Peplidium maritimum (L. fil.) Wettst., Beitr. Fl. Aethiop. 275 1867. (syn: Eplidium humifusum (Del.) Raf.; Hedyotis maritima L.fil.; Peplidium humifusum Del.);
Egypt (Nile Delta), Iraq (SE-Iraq: Mesopotamia), Sinai peninsula (N-Sinai),
Australia (Western Australia, Northern Territory, Queensland, New South Wales),
S-India, Sri Lanka, Pakistan,
as per Catalogue of Life;



Submission of Peplidium maritimum : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (2)

Plant name: Peplidium maritimum (L.f.) Asch., Beitr. Fl. Aethiop. 275. 1867.
Family: Phrymaceae
Annual prostrate glabrous herbs, rooting at nodes. Leaves opposite; lamina obovate to spatulate, o.6-1.5 x 0.5-0.8 cm, entire, fleshy. Flowers pale pink, 2-3 mm across, solitary axillary, sub-sessile. Calyx tubular, 5 ribbed, lobes 5, persistent. Corolla tube short, lobes subequal. Stamens 2, included. Ovary oblong, many ovuled; style short; stigma large, flat, recurved over stamens. Capsule ovoid, 3mm across, bursting irregularly. Seeds minute, many. 
Habitat & location: Rare. Found in margins of ponds in coastal areas. Photographed at Vedurupattu.

Thanks, …, for a new addition to efi.



Plants of Saline soil of Gujarat, Plz id it: please help to identify this plants
prostate herb with fleshy leaves,
highly saline clay soil

Most probably a Portulaca sp., flowers should have helped.

It superficially appears close to Portulaca oleracea L., but I feel it is something else. 

Peplidium maritimum

Yes, matches with images at Peplidium maritimum

Seems to be Polycarpea spicata grows on coastal tract of Saurashtra and kutch.

Thanks, … Polycarpaea spicata is different as per details herein.
It has been identified as Peplidium maritimum as per images and details herein.

Thanks for correction. Agreed. Typical inferior ovary is seen.