Lepidagathis fasciculata (Retz.) Nees, Pl. Asiat. Rar. 3: 95 1832. (syn: Ruellia fasciculata Retz.); . lep-id-AG-ath-iss — from the Greek lepis (scale) and agathis (ball of thread) fas-sik-yoo-LAH-tuh — banded (or striped), bundled … Dave’s Botanary . commonly known as: striped lepidagathis . Native to: s China, India, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, n Thailand . Scandent herbs to 50 cm high; stem hirsute. Leaves opposite, 3-6 x 1.5-3 cm, elliptic, acute, serrate, pubescent, veins, 6-7 pairs; petiole ca. 0.7 cm. Inflorescence, axillary or terminal condensed spike; bract elliptic-ovate, ca. 0.8 x 0.4 cm, ciliate; bracteoles ovate-lanceolate, ca. 0.6 x 0.1 cm. Calyx lobes 5, outer lobes ovate-lanceolate, ca. 0.5 x 0.1 cm, hirsute and glandular hairy on the top; inner lobes linear, hirsute, ca. 0.4 cm long. Corolla white, tubes ca 0.5 cm, bilipped; upperlip ca. 0.3 cm, long, lower lip ca. 0.4 cm. Stamens 4, filaments ca. 0.2 cm, anthers ca. 0.3 cm long. Ovary globose, ovules 2 per locule, style ca. 0.5 cm. Capsule oblong, ca. 0.5 x 0.1 cm. Flowering and fruiting: November-May Deciduous forests India and Bangladesh (Attributions- Dr. N Sasidharan (Dr. B P Pal Fellow), Kerala Forest Research Institute, Peechi Acanthaceae Fortnight :: Lepidagathis fasciculata :: Chorla Ghat :: DVMAR74/85 : 1 post by 1 author. 4 images. Acanthaceae Fortnight :: Lepidagathis fasciculata ::Goa:: PKA-MAR43/43:: : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (1) I had seen this small herb at “Bondla WLS, Goa”. Bot. name: Lepidagathis fasciculata Family: Acanthaceae Acanthaceae Fortnight :: Dyschoriste vagans :: Castlerock :: DVMAR36/47 : 8 posts by 5 authors. 5 images. Looking through old posts of D. vagans I came across this one from Prashant The two plants look different. Can anyone please comment? Is there considerable variation in the plant according to location? According to descriptions in Floras, especially in Flora of Maharashtra by Dr Almeida, … plant seems to be the closer match. Yes … The posted plant does look like Lepidagathis fasciculata. Fwd: Id Please Acanthaceae Plant from Jalgaon Maharashtra : 6 posts by 1 author. Attachments (2)- 1 Mb each. I have little bit confuse regarding the species of this plants.. Sir Need the confirmation of this species. Is it Lepidagathis fasciculata (Acanthaceae) ? Phaulopsis imbricata (Acanthaceae) ? Please guide me in these regards. I do not think it matches with images at Lepidagathis fasciculata or Phaulopsis dorsiflora (Retzius) Santapau Pl. check with comparative images at Justicia I further checked up. I now have the feeling that it may be from some other family It looks like Lepidagathis fasciculata only I rechecked images at Lepidagathis fasciculata & now I agree with … Look like some lamiaceae member… Probably Thanks, … Finally identified as Lepidagathis fasciculata Acanthaceae week – Lepidagathis fasciculata for sharing from Nashik : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (4) This could be a Lepidagathis species. … this looks very similar to Phaulopsis imbricata seen at Coorg … Flickr … must add that while it looks similar to Phaulopsis imbricata, … plant is certainly different. Assuming the size of the flowers as 2 cm I guess this to be Dyschoriste vagans (Wight) O. Ktze. of Acanthaceae. Can anyone please share a picture of Lepidagathis fasciculata? I still think it is L. species. I am uploading a species of Lepidagathis from Morni hills separately i think this can be Lepidagathis fisculata The corolla should be distinctly bi-lipped to be species of Lepidagathis. Thanks for the good research, … Its getting interesting… The posted pictures look different from Dyschoriste vagans in this FoI link The ventricose corolla is clearly seen in the close-up shot. And the inflorescence also looks different. My guess is Lepidagathis scariosa, but it needs confirmation. So…..is