Kalanchoe beauverdii Raym.-Hamet, Bull. Herb. Boissier sér. 2, 7:887. 1907 “Beauverdi” (Syn: (≡) Bryophyllum beauverdii (Raym.-Hamet) A. Berger; (=) Bryophyllum costantinii (Raym.-Hamet) A. Berger; (=) Bryophyllum juelii (Raym.-Hamet & H. Perrier) A. Berger; (=) Bryophyllum scandens (H. Perrier) A. Berger; (=) Kalanchoe costantinii Raym.-Hamet; (=) Kalanchoe juelii Raym.-Hamet & H. Perrier; (=) Kalanchoe scandens H. Perrier) as per GRIN  ;

Kalanchoe beauverdii Hamet
Glabrous scambling succulent , woody in lower part with distinctive reflexed linear-lanceolate leacves 5-8 cm long with small teeth at apex; flowers yellowish-green, campanulate, in many-flowered thyrses, pedicels15-25 mm long.
Best suited for pots and supports outdoors.
Photographed from Delhi University Flower Show.



ID requested-PC-05 30.03.201517 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (1).
Pease identify this succulent from Pusa Flower Show Delhi..

When the picture wont open right away i was upset your file was too big, but it was just as well.. in the big file i was able to find things … At first glance looking at the leaves i thought it was a piece of cake

it was senecio… as in s. radicans may be

but for the color of the leaves … too much grey…in the green.. not well cared for .. etc etc sennecio leaves are rather stout roundish, these are flat… and in perfect pairs

and that’s not all… the interval between the leaf pairs is far more than in senecio radicans

and I found flowers on the left side of your picture that I have circled… that is not a senecio flower…

i am stumped

i know i know it but cant think of the id just now

hopefully someone knows it right away

hope it helps

AND … do you have better pictures of the flowers?
Attachments (2)

Unfortunately none of the plants of the species was flowering..

did you look at the circled picture area in YOUR picture I sent back with my reply?
and the flowers I found and enlarged out OF YOUR PICTURE?
Please look at them … your plant in your picture is flowering…

I find your comment a little disheartening after all the work I did ON YOUR PICTURE!!!!
I quote YOU said: “Unfortunately none of the plants of the species was flowering..” end quote…

please be careful… please look carefully… these are two versions of your own picture… one I circled the flower, you have to enlarge the picture to see the circle and the second is cropped enlarged area of your own picture….

I do not know how there are two snaps, a flower and few buds also appeared when I opened your mail. There was only one pot of this plant and the judging was on so I could not go very near the plant. It was sunny so no better snap. Sorry for the poor one.

i’ll explain to you why there are two pictures in my response>>..
Trying to id your plant to help you i had a problem getting closer view of the leaves , so …

i downloaded your picture to look closely at the leaves

opened it in my windows media player

surprise i found flowers in YOUR PICTURE
I circled them in red
that’s the first of the two pictures in my response
and then I cropped out flowers in the same picture from you and saved it as your picture flowers and that is the second picture…
they are both your pictures and so now we know your picture of the pot in the garden show had these flowers…
I am also anxious to know the id …

No Idea but very interesting. At first, I thought it was a Hoya of some kind but flowers are look a bit different than typical Hoya flowers. That doesn’t mean much though

I’d probably start there though

hi, the flower sort of reminds me of some Kalanchoes

That’s more the direction I’d be thinking… Crassulaceae..

Found it! Tsuh was correct. I looked up Vining Bryophyllum and found a pic with similar leaves labeled as Bryophyllum beauverdii R. Hamet. (Syn. B. scandens)

With the following description:
This is a vining bryophyllum. It originates from the dry Alluaudia-Euphorbia forest of Southern Madagascar. Plantlets are borne on the tips of the hooked end of the leaves. The leaves are strongly recurved to aid support. A very easy and interesting Bryophyllum to grow. The inflorescence is yellow in colour.

Good find! The flowers really looked like Kalanchoe/Bryophyllum, but I’\d never seen one like that.

wow, now I know, good find guys…

…: wonderful diagnosis.

I knew i had seen those harlequin’s hat like flowers somewhere…

… I perhaps know you from the list serve sets at the aroid or other horticulture groups from Mobot??? but that was atleast a couple of decades ago.
Thanks you for the pointing in the right direction..