (androecium) and female (gynoecium), including stamens, carpels and ovary. Pollination is entomophilous i.e., by insects.
Seeds dispersed by barochory i.e., gravitational dispersal, endozoochory i.e., dispersal by birds and animals internally, epizoochory i.e., dispersal by animals externally, and anthropochory i.e., dispersal by humans.
Susceptible to insect pests.
Deciduous forests at an altitude of 8,000 to 12,000 ft.
Global Distribution: Asia: Bhutan, China, India, Myanmar, Nepal.
Local Distribution: Arunachal Pradesh, Sikkim, Uttarakhand, West Bengal.
(Attributions- Ganeshaiah, K. N., UAS, Bangalore, India & Kailash, B. R., UAS & ATREE, Bangalore, India. From India Biodiversity Portal)

Shrub for id from Chakrata:: NS June 29 : 7 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (4).
This unarmed shrub, with pinkish buds and white flowers was recorded from Chakrata area in Uttrakhand, this is fairly common in the area..
Please help to conclude id..

I think Daphne mucronata

Thanks Sir, I was also considering this a species of Daphne..

The ID may need reconsideration as it has paired flowers, a feature of Caprifoliaceae. It may be in Lonicera genus. More recently actinomorphic flowered Lonicera are separated as Devendraea by Pusalkar (2011).

It can be Lonicera angustifolia- fuits bare rounded red, edible sweet in taste.

Thanks …, your considerations are right, even the species level id given by … is quite convincing.. though I could not observe any berries in the field..

Thanks a lot … for giving correct ID. It surely is Lonicera (angustifolia perhaps) with its half fused ovaries and paired flowers.
Thanks again. Thanks … for finding this species.

Images by Anil Thakur (Inserted by D S Rawat & J.M.Garg) (For more images & complete details, click on the links)


Lonicera angustifolia ATJUNE2016/16 : 5 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (6)

Lonicera angustifolia Wall.
May/June 2014 and April 2016

Key to the species. Attachments (1)

Nice upload. Beautiful Lonicera with narrow leaves.
All Lonicera with actinomorphic flowers are now placed in a newly carved (carved from Lonicera s.l.) genus Devendraea Pusalkar.
It is now D. angustifolia (Wall. ex DC.) Pusalkar
Please compare with:
D.angustifolia in eFI.

Thank you, … for the new information to me. I was not aware of this fact that L. angustifolia is now Devendraea angustifolia.
I usually check at “The Plant List” where L.angustifolia is an accepted name.
The uploads by … appears slightly different in leaf morphology.
So, I’ll upload my all Lonicera types one by one for more clarification to me. I am a newcomer in Plant Taxonomy.

From my old collection. Attachments (2)

Lonicera parvifolia ??? ATJUNE2016/19 : 3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (4)

Is it Lonicera parvifolia??
April 2016

More closer to L.angustifolia

Thank you, … I have seen both these plants. They look quite different from each others. It means, high degree of variation occurs in L. angustifolia.
I’ll try to post comparative photographs of both some day.

Lonicera myrtyllus ??? ATJUNE2016/18 : 4 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (2)

Is it Lonicera myrtillus Syn. L. parviflora var. myrtillus ???
Churdhar, Sirmaur H.P.
May 2015

Leaves were small in this species. This species has been listed in FLORA OF SIRMAUR DISTRICT by KAUR AND SHARMA.

I think images are closer to images at Lonicera obovata rather than those at Devendraea myrtillus

Sorry, I mean to say images are closer to images at Devendraea angustifolia rather than those at Devendraea myrtillus


Lonicera myrtillus ABMAY02/2018 : 6 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (12)

I had photographed the fruits on this shrub in 2016 and had missed the flowers. Now that I have seen and photographed the flowers, I think this shrub is Lonicera myrtillus. Please advise.
Lonicera myrtillus
Near Gallu Temple, Dharamshala, HP
2000m approx.
25-29 April 2018 (flowers)
30 May 2016 (fruit)
The flowers have no aroma and I have found only one shrub so far. Is it uncommon at this elevation?

I think, it should be Lonicera angustifolia

Thank you … Do you remember if the flowers had any aroma? The flowers on our plant had no discernible aroma.
Should we consider this now as Davendraea angustifolia or Lonicera angustifolia?


SK1924 18 May 2019 : 3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (7) – around 750 kb each.
Location: Phulchoki, Lalitpur, Nepal
Altitude: 2591 m.
Date: 8 May 2019
Habit : Wild

Looks some Lonicera/ Devendaea species (Caprifoliaceae).
Caprifoliaceae in eFI: /species/a—l/c/caprifoliaceae
D. angustifolia ?

Thank you … Lonicera angustifolia Wall. ex DC. seems is the correct ID.
Syn: Devendraea angustifolia (Wall. ex DC.) Pusalkar

Nepali Name: नानी काफल  Naanee Kaaphal

pls identify : 4 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (1)
I saw it near kufri Shimla during my visit in july, pls help me to know the scientific  name

Lonicera angustifolia.

SK 3091 30 October 2021: 1 very high res. image.
Location: Rara, Nepal
Altitude: 2957m.
Date: 20 August 2021
Habit : Wild
Unfortunately only one image !
Lonicera hispida var. bracteata (Royle) Rehder ex Airy Shaw ??

Looks different from
Pl. check Devendraea angustifolia (Wall. ex DC.) Pusalkar and other species.

Not sure. Could not decide!

So let us keep it as Devendraea angustifolia (Wall. ex DC.) Pusalkar


ID Request- Shrub enroute Dev Kyara- Uttarakhand- PKA15: 4 images.
Sharing few topics of a shrub seen enroute Dev Kyara in Uttarakhand region.
Requesting ID.

Lonicera angustifolia Wall. Syn : Devendraea angustifolia (Wall. ex DC.) Pusalkar according to POWO,GBIF and CoL.




A New Genus of Himalayan Caprifoliaceae by Prashant K. Pusalkar- Taiwania, 56(3): 210-217, 2011

Updated on December 24, 2024

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