Portulaca oleracea L., Sp. Pl. 445 1753 (Syn: Portulaca aurea hort. ex DC.; Portulaca consanguinea Schltdl.; Portulaca dichotoma Gueldenst.; Portulaca fosbergii Poelln.; Portulaca fosbergii var. major Poelln.; Portulaca hortensis Rupr. [Illegitimate]; Portulaca intermedia Link ex Schltdl.; Portulaca laevis Buch.-Ham.; Portulaca latifolia Hornem.; Portulaca marginata Kunth; Portulaca maritima S.G.Gmel.; Portulaca neglecta Mack. & Bush; Portulaca officinarum Crantz; Portulaca oleracea var. alata Peter; Portulaca oleracea var. apiculata Goffinet; Portulaca oleracea var. delicatula F.R.Fosberg; Portulaca oleracea var. emarginata Goffinet; Portulaca oleracea var. erecta Dyer; Portulaca oleracea var. gracilescens Domin; Portulaca oleracea var. linearifolia V.V.Sivarajan & K.S.Manilal; Portulaca oleracea var. macrantha Eggers; Portulaca oleracea var. micrantha Eggers; Portulaca oleracea var. opposita Poelln.; Portulaca oleracea var. parviflora Griseb.; Portulaca oleracea subsp. stellata Danin & H.G.Baker; Portulaca oleracea subsp. sylvestris (DC.) Celak.; Portulaca oleracea var. sylvestris DC.; Portulaca olitoria Pall.; Portulaca opposita (Poelln.) Poelln.; Portulaca papillosa Sennen; Portulaca parviflora Griseb.; Portulaca parvifolia Haw.; Portulaca pilosa f. marginata (Kunth) Hassler; Portulaca repens Noronha; Portulaca retusa Engelm.; Portulaca rostellata Brign.; Portulaca Portulaca stellata (Danin & H.G.Baker) C.Ricceri & P.V.Arrigoni; Portulaca stellata (Danin & H.G.Baker) Danin; Portulaca suffruticosa Thwaites [Illegitimate]; Portulaca sylvestris (Garsault) Montand.; Portulaca terrae-reginae Poelln.; Portulaca trianthemoides Bremek.; Portulaca viridis hort. ex DC.); . Albania, Austria, Belgium, Baleares, England, Bulgaria, Corsica, Czech Republic, Slovakia, France, Germany, Switzerland, Netherlands, Spain, Hungary, Italy, Macedonia, Serbia & Kosovo, Bosnia & Hercegovina, Montenegro, Slovenia, Croatia, Portugal, Andorra, Gibraltar, Malta, Poland, Romania, Sardinia, Sicily, Algeria, Morocco, Azores (Santa Maria Isl., Sao Miguel Isl., Terceira, Graciosa, Sao Jorge, Pico, Faial, Flores Isl., Corvo Isl.), Madeira (Madeira Isl., Porto Santo Isl.), Canary Isl. (Lanzarote, Fuerteventura, Gran Canaria, Tenerife, La Gomera, Hierro, La Palma Isl.), Cape Verde Isl. (Santo Antao Isl., Sao Vicente Isl., Santa Luzia Isl., Ilha de Sao Nicolau, Sal Isl., Ilha da Boa Vista, Ilha de Maio, Ilha de Sao Tiago, Fogo Isl., Ilha Brava), S-Saharan Mts., Mauritania, Mali, Niger, Chad, Guinea-Bissau, Guinea, Annobon Isl., Bioko Isl. (Fernando Poo), Sao Tome, Sudan, South Sudan, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Senegal, Burkina Faso, Sierra Leone, Liberia, Ivory Coast, Ghana, ?Togo, Benin, Nigeria, Central African Republic, D.R.Congo (Zaire), Uganda, Somalia, Kenya, Tanzania, Rwanda, Burundi, Congo (Brazzaville), Angola, Malawi, Mozambique, Zimbabwe, Zambia, South Africa (Limpopo, North-West Prov., Gauteng, Mpulamanga, Free State, KwaZulu-Natal, N-Cape Prov., W-Cape Prov., E-Cape Prov.), Lesotho, Swaziland, Namibia, Botswana, St. Helena, Chagos Arch. (Diego Garcia), Mauritius, La Runion, Rodrigues, Seychelles (Aldabra), Socotra, Comores (Mayotte, etc.), Turkey (NE-Anatolia, NW-Anatolia: Bithynia, SSW-Anatolia, W-Anatolia, WN-Anatolia), Cyprus (C-Mountains, N-Cyprus), Greece (incl. Kiklades), Crete, East Aegaean Isl., Rhodos, Egypt (Desert Oases, Great Southwestern Desert, Nile Delta, Nile Valley, NW-coastal Egypt), European Turkey, Iran (EC-Iran, N-Iran, Iranian Aserbaijan, S-Iran, W-Iran), Iraq (NE-Iraq, NW-Iraq, SE-Iraq: Mesopotamia), Israel (coastal W-Israel, Rift Valley, Negev Desert, N-Israel), Jordania (S-Jordania, W-Jordania), Kuwait, Lebanon (C-Lebanon, coastal W-Lebanon), Oman (Mascat & Oman), Saudi Arabia (C-Saudi Arabia, NE-Saudi Arabia, N-Saudi Arabia, Hejaz, Asir), Sinai peninsula (N-Sinai, S-Sinai), Syria (coastal W-Syria, C-Syrian Desert, Jazira, W-Syrian Mountains), Yemen (Aden Desert, N-Inner Yemen, SW-Yemen, Tihama, W-Yemen), United Arab Emirates, Qatar, Bahrain, Afghanistan (Balkh, Kabul, Kandahar, Kunar / Nuristan, Laghman), Pakistan (Sind, Baluchistan, Pakistani Punjab, Hazara), Pakistani Kashmir (Gilgit, Hunza), Jammu & Kashmir (Kashmir, etc.), Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, C- & E-European Russia, Belarus, Ukraine, Crimea, Northern Caucasus, Armenia, Georgia [Caucasus], Azerbaijan, Russian Far East, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Japan (Hokkaido, Honshu, Shikoku, Kyushu), Ryukyu Isl., Mongolia, Taiwan, China (widespread), North Korea, South Korea, peninsular Malaysia (widespread), Singapore, Laos, Cambodia, Vietnam, Sumatra, Borneo, Java, Sulawesi, Philippines, India, Bangladesh, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Bhutan, Sikkim, Myanmar [Burma], Malesia (widespread), Moluccas, Lesser Sunda Isl., New Guinea, Solomons, Thailand, Andamans (North Andamans, Middle Andamans, South Andamans, Little Andaman Isl.), Nicobars (Car Nicobar Isl., North Nicobars, Central Nicobars, Great Nicobar Isl., Little Nicobar Isl.), Lakshadweep Isl. (Laccadives), Maldives, Australia (Northern Territory, South Australia, Queensland, New South Wales, Victoria, Tasmania, Ashmoore Reef, Christmas Isl. (Austr.), Cocos (Keeling) Isl., North Keeling Isl.), American Samoa (Manua Isl., Tutuila, Olosega, Ta’u), Cook Isl. (Rarotonga), Marquesas Isl., Niue, N-Line Isl. (Palmyra Atoll, Washington Isl., Fanning Isl., Christmas Isl. – Kiritimati), Phoenix Isl. (Canton, Enderbury, Sydney, Hull, Gardner), Society Isl. (Tahiti, Moorea, Raiatea, Maupiti, Tupai), Tokelau (Swains Isl.), Tonga (Late Isl., Tongatapu, ‘Eua, Vava’u), Tuamotu Arch. (Makatea Isl.), Western Samoa (Aleipata Islands, Savaii), New Zealand, New Caledonia, Fiji, Lord Howe Isl., Norfolk Isl., Bonin Isl. (Keetaajima, Chichijima, Hahajima, Imohtojima), Volcano Isl. (Kita-Iwojima, Iwojima), Austral Isl. (Rurutu, Raivavae, Tubuai), Hawaii (Midway Isl., Pearl and Hermes Reef, Lanai, French Frigate Shoals, Nihoa, Niihau, Kauai, Oahu, Molokai, Lanai, Maui, Hawaii Isl.), Gilbert Isl. (Butaritari, Tarawa, Marakei, Nonouti, Onotoa), Marcus Isl., Marshall Isl. (Eniwetok, Bikini, Rongelap, Taka, Ujae, Kwajalein, Majuro, Arno, Jaluit), Micronesia (Yap, Ulithi, Ifaluk, Namonuito, Kapingamarangi, Pohnpei, Mokil), Northern Marianas (Agrihan, Pagan, Alamagan, Sarigan, Anatahan), Palau