A Pictorial Guide to Common Garden Plants-Released March 2015: 5 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (7)
This gives me immense pleasure to announce on the group that recently we have been able to publish a book on ornamental plants entitled “A Pictorial Guide to Common Garden Plants” featuring full coloured images and relevant information regarding more than 200 ornamental plants cultivated in our gardens. This book was very kindly released this week by Lt. Gen (Dr.) D.D.S. Sandhu, the honourable Vice Chancellor of Kurukshetra University, Kurukshetra, on the special occasion of hosting the first ever flower show “Flower Fest-2015”.

For more information about the book, please see the attached files, which will give you an idea of what the book looks like.
The Publisher have agreed to provide the book without any postage charges to anyone in India on purchase of the book through efloraofindia, besides the applicable discount of 25% on each copy.
Thanks and Wishing You All a Colorful and Joyous HOLI

News of Book Release Function from a leading daily.. Attachments (2)

Congratulations again

these new pictures I see Balkar… are you taking the pic?

Congrats Nidhan ji and Balkar ji for this achievement.

Fwd: Pictures : 10 posts by 5 authors. Attachments (3)
Few more pages..

This gives me immense pleasure to announce on the group that recently we have been able to publish a book on ornamental plants entitled “A Pictorial Guide to Common Garden Plants” featuring full coloured images and relevant information regarding more than 200 ornamental plants cultivated in our gardens. This book was very kindly released this week by Lt. Gen (Dr.) D.D.S. Sandhu, the honourable Vice Chancellor of Kurukshetra University, Kurukshetra, on the special occasion of hosting the first ever flower show “Flower Fest-2015”.

For more information about the book, please see the attached files, which will give you an idea of what the book looks like. Attachments (3)
The Publisher have agreed to provide the book without any postage charges to anyone in India on purchase of the book through efloraofindia, besides the applicable discount of 25% on each copy.

when I call them/ the publishers how would they know I’m calling to order thru efloraindia?
the form you have opens as a picture…. I cant print the form… etc. so what’s to do?
this book content seems like a good catalog of  what we see in flower shows … though some hardy souls do grow exotics that I did not see  in the contents… still it seems comprehensive
will come very handy as a starting point to start the search in earnest when stumped for us
and kids would learn something just by looking at the pictures…

Thanks … for going through the message which is quite unorganized.. first part sent after second, this all happened due to bouncing back of mails..
Thanks for your compliments!Now your question: for ordering through eflora- just write your requirement on the order form with full postal address, mail this to appsindia2012@gmail.com
After you get a reply, you can proceed with payments etc.

Appears to be very nice.
Thanks, Nidhan ji & Balkar ji for this wonderful publication.
Who is the third author ?

Thanks … Third Author is a Horticulturist from Punjab Agricultural University Ludhiana. attaching Authors info Back Page

its a photo
i cant print photo
for that matter i cant print anything this month  printer pooped out  sent for repairs
do you have a fillable pdf or the publisher’s  order form that can be filled out on the net itself may be on their website directly and sent in that’s the best way
otherwise I can call them
will they take order on phone and how would they know we are from efloraindia?

Mam no matter

You just send  DD/ Cheque and its details along with address on plain paper, send by post or courier to Publisher directly. Please inform us also on appsindia2012@2012. in case of online transfer no need to post anything, then send the details of transfer and address on both mails i.e. appsindia2012@gmail.com  and also to unique12361@yahoo.in.

Great . Congrats to all the authors………..

A Pictorial Guide to Common Garden Plants : 7 posts by 5 authors. Attachments (3)

Appears to be very nice.
Thanks, Nidhan ji & Balkar ji for this wonderful publication.
Who is the third author ?

Few more pages.. Attachments (3)

i ordered one already

lets see when it comes