Sterculia foetida ?;


I’D OF tree : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (1)
Please identify this tree located in a park in Hyderabad….sorry for the bad image

Do you have any other picture as this picture is quite hazy ?



Need id: 1 image.
Growing in mumbai. 
In february had clusters of dark red fruit

The picture is unclear but it has the unmistakable jizz of Sterculia foetida L. [Malvaceae].

If dark red fruit-might be … is correct,

Pl. post a high resolution image to check the details.
… may be right.


Regarding identification of the species collected from Dhenkanal Odisha on December 17th: 4 high res. images.

But there may be many other species species with such leaves.
So difficult to say with these images.