Campanula cana

Campanula cana Wall., W.Roxburgh, Fl. Ind. 2: 101 (1824) (syn: Campanula aprica Nannf.; Campanula pasumensis Marquand; Campanula tortuosa C.Y.Wu; Campanula xylopoda Jeffrey) as per POWO;
Himalaya to S. Central China and N. Indo-China: Assam, Bangladesh, China South-Central, East Himalaya, Laos, Myanmar, Nepal, Thailand, Tibet, West Himalaya as per POWO;
Keys available at Flora of China for differentiating C. pallida and C. cana;

This Campanula was shot from Chakrata, please help to fix the id..
Is this Campanula pallida…??
As per FOI

I think yes

What would you call it in view of your recent posts and keys in Flora of China ?

Campanula cana Wall. in Roxb., Fl. Ind. 2: 101. 1824.
There has been a long discussion on this plant when … uploaded his plant, which we now agree to be Campanula pallida var. pallida.
The photographs uploaded by me here after comparing several others appear Campanula cana (and not C. pallida as depicted on FOI) more firmly because.
1. The following links on Flora of China which resemble mine:
2. The plant, leaves, calyx are softly hairy and giving whitish hue to these parts, and not bristly.
3. calyx lobes nearly linear to subulate, not triangular and not toothed, more or less spreading.
4. Corolla lobes almost as long as tube and somewhat spreading.
5. style slightly exserted (and not included as in C. pallida) and clearly 3-lobed stigma.
The flower colour does look lighter than in description, but it matches with eFl of China photographs.

I have a similar plant i will post it in a separate thread

I have my doubts about this coming with C.cana – see the posting I am about to make of an image taken in H.P. of what I consider is C.cana.

Thanks, …,
What about the following:
“The following links on Flora of China which resemble mine: One, two, three, four and five
To me these appear quite close.

This is the same plant which I had posted as Campanula cana and we discussed yesterday. In view of the account given by Prof. Mangleshwar Sharma ji of Punjabi University, Patiala in Flora of Chamba, it should be C. pallida.
But the link provided by you from Flores of China and are acting to the confusion.

Yes, we have to treat Campanula cana as a syn. of Campanula pallida as per Flora Similensis.

No …, we can’t take such adhoc decisions. We have to follow established Floras and Databases. Agreed, the species C. cana Wall. and C. pallida Wall. are very close and were placed under C. colorata in Flora Similensis, but they are distinct as enumerated by Flora of China, followed by POWO. Any doubts about the colour of C. cana can be removed from these images on eFlora of China.

Please take note of two very important differences: white villous plants leaves and calyx of C. cana vs  hirsute in C. pallida, mostly subulate calyx lobes of C. cana vs triangular in C. pallida.
I will be sharing high resolution images of both to clear doubts.

I must further clarify that Collett is silent about C. pallida, and treats C. cana as synonym of C. colorata, whereas FBI treats them distict, C. cana as distinct species and C. pallida under C. colorata.

Campanula cana Wall. in Roxb., Fl. Ind. 2: 101. 1824.
There has been a long discussion on this plant when … uploaded his plant, which we now agree to be Campanula pallida var. pallida.
The photographs uploaded by me here after comparing several others appear Campanula cana (and not C. pallida as depicted on FOI) more firmly because.
1. The following links on Flora of China which resemble mine:
2. The plant, leaves, calyx are softly hairy and giving whitish hue to these parts, and not bristly.
3. calyx lobes nearly linear to subulate, not triangular and not toothed, more or less spreading.
4. Corolla lobes almost as long as tube and somewhat spreading.
5. style slightly exserted (and not included as in C. pallida) and clearly 3-lobed stigma.
The flower colour does look lighter than in description, but it matches with eFl of China photographs.
There has been inconclusive discussion on this plant when uploaded earlier. Hope it is resolved this time

It is a frequent species in temperate Uttarakhand. Hope the expert of Campanulaceae will resolve the ID this time.

Can be Campanula colorata?

C. colorata is old name for C. pallida
I have already explained why it can’t be C. pallida

I guess Campanula pallida Wall. should be the correct ID.

I request you to compare the calyx a deciding character.
2 images.




Flora of Himachal Pradesh: Campanula pallida from Shimla : Attachments (4). 4 posts by 3 authors.
Campanula pallida from Shimla
Pls validate

Yes … Good Photographs

I think this may be Campanula cana as per images, keys and details herein.

