SE-Tibet, China (W-Yunnan), Sri Lanka, Thailand, Vietnam, Sumatra, +Java, India (Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, West Bengal, Arunachal Pradesh, Assam, Nagaland, Manipur, Tripura, Meghalaya, Orissa, Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, Kerala), Sikkim, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Laos, Nepal, Myanmar [Burma] (Chin, Kachin, Taninthayi), Pakistan (Hazara, Rawalpindi), Jammu & Kashmir (Poonch, Kashmir) as per Catalogue of Life;
Tamil: Cembavu, Kallavi Malayalam: Kallavi

Habit– Trees up to 15 m tall.

Trunk\bark– Bark grey brown, lenticellate; blaze purplish red.
Branchlets– Young branchlets terete, lenticellate, glabrescent.
Leaves– Leaves simple, alternate, spiral; petiole 1.5-3.5 cm long, planoconvex in cross section, glabrescent when young, swollen at base; lamina 10-30 (50) x 3-10 (-18) cm, oblanceolate to narrow obovate, apex shortly acuminate, base cuneate-attenuate, margin entire, sometimes remotely dentate in saplings, chartaceous, puberulous when young, later glabrous, drying brown; midrib nearly flat above; secondary nerves 14-18 pairs, often with hairy domatia in their axills; tertiary nerves coarsely reticulate or obliquely reticulo-percurrent.
Flowers– Inflorescence terminal and axillary panicles, pubescent; flowers sessile; bracts absent.
Fruit& seed– Drupe, globose, to 0.5 cm across; seed one, rugose.
Trees along margin of evergreen forests between 300 and 1600 m.
Indomalaysia and China; in the Western Ghats- South and Central Sahyadris.
(Attributions- B. R. Ramesh, N. Ayyappan, Pierre Grard, Juliana Prosperi, S. Aravajy, Jean Pierre Pascal, The Biotik Team, French Institute of Pondicherry from India Biodiversity Portal)



Meliosma simplicifolia (Roxb.) Walp.SN Sep 28 : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (2).
Meliosma simplicifolia (Roxb.) Walp, Sabiaceae
Wild tree from Tidiandmul area of Coorg, Karnataka

Evergreen Tree for ID :: MK APR-002 2016 : 4 posts by 2 authors. 4 correct images.
Please help me identify this tree. Is this a Meliosma sp.?
Location: Glenmorgan, Nilgiris, TN
Habitat: montane evergreen forests
Date: 05 April 2016
Alt.: 2100 m asl

Comparative images of Meliosma species so far in efi 

Please check the photos. Whether all photos belong to same species? In my opinion the images 144, 147 and branching- closeup belong to Meliosma simplicifolia. But the 145 the flowers belong to Photinia sp.  146 is having both the species. The flowering portion belong to Photinia and vegetative one belong to Meliosma. The leaves in image 145 is so different from leaves in other images. Please check it. It is my assumption. The photo also not so clear to view the parts properly.

Yes sir, I am sorry for the mix-up; and many thanks for identifying from the poor quality pictures.

SK2025 04 July 2019 : 24 posts by 5 authors. Attachments (7) – around 700 kb each.

Location: Chalnakhel, Kathmandu
Date: 24 June 2019
Elevation: 1404 m.
Habit : Wild

Pl. check comparative images at /species/a—l/a/anacardiaceae

I could not find a match.

Wild guess at best. Some Anacardiaceae?

May not be Anacardiaceae, for the leaf is different

Seems to Meliosma sp., Sabiaceae. Could be simplicifolia?

Meliosma thomsonii King ex Brandis ??
Syn : Meliosma simplicifolia subsp. thomsonii (King ex Brandis) Beusekom

Yes, it looks like the species you have indicated. the flower, leaf are of Meliosma of Sabiaceae

Do we need further validation?

I have already checked but I could not find a match! Isn’t my guess matching ?

