
Neolitsea pallens ?? AT MAR 2017/15 : 10 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (5)

Kindly suggest
Neolitsea pallens ??
Syn. Litsea consimilis
February 2017

This is a small tree mostly growing in evergreen forests. Canopy is not very dense. People call it NAIRKHI in local dialect.  Leaves are comparatively smaller, usually  not more than 10cm,  lanceolate, light green with lower surface white. Umbels mostly axillary. Terminal bud approx. 1 cm long.


Terminal buds

Attachments (1)

Neolitsea pallens for me.

Thank you, … I also consider it as Neolitsea pallens. It is part of FLORA SIMLENSIS. My concerns are only with the ID of my earlier post (given in Link 1, and not matching with any Lauraceae member of FLORA SIMLENSIS) which was also identified as N. pallens earlier in February 2017. I consider that plant some other species.

Thank you …,  It is difficult to provide any solution with such low resolution images and without measurements.

Sir, should I send high resolution photographs on your personal mail?

Images upto 8 mb can be sent to the group also one by one in replies.

Thank you for the information, … I think, earlier it was in KB.


Another tree for ID/ABDEC05 : 10 posts by 5 authors. Attachments (4)

There are numerous specimens of this tree here–from young shrub like plants to the tall (20ft or so) trees. Please advise.

Mcleodganj, Dharamshala, HP
1750m approx.
03 December, 2014

Any Lauraceae member may be Litsea or Neolitsea so?

Member of Family Lauraceae. May be Litsea consimilis ?

May be Neolitsea pallens

Thank you … It does seem to be Neolitsea pallens. I will pull out my original pictures and see if I can zoom into the fruits for confirmation.

Here are some close ups extracted from the same pictures taken on 3 December. I am not sure if it will help us say for certain if it is Neolitsea pallens or it’s as …  suggested Litsea consimillis.
Attachments (2)

It looks me like Neolitsea umbrosa

The first image contains only inflorescence  buds covered by involucal bracts, which are caducous in nature, there is opened flowers.

And the second one is shoot buds covered by perulate scales… are characteristic of the genus Neolitsea not Litsea. In the case of the Genus Litsea involucral bracts of the umbels are persistent.

Definitely this is the genus Neolitsea and species level identification needs flowers and fruits. This genus have male and female tree separate.

Thank you … I will post once the tree has flowers/fruits.

Just an update: A local shepherd told me that this tree is called Chirindi in the local dialect. That would point to Machilus sp. Do you think this has substance? He also said that the fruit is pressed to make an oil that is effective in relieving joint pains.

Chirindi is Litsea umbrosa and yields fatty oil.

very interesting, …

often the local shepherds included know their ethnobotany better than we do

may be they should be remembered

I am glad you documented their story

Yes, …, I make it a point to ask locals about the plants I do not recognise. Sometimes, I get sound advice, other times not. But I try.

so do you write it down? do !! even if it does not make sense that day… who knows it may be important

A few specimens are in flower now and I thought I will post these to see if we could agree on an ID. … had suggested it to be the Neolitsea species. … also suspected it to be specifically Neolitsea umbrosa. Please advise.

28 Feb 2015
Mcleodganj, Dharamshala, HP
Attachments (4)

I would like to mention that Neolitsea umbrosa does not occur in Himachal Pradesh. The images here seem to represent N. pallens.

Thank you … for this information. It does resemble a Neolitsea pallens. Let us see if the others agree.

Some feedback from another thread;

“I admit that the species in Neolitsea can be delimited only on the basis of certain tendencies exhibited by the individuals and not by sharp differences.

