Indigofera mysorensis DC. ;
Distribution: Andhra Pradesh1, Karnataka1, Tamil Nadu1, West Bengal4 (ILDIS)  
A low erect copiously-branched shrub, the young stems slender, clothed with short spreading grey pubescence. Leaves sessile, of the main branches 1-3 in. long ; leaflets 11-21, oblong, membranous, opposite, 3/8-1/2 in. long, thinly clothed on both sides with adpressed grey hairs ; stipules setaceous, 1/4 in., persistent. Racemes lax, elongated, more or less panicled, each flower subtended by a bract just like the leaflets, and the branches furnished low down with 3-5-foliolate leaves. Calyx 1/8 in. ; teeth lanceolate, very-long. Corolla red, glabrous, twice the calyx. Pod linear-cylindrical, straight, 1/4-3/8 in. long, 4-6-seeded, finely pubescent. (The Flora of British India-  IBIS Flora)

Indigofera mysorensis Rottler ex DC. submission AS32 December 22: 8 high res. images.
Here I am adding some images of Indigofera mysorensis which is so far poorly represented on our website.
Indigofera mysorensis Rottler ex DC.
Family – Fabaceae
This beautiful red flowered Indigofera is endemic to penninsular India. (Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka and Tamil Nadu)
Photographed in Bengaluru outskirts, Karnataka
In October 2022



Indigofera mysorensis DC SN Nov 15 : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (2)
Indigofera mysorensis DC., wild under shrub from Tirumala hills of Andhra pradesh


Plant for ID : 7 Dec 2022 : Nandi Hills, Bangalore: 4 images.
Please help ID this plant.
Photographed on one of the small hills near Nandi hills, Bangalore.


Flowers are not seen clearly. Send a closeup of the flower(s) showing the parts clearly.

Sorry, I don’t have a close-up of the flowers. Will try when I go there next time.
3 images.

To me appears close to images at Tephrosia uniflora subsp. petrosa (Blatt. & Hallb.) J.B.Gillett & Ali

Hairy young pods are creating some doubt. Maybe they become less hairy on maturity.

Flora of Pakistan says:  Fruit c. 3.8-4.8 cm long, c. 4-4.5 mm broad, appressed pubescent, 7-8-seeded.

This is Indigofera mysorensis Rottler ex DC. (Fabaceae), a common shrub around hills of Bengaluru.

I just realised this species (Indigofera mysorensis) is poorly represented on our website with no clear images for comparison. So I will share my detailed high quality images by tomorrow morning.

that sounds perfect! I will also try to get more pictures when I go to Nandi hills.



The Plant List Ver.1.1  ILDIS   IBIS Flora  An Excursion Flora of Central Tamilnadu, India By K. M. Matthew (1995- Details with keys)