It’s a species of Meliosma… either simplicifolia or dillenifolia

Thank you …, I had suggested as below earlier guess more close to it.
Could you please check once and validate ?
Meliosma thomsonii King ex Brandis ??
Syn : Meliosma simplicifolia subsp. thomsonii (King ex Brandis) Beusekom

I think it might be Eriobotrya deflexa (Rosaceae).

Eriobotrya deflexa is not listed in Nepal and it does not look like planted in the wild.

Ok Sir. Then You can search for species of Meliosma (Sabiaceae).. M. rigida??

I have suggested in the earlier mail as :
Meliosma thomsonii King ex Brandis ??
Syn : Meliosma simplicifolia subsp. thomsonii (King ex Brandis) Beusekom
Could you please look into this ?

Flora of China gives the following keys to different between the bold species:
18 (17) Leaf blade abaxially densely lanuginous; sepals 5, outside with 4 or 5 equal bracts.   8 M. thomsonii
+ Leaf blade glabrous or sparsely pubescent; sepals 4 or 5, without equal bracts   (19)
19 (18) Ovary densely pubescent, drupes persistently pubescent; 2 inner petals entire. 9 M. thorelii
+ Ovary and drupes pubescent; 2 inner petals bifid (20)
20 (19) Petiole 1.5-2.5 cm; branchlets pubescent; drupes globose. 10 M. simplicifolia
+ Petiole 3-5 cm; branchlets glabrous; drupes obovoid or subglobose. 11 M. longipes
Can you check this feature ?
Also regarding leaves:
Flora of China says for Meliosma thomsonii King ex Brandis leaf blade obovate-oblong or obovate-elliptic, 18-37 × 7-16 cm, leathery, abaxially densely lanuginous, adaxially pubescent on midvein and lateral veins, lateral veins 16-20 pairs, ascending and arched to margin, upper ones running into teeth, base attenuate to cuneate, margin sparsely serrate at and above middle, apex acute to acuminate.
Flora of China says for Meliosma simplicifolia (Roxburgh) Walpers leaf blade obovate or obovate-oblong, 15-40 × 5-15 cm, papery, adaxially glabrous, vein axils crinite, lateral veins 15-20 pairs, arched-anastomosing near margin, reticulate veins slender and conspicuous, attenuate 2/3 to base, margin entire, sometimes serrulate, apex acute or shortly caudate.
Pl. check.
To me leaves look adaxially glabrous, margin serrulate and apex acute

The tree is at a steep slope so could not get specimen. However, looks matching to M. thomsonii. Not sure 100 %.

How can you say that?

Just a guess according to keys.

Thanks, …, I have worked on details and given these in my detailed reply. In such a case, one should contradict only on facts or some links etc.

Because most of the images in net, drawing and herbarium showing not serrated leaf. So I got confused. Very few images of leaves and FoP showing serrated images.

That is why I critically mentioned serrations of leaves in the comparison of two species. Also checked images and details in our database and on net before that.

Fruits from the same tree ! Too far ! Not good images.
Flowering and fruiting phenology looks like matching with Meliosma dilleniifolia (Wall. ex Wight & Arn.) Walp.
Attachments (2)

I got keys in Flora of Bhutan as below:
1. Leaves pinnate ………………………… 3. M. pinnata
+ Leaves simple ………………….. .. 2
2. Evergreen; leaves entire or serrate with rather broad teeth, veins curving towards apex near margin ……………………… 1. M. simplicifolia
+ Deciduous; leaves serrate with fine teeth, veins running +/- straight to margin and most excurrent into fine teeth …. 2. M. dilleniifolia
So this leads us to M. dilleniifolia

closest to m. dillenifolia

Thank you …! Nepali Name : कोदे खबडे Kode Khabade

yes, you see in this case. the venation pattern clinched the differentiation. thanks …

Isn’t it more close to Meliosma simplicifolia (Roxb.) Walp. ?
Elevation and fruit images also match, simplicifolia : 1200-2000m. and dillenifolia 1800-2900m.

Thank you.

Inflorescence looks different

Leaf pattern very close.

Ok, keeping it as Meliosma simplicifolia subsp. simplicifolia (Roxb.) Walp.as per



