Perilla frutescens (L.) Britt. var. japonica;


Dalhousie id al291011-A:  Another Plant for Id

Location Dalhousie
Altitude 1400 mts

Habit herb
Habitat wild
Plant height 2 feet

Season Sept – Oct

Yes I think same photographed by us also on way to Chakrata, not identified yet.

I am not certain, but this could be a member of the genus Perilla in Lamiaceae.

Thanks dear … for a big lead

I think yes, Perilla ocymoides

Perilla frutescens Syn P ocimoides have description in Flora of Mussoorie

Interestingly Perilla frutescens (L.) Britton is accepted name as per with only one synonym Ocimum frutescence L.

Flora of Mussoorie describe this as Follows
Perilla frutescence (L) Britt in Mem. Torrey Bot. Club 5:277, 1894; Riazada 682; Kitamura and Murata in fauna Fl. Nep Him 215. 1955
Ocimum frutescence L. Sp Pl 2: 832. 1753 Excl Syn Rheede
Perilla ocimoides L. Gen Pl. (ed 6) 578, 1764; Mukerjee i.c. 85; Collet 390; Hk.f in FBI 4: 646, 1885
Vern Bhangjir, Bhangjiri
An erect aromatic annual herb, .3-1.2 mt high. Leaves petiolate, ovate, 5-15 cm long. coarsely serrate or crenate. flowers in whorls of 2 forming erect, axillary and terminal lax raceme. calyx bell shaped, 5- toothed, becoming much enlarged and 2 lipped in fruit. Corolla white, tube slightly exserted, limb spreading, 5 lobed
frequently cultivated near houses and often escape. Barlowganj, Bhilaru etc
F &f Sept-Oct
Riazada S.N.; Saxena 1370, 2287
Distribution: Himalaya 600-1800 mt Burma China Japan
Illustration: Curtis Bot Mag t 2395 ( under P ocimoides)
Uses Oil yilded by the seeds forms an ingrdient in Cookery.
I am also attaching my pics

Yes Perilla frutescens.

Yes …. I identified it from Flora Simlensis which has P. ocymoides

A reply from another thread
A few days back I had uploaded a plant for ID from near Dakpathar on Chakrata road. … had also uploaded plant for ID from Dalhousie. On suggestion from Alastaire we concluded both these to be belonging to Perilla frutescens (syn: P. ocimoides), but on checking my collections from Chakrata trip I discovered that perhaps my this plant from near Kalsi fits much better with Perilla frutescens. The two plants are quite distinct, and evidently different species. Your opinion on this. I am uploading both type of plants, one identified as P. frutescens (yesterday discussion on … plant) and another which I had initially identified as some species of Elsholtzia, but now think to be true Perilla frutescens. Perhaps you can help to resolve.

This plant may be Perilla frutescens var japonica (Lamiaceae)

Finally identified by … as Perilla frutescens (L.) Britt. var. japonica as per linked thread.

This is another plant which was also identified as Perilla frutescens on this forum but looks different in glabrous parts and absence on long hairs on the inflorescence, please help in resolving.

As far as photo is concerned, it is Perilla frutescens only as I collected this in Sikkim. 




Which is Perilla frutescens?:   few days back I had uploaded a plant for ID from near Dakpathar on Chakrata road. … had also uploaded plant for ID from Dalhousie. On suggestion from Alastaire we concluded both these to be belonging to Perilla frutescens (syn: P. ocimoides), but on checking my collections from Chakrata trip I discovered that perhaps my this plant from near Kalsi fits much better with Perilla frutescens. The two plants are quite distinct, and evidently different species. Your opinion on this. I am uploading both type of plants, one identified as P. frutescens (yesterday discussion on … plant) and another which I had initially identified as some species of Elsholtzia, but now think to be true Perilla frutescens. Perhaps you can help to resolve.

To me all your pics and those on the link looks like Perilla frutescens.

Thanks … Our Dakpathar plant had much broader lower leaves, it grew to more than 2 m and apex was suddenly contracted into a tail like inflorescence, which as you can see is with long white hairs on axis and flowers not really distichous, some what evently distributed.

Our near Kalsi plant is much shorter with shorter with short compact inflorescence with clearly distichous flowers, also the axis is not long hairy. This plant rather resembles illustration on eFlora of Pakistan more.
Let us see some more views

Finally identified by … as Perilla frutescens (L.) Britt. var. japonica Perilla frutescens var. frutescens respectively as per linked threads.


Perilla frutescens (L.) Britt. var. japonica
This plant is distinct green smooth leaved variety of Perilla popular in Japan under name Egoma and in Korea as Duel-ggeh. The stems and leaves are much more smooth not bumby as in typical frutescens, hairs much shorter and closely serrate. In addition to being food supplement, seeds are used for extraction of oil used in Shintoist Ceremonies. Seeds also used as spice. 
Photographed from near Kalsi in Uttarakhand.
Taxonomy of this plant is highly confusing. The combination var. japonica (Haussk.) H. Hara, 1948 was based on Cedronella japonica Hassk., 1856. Whereas this variety is not listed in the Plant List, latter is listed as unresolved name (a status only they can give), GRIN lists it as synonym of P. frutescens var. frutescens; MULTILINGUAL MULTISCRIPT PLANT NAME DATABASE as synonym of P. frutescens var. crispa (Thunb.) Hand., and GBIF as synonym of Agastache rugosa (Fisch. & C A Mey) Kuntze. In light of such controversial treatment, it would be better to recognise it as var. japonica to preserve its identity.

Perilla frutescens (L.) Britton in Mem. Torrey Bot. Club. 5: 277. 1894
Syn: Perilla ocimoides L.
This plant I think is the typical Perilla frutescens.
Kindly validate. Photographed from Dakpathar.

I am not very whether this plant is Elscholtzia ciliata, Perilla frutiscence, or some other species, photographed from near Jim Corbett falls. Please help in ID.

After responding the previous mail, I have seen this mail. I suspect it might be Mosla dianthera, very closely allied to Perilla

Leaves large (more than 5 x 3 cm), broadly ovate to suborbicular; corolla with a ring of hairs at throat; all 4 stamens fertile Perilla
Leaves small (less than 5 x 2 cm), ovate, rarely elliptic; corolla glabrous inside; only 2 stamens fertile, anterior pair reduced to staminodes Mosla
Only based on stamens the genera can be distinguished.



I have cropped three flowers from original image 9312, to give you a better idea about the flower and stamens to make opinion. Attachments (3)

Thanks, but from the flowers especially of the second one shows all are fertile stamens. So I doubt it is Mosla as suspected. I go for Perilla only as leaves also bigger in size. Ofcourse not Elsholtzia as in that bracts are very prominent.

Thanks, … Is there any other species of Perilla other than Perilla frutescens in Uttarakahand ?

I could only find one species of Perilla in FOP, FON & FOC i.e. Perilla frutescens (Linnaeus) Britton

Perilla frutescens (L.) Britt. var. japonica as per another thread: Perilla again: Perilla frutescens var. japonica from near Kalsi, Uttarakhand-GSMAY2016/06 


SK148OCT17-2016:ID : 4 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (15)

Sharing some pictures for ID shot at Pashupati Forest Kathmandu Nepal on 16 October 2016 at 4400 ft.

May be Perilla frutescens.

Thank you for the ID. Perilla frutescens (L.) Britton (accepted name)

Nepli name: Silaam सिलाम 
