Staurogyne glutinosa Kuntze, Revis. Gen. Pl. 2: 497 1891. (syn: Ebermaiera glutinosa Wall. ex C.B.Clarke); Diffuse or trailing pubescent herbs with a thick root stock and several slender branches, rooting at nodes. Leaves all opposite, 5-6 x 2.5 cm, ovate or elliptic, sub-acute to obtuse at apex, attenuate and decurrent on the petiole below, membranous, sub-entire, lateral nerves 6-8 pairs, slightly raised above, glabrous above and glaucous below; lamina; petiole 1-2 cm long; axillary shoots with smaller leaves. Inflorescence pseudoaxillary, short peduncled, glandular-pubescent, capitate heads, rarely axillary, solitary; bracts leaf-like, elliptic to obovate, obtuse, 7-9 x 3-4 mm, viscid-hairy with a few eglandular hairs towards the base; bracteoles oblong, spathulate, to 6 x 2 mm viscid-hairy with a few eglandular hairs. Calyx deeply 5-partite; lobes in 2 sub-equal pairs; the innermost pair linear, to 7.5 x 0.5 mm; the second pair oblong-obovate, slightly larger; the 5th segment largest, to 8.5 x 2.5 mm; all calyx lobes viscid-hairy. Corolla to 14 x 5 mm, slightly 2-lipped, bluish-purple; tube slightly curved, viscid outside and with a ring of pink-purple hairs inside at the base of stamens; lobes 5, obovate, obtuse or retuse, spreading. Stamens 4, didyamous, included; filaments flat, hairy; anther cells divergent, pale yellow, muticous with a median transverse belt of hairs. Ovary oblong, 2 x 1 mm, minutely viscid-pubescent on upper half, style filiform, glabrous, to 7 mm long; stigma bifid, glandular; the lower lobe again 2-lobed. Capsule to 5 x 1.8 mm, oblong, minutely glandular pubescent above the middle, tip shortly apiculate; seeds up to 30 in each cell, minute, globose or cuboid, glandular when young, obscurely pitted when ripe; retinacula absent. Flowering and fruiting: January-April Marshy areas in the deciduous forests India and Bangladesh (Attributions- Dr. N Sasidharan (Dr. B P Pal Fellow), Kerala Forest Research Institute, Peechi from India Biodiversity Portal) . Limnophila diffusa Benth.? Hooghly 13-01-13 sk2: I found this small herb on the margin of agri-lands. This is somewhat similar to the post at – efi thread, except that leaves are not sessile and the plant is much less hairy. Could this be Limnophila diffusa Benth. of “Bengal Plants” (F. B. I. iv. 266)? Species : UNKNOWN H & H : wild herb of less than 1 ft, on the margin of agri-land (including paddy-fields around) Date : 6/1/13 Place : Hooghly Searched :- First we have to decide if those flowers in this thread can be a Limnophila species. I think it can be. A google search for “limnophila flowers” shows similar looking flowers, an example – If it is a Limnophila sp., it is certainly Limnophila diffusa Benth. as per “Bengal Plants” key and distribution. GRIN, The Plant List, FoC or FoP may not recognize it, IUCN does !!! So, does the “Bengal Plants” or “Flora of British India”. Attaching new set of photographs of the same plant, recorded on 27-01-2013 at the same place. This is NOT Limnophila diffusa Benth. About a fortnight ago i received a mail from Taiwan. A botanist working on Limnophila confirms this. We had a few correspondence regarding various Limnophila species. And i am convinced that this is not L. diffusa, for sepals and leaves are different in L. diffusa. She suggests this can be an acanthaceae species. ………………………….. This is possibly Staurogyne glutinosa Kuntze, unresolved name of Ebermaiera glutinosa Wall. of “Bengal Plants”. The problem is I have no other reference except my old lit., Dinesh Ji’s post of another species and two KEW herb.- Can not say. May be as per this and GBIF– specimen maybe this will also help . Acanthaceae member-only, Check with Lepidagathis, Pl. post high resolution images as details are not clear. Does not seem match as per comparative images at Lepidagathis Hemigraphis hirta??? not sure Looks close ! I think more closer to images at Strobilanthes urens compared to images at Strobilanthes hirta I think this is Strobilanthes (Hemigraphis) hirta. S. urens is a plant of the Deccan peninsular so wouldn’t be expected in U.P., where S. hirta is said to be frequent. On further examination, I find this to be much different from Strobilanthes hirta (as per images herein), both in leaves and flowers. Further, Catalogue of Life gives distribution of Strobilanthes urens in India (peninsular India, Upper Gangetic Plains). Okay, I agree it does not fit Strobilanthes hirta, but I am still uncertain what it is. Could it be another genus, such as Dyschoriste? Appears more closer to images at Strobilanthes pavala I think finally I got it. .
Pl. check the attachment . References: The Plant List Ver.1.1 India Biodiversity Portal IBIS Flora Kerala Plants Herbarium Catalogue Plant Wealth of the Lower Ganga Delta: An Eco-taxonomical Approach, Volume 2 By Kumudranjan Naskar (1993- Details) |
Staurogyne glutinosa
Updated on December 23, 2024