Fwd: Wild Reflections Photography Competition : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (4)
Dept. of Biodiversity, Abasaheb Garware College is organizing ‘Wild Reflections’ : A theme based Nature Photography Competition
Last time we had received entries from across 16 states of India and wish that maximum naturalists and nature enthusiasts should participate in this.
Find attached ‘themes’, ‘guidelines’ and other relevant details. They are also available on dept website (www.mesbiodiversity.in).
Please circulate this in the group/s which you moderate and among your colleagues and like minded people. Lets document nature with a scientific purpose.
We encourage photo submission on CD/DVD (though email is an option) so that we can revert back to photos submitted by the participants easily. Looking forward to the active participation.
Kindly revert back in case of any queries to (wildreflections2015@gmail.com).