Isl. (Angaur, Tobi), Southern Marianas (Saipan, Tinian, Aguijan, Rota, Guam), Wake Isl., Canada (Alberta, British Columbia, Manitoba, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Ontario, Prince Edward Island, Quebec, Saskatchewan), USA (Alabama, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, D.C., Florida, Georgia, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Vermont, Virginia, Washington, West Virginia, Wisconsin, Wyoming), Guyana, Surinam, French Guiana, Argentina (Buenos Aires, Catamarca, Chaco, Chubut, Cordoba, Corrientes, Entre Rios, Formosa, Jujuy, La Pampa, La Rioja, Mendoza, Misiones, Neuquen, Rio Negro, Salta, Santiago del Estero, Santa Fe, San Juan, San Luis, Tucuman), Brazil (Parana, Rio Grande do Sul, Santa Catarina), Chile (Tarapaca, Atacama, Valparaiso, O’Higgins, Maule, Araucania, Los Lagos, Desventuradas Isl., Juan Fdz. Isl., Reg. Metropolitana), Paraguay (Alto Paraguay, Pres. Hayes), Uruguay (Cerro Largo, Montevideo, Soriano), Venezuela (Amazonas, Anzoategui, Apure, Aragua, Barinas, Bolivar, Carabobo, Cojedes, Delta Amacuro, Dependencias Federales, Distrito Federal, Falcon, Guarico, Lara, Merida, Miranda, Monagas, Nueva Esparta, Sucre, Tachira, Trujillo, Zulia), N-Brazil (Roraima, Amapa, Para, Amazonas, Tocantins, Acre, Rondonia), NE-Brazil (Maranhao, Piaui, Ceara, Rio Grande do Norte, Paraiba, Pernambuco, Bahia, Alagoas, Sergipe), WC-Brazil (Mato Grosso, Goias, Distrito Federal, Mato Grosso do Sul), SE-Brazil (Minas Gerais, Espirito Santo, Sao Paulo, Rio de Janeiro), Belize, Bolivia (Beni, Chuquisaca, Cochabamba, La Paz, Oruro, Pando, Potos, Santa Cruz, Tarija), Galapagos Isl., Ecuador, Bahamas, Turks & Caicos Isl., Cayman Isl., Cuba, Hispaniola, Puerto Rico, Virgin Isl. (Anegada, Jost van Dyke, Guana, St. Croix, St. John, St. Thomas, Tortola, Virgin Gorda), Lesser Antilles (Anguilla, Antigua, Barbados, Dominica, Grenada, Grenadines, Martinique, Montserrat, Saba, St. Barthelemy, St. Lucia, St. Martin, St. Vincent), Aruba, Bonaire, Curacao, Isla Margarita, Tobago, Trinidad, Revillagigedos Isl. (Isla Socorro), Mexico (Aguascalientes, Baja California Norte, Baja California Sur, Campeche, Chiapas, Chihuahua, Coahuila, Colima, Ciudad de Mexico, Durango, Guanajuato, Guerrero, Hidalgo, Jalisco, Mexico State, Michoacan, Morelos, Nayarit, Nuevo Leon, Oaxaca, Puebla, Queretaro, Quintana Roo, San Luis Potosi, Sinaloa, Sonora, Tabasco, Tamaulipas, Tlaxcala, Veracruz, Yucatan, Zacatecas), Honduras, El Salvador, Guatemala, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Panama, Peru, Colombia (Amazonas, Antioquia, Bolvar, Caquet, Casanare, Choc, Crdoba, Cundinamarca, Guaina, Guaviare, La Guajira, Magdalena, Meta, Nario, Putumayo, San Andrs, Providencia y Santa Catalina, Tolima, Valle), Clipperton Isl., Ascension Isl. as per Catalogue of life; . por-tew-LAK-uh — carries milk … Dave’s Botanary awl-lur-RAY-see-uh — edible vegetable … Dave’s Botanary . commonly known as: common purslane • Adi: dongal oying, gubor oying • Apatani: lai hamang, pathavi • Assamese: মালভোগ খুতুৰা শাক malbhog khutur shaak • Bengali: বড় লনিয়া bara laniya, সি কলস ghee kalam, নুনিয়া nunia • Bhojpuri: नोनीया साग noneeya saag • Bodo: