Common name: Kashmir Bellflower
Images by Narendra Joshi (1,2) and Aarti S.Khale (3,4- ID by D.S.Rawat and Gurcharan Singh)



The photo was taken at an altitude of approx 12000′ on the way to Amarnath yatra (Pissu top) and identified as Campanula cashmeriana.

Beautiful Campanula in specific rocky habitat.

Wild Flowers for ID : 141011 : AK-3: Wild flowers found growing on the rocks on way to Sonamarg on the 9th of Sept,11.

Any idea about the size of flower?

I could not get much closer.
Around 1 inch. Look very similar to Canterbury bells on FOI. But those I believe are Garden flowers.
Had seen them on way to Sonamarg… couldn’t stop then, so had kept the location in mind.
Was searching for them on the way back. Was lucky to find them.

Codonopsis generally has climbers but we have one Codonopsis ovata with decumbent plants and sky blue flowers. I think it is the same. Earlier I was uncomfortable with flower colour.

Campanula cashmeriana as per another thread.

Beautiful photograph the plant is Campanula cashmeriana



Codonopsis ovata, seen on way to Sonamarg on 11/9/11.
Posted on our group earlier on the following link
(Wild Flowers for ID : 141011 : AK-3) 

Probably a species of Campanula, Campanula kashmeriana I think.

Thanks for pointing out.

… has suggested Campanula kashmeriana earlier.
Also the flowers of Codonopsis ovata on searching, look blue in color, while the ones clicked by me are purple in color.
Finally I have got the id right.
Thanks to you and … …, kindly validate.

More so in Codonopsis (habit mostly climbing), corolla lobes are very short and calyx foliaceous usually as long or longer than corolla.

These flowers by … looked like my flowers.

Please have a look.
(Campanulaceae and Gentianaceae Fortnight::Campanula cashmeriana from en route to Amarnath Yatra (NSJ-01)) 



Amarnath Yatra -Campanulla bells ??? (NSJ-02 – 26/08/2013) : Attachments (3). 5 posts by 3 authors.

Campanulla bells ?? pl validate

On the way to Sheshnag from Chandanwari (Close to Pissu Top)

Altitude 11000′

Date Aug 11, 2013

Very fine pics of this species in its original habitat.

To me it is Campanula argyrotricha Wallich ex DC.

Thank you …

Campanula cashmeriana in light of eFI page.





Campanulaceae & Gentianaceae Week : Codonopsis ovata : Srinagar : AK:  Codonopsis ovata, posted earlier and identified by … and …
Picture taken on 11/92011 on the way to Sonamarg.

Campanula kashmeriana in light of eFI page.

Thanks for correction.




Fwd: Campanula cashmeriana : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (5)

I have noted confusion between this species and Codonopsis ovata.
May I advise there are a number of Campanulas from the Himalaya that come close to C.cashmeriana. My colleague who was with me in Kashmir in 1989 joined me briefly in Himachal Pradesh in 1989.  He came across, near the bottom of the Rohtang he thought was C.cashmeriana but proved to be a different species. As always, do not just assume a bell-flower with largish flowers growing on rocks is automatically C.cashmeriana.
Not all the images on the internet named as C.cashmeriana both taken in the wild and in cultivation are correctly identified.
I am attaching here a few images from Kashmir I have scanned in from slides taken in the 1980s, though not showing close-up detail, do illustrate well the habit and habitat.
C.cashmeriana is common in rock crevices in Kashmir @ 1800-3500m.  Stems brittle, white hoary. Stewart said that plants with cleistogamous flowers look very different. These stems are weak and very slender and the flowers very small but both forms may be found on the same root. 
Nasir in Campanulaceae of Flora of Pakistan describe the flower colour as pale-violet to blue, describing it as a variable species with both large and small leaves and plants plus much variation in pubescence.
There is variation between the first image cf. the second and third.
Always useful to have postings for all species of all genera from a range of locations, especially when they illustrate INFRA-SPECIFIC VARIATION.
The fourth image was taken at the road-side between Pahlgam and Aru.