Calandrinia spectabilis Otto & A.Dietr., Allg. Gartenzeitung 1: 161 1833. (Syn: Claytonia spectabilis (Otto & D.Dietr.) Kuntze);
3 images.
Calandrinia spectabilis Otto & A.Dietr.Common name: Rock Purslane I am repeating differences of two often confused species Calandrinia spectabilis Otto & A.Dietr.: Leaves 3-5 cm long, rhombic tp spathulate, light green, inflorescence ca 60 cm tall, leaves and sepals with elongate unicellular hairs, sepals distinctly angular or keeled, capsules valves reflexed after dehiscence, margins involute. Cistanthe grandiflora (Lindl.) Schltdl. (syn: Calandrinia grandiflora Lindl.: Leaves 12-20 cm long, narrowly elliptic narrowed into broad petiole, with acute apex, , grey green, elongate hairs absent on leaves and sepals, sepals not distinctly keeled, capsule valves not reflexed after dehiscence, margins not involute. Calandrinia spectabilis photographed from Natural Bridges Beach Santa Cruz, California, 23-7-2016 |