hangsogarmai • Dogri: कुल्फा kulfa, लूनक loonak • Garo: gagakjapha • Gujarati: મોટી લુણી moti luni • Hindi: घोल ghol, कांडली kandli, लोणा lona, लोनिया loniya, नूनिया nuniya • Kachchhi: કુનબો kunbo, લાખા લુણી lakha luni, વડી લુણી vadi luni • Kannada: ದೊಡ್ಡ ಗೋಣಿ ಸೊಪ್ಪು dodda goni soppu, ಕಿರುಗೋಣಿ kirugoni • Kashmiri: नुनर् nunar • Konkani: गोळ gol • Malayalam: കൊഴുപ്പ kozhuppa, മണൽചീര manalcheera, ഉപ്പുചീര uppucheera • Manipuri: ꯂꯩꯕꯥꯛ ꯀꯨꯟꯗꯣ leibak kundo • Marathi: घोळ ghol • Mizo: an-thau, hlo-thau • Nepali: गड्यॉउला झार gadyaulaa jhaar, कुल्फा साग kulfaa saag, नोना nonaa, नून ढिकी noon dhikee, पाइते झार paaite jhaar • Nyishi: osit oyik, pali echi, tadar-oo • Odia: ଲୋଣୀ loni • Persian: خرفه khurfa • Punjabi: ਧਮਣੀ dhamni, ਕੁਲਫਾ kulfa, ਲੂਨਕ lunak • Rajasthani: लूणखा lunkha, लूंणक्यो lunkio • Sanskrit: घोटिका ghotica, लोणिका lonika • Santali: ᱢᱚᱴᱟ ᱩᱨᱤᱪ ᱟᱞᱟᱝ mota uric alan • Tagin: tadar-oo • Tamil: கோழிக்கீரை koli-k-kirai, பருப்புக்கீரை paruppu-k-kirai • Telugu: బొడ్డు పావిలికూర boddu pavilikura, గంగాబాయిలికూర gangabaili kura, పప్పుకూర pappukura, పెద్ద పావిలికూర pedda pavilikura • Tulu: ಗೋಳಿಪದ್ಪೆ golipadpe • Urdu: گهول ghol, کانڐلي kandli, لونا lona, لونيا loniya, نونيا nuniya Names compiled / updated at https://dineshvalke.blogspot.com/2024/05/portulaca-oleracea-l.html . Used as pot-herb, consumed as salad and employed in salads. Flesh stems are often pickled; This is the food plant of the caterpillars of Danaid eggfly butterflies.; Plant is edible. Used as vegetable in India. It has medicinal properties too; . Succulent herb. Leaves alternate, opposite, subopposite or whorled, ovate. Mostly appear clustered. Flowers yellow terminal solitary.petals-5. Size around 6mm. Flowers open early on sunny mornings and remain open hardly for sometime. . Reddish smooth mostly prostrate stems. Leaves appear to be clustered at ends. Flowers yellow with 5 petals 3mm across. Unopened green pods and opened seed pods seen with black seeds . Portulaca oleracea: Yes … A very delicate vegetable, often cultivated also Yes Sir, I think cultivated varities have little large flowers … nice photos of the flowers and plant. This is the food plant of the caterpillars of Danaid eggfly butterflies. There are cultivated varieties (Portulaca grandiflora) with showy flowers in various colors also known as “Office Time”. yes comes up in potting soil.. on its own.. at bases of potted plants… yes and a weed… comes up in soils of pots brought in from the outside…
Nice… common plant but nicely presented… efloraofindia:”For Id 14112011MR1’’ ?Portulaca oleracea Pune: Help requested to Id this succulent growing wild in a slightly moist area at Pune ?Portulaca oleracea Nov 2011 Reddish smooth mostly prostrate stems. Leaves appear to be clustered at ends. Flowers yellow with 5 petals 3mm across. Unopened green pods and opened seed pods seen with black seeds I think Portulaca oleracea Sorry for not good quality of photographs Kindly identify this herb with green leaves and yellow flower at Pune No fruits seen Can it be Portulaca oleracea ? Yes I think so Is there any possibility of this being Portulaca hybrid ‘Yubi Yellow? I have only seen Portulaca ‘Yubi Yellow” once. As far as I remember the flower were much bigger than that it seems from your photos even the leaves were slightly bigger in size too. Herb ID request – RK45 – 2-Nov-2012: Portulaca oleracea Yes Portulaca oleracea