Here, in this case, you have provided three threads. All the samples are of Neolitsea, for the 3-plinerved clustered leaves, umbellate inflorescences and the perulate apical buds.  The other characters not discernible here are the dimerous flowers and the 4-locular stamens.
Now coming to the specific identity. The first two set of images are of N. pallens. ………………. “” from …
“The second set posted by Ashwini Bhatia ji is perfectly matching with Neolitsea pallens (Litsea consimilis in FLORA SIMLENSIS).  …………….
Set/Link 2: (efi thread)
This is a small tree mostly growing in evergreen forests. Canopy is  not very dense. People call it NAIRKHI in local dialect.  Leaves are
comparatively smaller, usually  not more than 10cm,  lanceolate, light green with lower surface white. Umbels mostly axillary. Terminal
bud approx. 1 cm long.  …………………………  ” from …

“While I admit that I have no expertise in Lauraceae, I would suggest that you should go ahead with population studies on the abundant trees available in your surroundings and arrive at a conclusion. The comments made by me were based on observations on the low resolution images for which you provided the links. I would like to inform you and other workers interested in the family Lauraceae that the specific distinctions in Neolitsea are largely relative and therefore it may be risky to name a specimen of Neolitsea without comparing with authentically named materials!


“Plants … while those of second are common here. My problem is, I do not know how to proceed with  taxonomic work as my specialization was in Physiology.

The leaf sample and flowers are of Neolitsea pallens.

Thank you very much … I missed photographing it closely this year. Perhaps there is till time.


Winter Colours/ABDEC31 : 4 posts by 3 authors.

Idling about in the cold chilly morning today I found comfort in the warm autumn/winter colours of these plants. I thought I will share these with you. All photos were taken on my phone. As always, please correct me if I have misidentified any of these.

Mcleodganj, Dharamshala, HP
16 December 2014

6. Possibly Neolitsea pallens


Kalatope id al220311b: Location Kalatope, Chamba
Altitude I’ve seen it from 2500 – 2000 mt
Habit tree
Habitat wild
Height 10-15 mt ( at least)

This could be a member of Lauraceae family.
Flower seems to have basifixed anthers, dehiscing by longitudinal valves (opening from base to apex). Probably some species of Litsea…??

This is not Persea. I am sure. I uploaded the Persea americana a few months back. This could be one of the Litsea species (L.manopetala?).

I think it could be Neolitsea dealbata

Neolitsea dealbata is not a native of India. Is it cultivated ?

This is belongs to the genus Actinodaphne and most probably A. hookeri Meissn.
Thank you for sharing me the photographs and whatever you feel problematic in Lauraceae u can send.

May be close to images at Neolitsea pallens (D. Don) Momiy. & H. Hara




Neolitsea umbrosa (Nees) Gamble : 4 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (2)

Neolitsea umbrosa (Nees) Gamble (= Litsea umbrosa (Nees) Nees) Wild tree from Pindari glcier way Uttrakhand, seeds used to extract a medicated oil.

This is Neolitsea pallens.


Any one of you know the locations of Neolitsea pallens in Uttarakhand and Himachal Pradesh.

Pl. check Neolitsea pallens


Tree for ID from near Patni Top J & K-GS10102021-4: 3 high res. images.
Please help with the ID of this tree photographed from near Patni Top J & K, 22-8-2011.


Resembles Neolitsea too

Neolitsea pallens.


Flowers and Trees from Uttarakhan​d-ID requested_​DS24052011​_SN3:

Another Tree in Kakragad, Uttarakhand on the bank of river Mandikini. April 2011
Again, the fruits of this tree are very much liked by the birds of the region.
It is very common tree in that area, our guide told the local name which I unfortunately cann’t remember now.

Species of Actinodaphne of Lauraceae family. Please check, Actinodaphne bourdillonii. 

Yes I agree with …, This is a Actinodaphne sp. but it is not A. bourdillonii.
A. bourdillonii is endemic to western ghats. Anway this Actinodaphne is not reported in South India. So please check with the Northern Actinodaphne sp.
If the identification is must then please send original pixel photo

Yes my guess was based on the leaves.

And it is true that A. bourdillonii is endemic to the WG.
As … suggested, may be a close up picture and supporting information such whether the leaves, branches and inflorescence were hairy or not and all would help for further clarification.
Please refer the following link to have an idea of key characters of Actinodaphne

Which are the species listed for Uttarakhand?

Plants of Indian Himalayan Region by BSI have nothing listed for Uttarakhand!

Neolitsea pallens!


References: The Plant List Ver.1.1  Tropicos  Flora of China  Flora of Pakistan  FOP illustration Annotated checklist of Flowering plants of Nepal  India Biodiversity Portal  IBIS Flora