the search still on?! —— …, a web search for Phaulopsis imbricata took me to your link which looks like a Lepidagathis species to me. Pl correct me if i am wrong. Many thanks … for validating the plant at my photostream. …, please look at other views of the plant (whenever); perhaps will help in thrashing ambiguity. Thank you … for the reply. Phaulopsis shows great variation from place to place. As you said “But, Phaulopsis imbricata has characteristic, closely overlapping bracts and white flowers.” I too think that the bracts here are different from that of Phaulopsis. Let us see whether … could collect information on bractioles. If that is clarified, I think, we can confirm. The plant in the above link could be Lepidagathis spinosa. Many many thanks … noted your comment at flickr too. This is Dyschoriste vagans, Acanthaceae A diagram of Dyschoriste vagans can be seen in this link: http://www.plantillustrations.org/illustration.php?id_illustration=130615 I think it maybe Lepidagathis fasciculata (Retz.) Nees as per images herein. Yes it’s … This herb is from Satpura Tiger Reserve Photographed on 2-3-09 I think this is Strobilanthes walkeri Family – Acanthaceae Experts please confirm the id Does not seem to match with the illustration: Could you identify it ? Something other than Strobilanthes sp. ?? Possibly Lepidagathis fasciculata (Retz.) Nees. Plant for Id: Please check for species of Lepidagathis of the family Acanthaceae. It has opposite leaves..attaching another picture… sorry pic is blurred Yes, …, you are right This particular form was published by Dalzell as Lepidagathis goensis but a true name for this taxon would be Lepidagathis fasciculata (Retz.) Nees . Need help with white Acanth?? ID – Pachmarhi: 2 images. Please check Lepidagathis fasciculata (Retz.) ??? Go with Lepidagathis fasciculata . Plant ID help SD143: Looks like Strobilanthes. Any flower close ups ? It is Lepidagathis fasciculata, as per images and details herein. . Names of Plants in India :: Lepidagathis fasciculata (Retz.) Nees: 1 image. lep-id-AG-ath-is — Greek: lepis (scale); agathis (clew = ball of thread, yarn, or twine) … Catalogue of the Plants fas-sik-yoo-LAH-tuh — banded (or striped), bundled … Dave’s Botanary commonly known as: striped lepidagathis • Bengali: ডোরা-ডোরা বাসক dora-dora basak • Hindi: पट्टी अड़ूसा patti arusa • Kannada: ಪಟ್ಟಿ ಅಡುಸೋಗೆ patti adusoge • Konkani: पट्टि अडुलसो patti adulso • Marathi: पट्टेरी अडुळसा patteri adulasa • Odia: ରସନା rasna • Telugu: చారల వాసక charala vasaka • Tulu: ಪಟ್ಟಿ ಆಡಲೋಡ್ patti aadalodu botanical names: Lepidagathis fasciculata (Retz.) Nees … homotypic synonyms: Ruellia fasciculata Retz. … POWO Bibliography / etymology Links listed as references in the notes below, may not remain valid permanently. Portals / websites have a tendency to re-organize / revise their content, leading to change in URLs of pages in their site. Some sites may even close down at their own will. ~~~~~ ENGLISH ~~~~~ striped lepidagathis
~~~~~ BENGALI ~~~~~ ডোরা-ডোরা বাসক dora-dora basak
~~~~~ HINDI ~~~~~ पट्टी अड़ूसा patti arusa
~~~~~ KANNADA ~~~~~ ಪಟ್ಟಿ ಅಡುಸೋಗೆ patti adusoge
~~~~~ KONKANI ~~~~~ पट्टि अडुलसो patti adulso
~~~~~ MARATHI ~~~~~ पट्टेरी अडुळसा patteri adulasa
~~~~~ ODIA ~~~~~ ରସନା rasna ~~~~~ TELUGU ~~~~~ చారల వాసక charala vasaka
~~~~~ TULU ~~~~~ ಪಟ್ಟಿ ಆಡಲೋಡ್ patti aadalodu
~~~~~ DISTRIBUTION in States and Union Territories of India ~~~~~ Andhra Pradesh, Bihar, Goa, Karnataka, *Kerala, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Odisha, *Tamil Nadu, West Bengal
* no given name / no name found, in the regional language(s) of the state ~~~~~ x ~~~~~ Names compiled / updated at https://dineshvalke.blogspot.com/2023/07/lepidagathis-fasciculata-retz-nees.html Kannada name and it’s English transliteration are correct.
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Lepidagathis fasciculata
Updated on December 23, 2024