Gardneria angustifolia

Himalaya to China (NW. Yunnan): Assam, Bangladesh, China South-Central, East Himalaya, Nepal, West Himalaya as per POWO;




Climbing shrub from Uttarakhand for ID. : 4 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (4)

Climber or shrubs, but tendril not seen, upto 3 m long.
Leaves opposite, 7-10 x 1-2 cm; base acute-atanuate, margin entire or few toothed, apex long acuminate. Flower solitary from leaf base; peduncle 1-3 cm.
Chamoli (Uttarakhand), ca. 1800 m.
Id requested.

This looks like Gardneria angustifolia (Loganiaceae). 

Please check Flora of China for characters and illustration of Gardneria angustifolia


SK1060 03 APR-2018 : 8 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (6)

Location: Shivapuri National Park, Nepal
Altitude: 8000 ft.
Date: 27 March 2018
Habit : Wild 

Some AsclepiadaceaeApocyanaceae?

Did not find any match !

May be from Primulaceae

It is a shrub/small tree. Did not find any match at Primulaceae !

Looks very close but not yet identified.

I think I have also collected the same plant and is unidentified till now. Please see the attached photo. Already I sent a request to … for its id.

Looks very close but not yet identified.

Gardneria angustifolia Wall. !

Thank you so much. Yes this is Gardneria angustifolia. Actually my colleague already identified this species one month ago.
I was busy with my college work. Due to this I forgot and as well as unable to post the name.

Thar is ok … Actually, it took me almost 3 years to get ID, finally with a help from a friend.



Plant ID : 22 posts by 5 authors. Attachments (1)- 4 mb.

I am attaching here a straggling shrub species from Neora Valley NP, West Bengal. The photographs taken in the month of December. Please help to identify this.

Ardisia species.

I could not find any match as per keys in Flora of Bhutan and as per comparative images at Ardisia

I do not see anything like in Bangladesh and I am sure it is not included in our Ardisia genus.

Doesn’t look like Ardisia sp.

Haven’t seen the plant. Can’t even decide the family…Acanthaceae or something else…

Assuming leaves are opposite, could it be any Salacia species?

Does not seems to match with the existing species in efi site as per comparative images at Salacia

It looks like a member of Rubiaceae

Then it would be something else, …, I will let you know if I find any match.

Can you consult with … for identification of this plant. Because I remember that he also posted the same plant for I’d.

I have no idea that I have posted such sp.

I tried with comparative images at Primulaceae, but did not succeed.
Can you post a habit image ? Maybe that helps us.

Could you zero in on any family ?


This is the only habit photo which I have.

Attachments (1)- 3 mb.

After through searching, I felt it may be Myrsine species like Myrsine semiserrata as per details and references herein. But pedicles look a bit longer.
In view, it may come out to be some Ardisia species only, as initially pointed out by Tapas ji.
Pl. check Ardisia shweliensisArdisia thyrsiflora and A. involucrata

No Sir. I am also trying till now. But I am unable.

Sir, I have doubts that it is Ardisia. The plant having opposite leaves. While none of the species of Ardisia have opposite leaves. Even the Myrsinaceae having itself alternate leaves.

Let’s check.

Any chance of Solanum ?

No. I think it might be Lonicera. I don’t know actually.

I do not think so as per comparative images at Lonicera

I think this is not Solanum sp.

Apocynaceae member

Gardneria angustifolia as per images and details herein, as suggested by … in another post at  SK1060 03 APR-2018





References:  GBIF Specimen 1Specimen 2

Forest Plants of Eastern India By Amal Bhusan Chaudhuri (1993- details) 
Updated on December 23, 2024

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