Alysicarpus sanjappae Shantanu Chavan, M. M. Sardesai, D. S. Pokle , Kew Bulletin March 2013, Volume 68, Issue 1, pp 183-186; . ANDEC37 Please identify this Alysicarpus sp. : 10 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (9) Nelliyampathy, Kerala Alysicarpus rugosus ? A. longifolius– or A. glumaceum? – But not sure. I think the lack of fruits makes this a tricky one to identify for the experts. beutiful upload seems to Alysicarpus longifolius because of long elliptical leaves it seems to be Alysicarpus sanjappae for detailed please visit the link The link provided by … shows an error upon opening but thank you sir. Fabaceae (Faboideae) Fortnight :: Alysicarpus sp.? :: Gori Valley :: NS OCT 03/03 : 4 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (3) I am aware that the features are insufficient to conclude from these pics.. This herb was shot from Gori valley area, in October.. I hope generic id should be right, specific id will be appreciated !! Fabaceae (Faboideae) Fortnight :: Alysicarpus FOR VALIDATION :: Nagla forest :: DVOCT05 : 12 posts by 2 authors. 2 images. Alysicarpus ¿ longifolius ? Over the period of time, I have found that most of the species of Alysicarpus confuse me. This post has two photos of an Alysicarpus plant – the first in my collection. I consider it to be longifolius. The photos show same view, as such are of no help to get proper hints to ascertain the species. I will be glad to get the longifolius validated negatively – will label them just as Alysicarpus sp. at Nagla forest on September 30, 2007 pl. check it for A. glumaceus (= A. rugosus) efi pages on Alysicarpus glumaceus & Alysicarpus rugosus No it is not Alysicarpus rugosus; it has hairy stem, calyx is also densely pilose, stipules ensheaths the stem; the raceme is not also like this; vexillum pink, not yellow, ovate apex shallowly lobed. most probably A.glumaceus For me … is right : A. glumaceus I am very happy to see this speciemens bacause i have described this species. Thank you very much … for the ID. I am equally glad that I got a new member of Alysicarpus in my collection. Alysicarpus monolifer- Some plants from Jim Corbett National Park : 2 posts by 1 author. After a long gap I posted some photos from Jim Corbett National park. To me it appears closer to images of Alysicarpus sanjappae Shantanu Chavan, M. M. Sardesai, D. S. Pokle Alysicarpus sanjappae Alysicarpus glumaceus hopefully : 6 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (5) Alysicarpus glumaceus hopefully Uran, Maharashtra third week of september 2018 According to a mail posted by … efi thread “There are other species of the genera Alysicarpus have similar kind of dual coloured flowers. In the images attached, calyx is much longer, since it is difficult to identify species because identification is mainly based on pods. But, if the pods are rugose and stem is villous then it should be Alysicarpus glumaceus (Vahl) DC. or otherwise Alysicarpus longifolius (Spreng.) Wight & Arn. as flower pedicel are much longer Beautiful pictures … I have posted a similar looking Species, id not sorted as yet. Alysicarpus sanjappae many thanks for the identification and appreciation. … would it be possible to get the keys for identifying this species. Intrestingly in FOI it is mentioned that the plant is prostate or procumbent…
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Alysicarpus sanjappae
Updated on December 24, 2024