Campanula rapunculus (Italy)

Campanula rapunculus L. (Syn: Campanula hyrcania Wettst.; Campanula lambertiana A.DC.; Campanula rapunculus var. lambertiana (A.DC.) Boiss.; Campanula rapunculus f. lambertiana (A.DC.) Voss; Campanula rapunculus f. spiciformis (Boiss.) Voss; Campanula rapunculus var. spiciformis Boiss.; Neocodon lambertianus (A.DC.) Kolak. & Serdyuk.);

Plant for ID :: Rome :: EU-ARKOCT54 : 6 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (6)
Saw these pretty flowers in Rome by the roadside in May 2016.
Requested to please provide ID.

Sorry can’t help…

Campanula, not sure of the species.

A suggestion of Facebook mentioned these flowers as Campanula patula.
Would really appreciate experts’ opinion.

Campanula rapunculus L.  ??

more like Campanula patula

I thought different.

Yes, appears more close to images of Campanula rapunculus at

Yes, … matches description at MoBot. I also love the connection to Rapunzel and that her father ate the roots of this plant and created the basis of the much loved fairy tale

Updated on December 24, 2024

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