Taking it as Campanula pallida (syn. C. cana) as per discussions under thread: Campanula cana ATJUNE2016/25

What would you call it in view of your recent posts and keys in Flora of China.

Taking it as Campanula cana



Campanula cana from Manali-GS28062022-3: 6 high res. images.
Campanula cana Wall.

All three species on which there has been enough discussion in our group were named by N. Wallich, and obviously first illustrated in his Wallich Catalogue, 1812, which being without descriptions were treated as Nomen Nudum unless validated by author himself or some other author. C. pallida Wall, was first validly published in Asiat. Res. 13: 375 (1820), C. colorata Wall. in in W. Roxburgh, Fl. Ind. 2: 101 (1824) and C. cana Wall. in Roxburgh, Fl. Ind. 2: 101. (1824). FBI treated them under two species C. colorata Wall. (syn: C. pallida). However, cof being published earlier, C. pallida gets priority as accepted name over C. colorata.
     The two species C. pallida and C. cana, both represented in Western Himalayas can be separated as under as per Eflora of China:
1. C. pallida: Stem single, rarely two or more; leaves hispid, lower often with winged petiole, calyx lobes triangular to subdeltoid, hispid outside, often toothed. 
2. C. cana: Stems usually several from base; leaves white soft hairy, lower not with winged petiole, calyx lobes subulate to narrowly triangular, softly hairy outside, usually not toothed.
Here is C. cana, photographed from Manali, 29-10-2009.  


SK1028 19 MAR-2018 : 5 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (9)- some around 1 mb and some around 200 kb.

Location: Mudkhu, Kathmandu, Nepal 
Altitude: 5000 ft.
Date: 16 March 2018
Habit : Wild
Campanula pallida Wall.  ??

I think more closer to images at Campanula cana Wall. rather than those at Campanula pallida Wall. 

You may be right …! Looks so similar and difficult for me to decide.

Taking it as Campanula pallida (syn. C. cana) as per discussions under thread: Campanula cana ATJUNE2016/25

What would you call it in view of your recent posts and keys in Flora of China.

Clearly C. cana, soft long hairs and linear calyx lobes.

Campanulaceae & Gentianaceae week: Campanula for id from Chakrata: 3 images.
This Campanula species was shot from Chakrata area in september 2011. Id please…

For me it is Campanula cana. Pl see photographs in Flora of China.


Here are few more pics for reconfirming…

I have my doubts about this coming with C.cana – see the posting I am about to make of an image taken in H.P. of what I consider is C.cana. There has been much confusion about the small-flowered Campanulas in the Himalaya.

Taking it as Campanula pallida (syn. C. cana) as per discussions under thread: Campanula cana ATJUNE2016/25

What would you call it in view of your recent posts and keys in Flora of China.

Campanula cana I hope.


Wild Plant For ID : Uttarakhand : 220413 : AK-2 : Attachments (1). 4 posts by 2 authors.

A small wild plant seen on 23/3/13 on way to Nainital.
Tiny white bell shaped flowers.
Id please.

Campanula sp…

This looks similar to Campanula pallida on FOI. Experts kindly verify for id confirmation.

To me it looks like Campanula pallida, common name Pale Bellflower as in FOI.
Experts kindly confirm id.

Yes … I am agree with C pallida

I think this may be Campanula cana as per images, keys and details herein.

Taking it as Campanula pallida (syn. C. cana) as per discussions under thread: Campanula cana ATJUNE2016/25

What would you call it in view of your recent posts and keys in Flora of China ?

More images with closeup of flower would help, but habit and flower suggest C. cana


Campanulaceae and Gentianaceae Fortnight: July 1 to 14, 2014 : Campanula pallida : Uttarakhand : 020714 : AK-3 : 3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (1).
Wild plant seen on way to Nainital on 23/3/13.
Posted on our group earlier.
Campanula pallida by …
Kindly validate.

I think it has already been validated. Pl. see Wild Plant For ID : Uttarakhand : 220413 : AK-2

I think this may be Campanula cana as per images, keys and details herein.

Taking it as Campanula pallida (syn. C. cana) as per discussions under thread: Campanula cana ATJUNE2016/25




POWO  Catalogue of Life  GBIF

Updated on December 23, 2024

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