27062013 ASP 68 : Attachments (1). 3 posts by 3 authors. I think there are 2 herbs. The one with yellow buds looks like Portulaca oleracea FOI the one with the pink flower looks like Trianthema portulacastrum FOI Yes it does appear to be Portulaca oleracea Portulaca oleracea L from Kamrup district(Metro), Assam : Attachments (9). 1 post by 1 author. Attached images are Portulaca oleracea L collected from Kamrup district(Metro), Assam. The plant is known as Hanhthengia in Assamese (means like Duck leg) since shape of leaf of this sp. is like Duck leg. It is also known as Malbhog Sak in Assamese. Date :23.07.2013 Location: Kamrup district(Metro) Family : Portulacaceae Genus & species : Portulaca oleracea L Habitat: Grows wild on side of the drain. Habit :Herb Flower : Yellow
BRS 489 27072013 : Attachments (1). 3 posts by 3 authors. Pl. find the attached file contain photo for id. confirmation. Location: Adyar, chennai Date: 21.07.2013 Habitat: garden Habit: Herb Check for Portulaca oleracea. Portulaca oleracea . succulent weed for ID – Hyderabad – 09032014-NAW1 : 7 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (5). Portulaca species. So it is not a weed afterall! Thank you for the identification. Thanks all. What i mean by calling it a weed is that i didnt actually plant it – it has come up on its own. I will endeavor to collect its seeds so that i can grow it by intention. Along with this enquiry i had also uploaded another set of pictures of a similar plant which has been identified as Trianthema portulacastrum – are there any benefits in intentionally growing this plant? Portulaca oleracea Portulaca oleracea……it is used as leafy vegetable by tribal people Actually it is a main ingredient in a famous mutton dish of Hyderabad called ‘Kulfa Gosht’, kulfa being the local name for the vegetable/ plant.
Please help me to identify this flower. Location – Badalapur Date: March, 14 habitat : Wild It could be a Portulaca Portulaca oleracea L.SN April 24 : Attachments (2). 1 post by 1 author. Portulaca oleracea L..; Fam: Portulacaceae, common weed, succulent, leaves edible as green. efloraofindia: For ID 271112SP32 : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (1). Please help me to identify these tiny yellow flowers, grown as weeds in a private garden in dombivli. Portulaca oleracea.. Names of Plants in India :: Portulaca oleracea L. : 2 posts by 2 authors. 1 image. via Species > P > Portulaca oleracea L. … family: Portulacaceae
por-tew-LAK-uh — carries milk … Dave’s Botanary commonly known as: common purslane • Adi: dongal oying, gubor oying • Apatani: lai hamang, pathavi • Assamese: মালভোগ খুতুৰা শাক malbhog khutur shaak • Bengali: বড় লনিয়া bara laniya, সি কলস ghee kalam, নুনিয়া nunia • Bhojpuri: नोनीया साग noneeya saag • Bodo: hangsogarmai • Dogri: कुल्फा kulfa, लूनक loonak • Garo: gagakjapha • Gujarati: મોટી લુણી moti luni • Hindi: घोल ghol, कांडली kandli, लोणा lona, लोनिया loniya, नूनिया nuniya • Kachchhi: કુનબો kunbo, લાખા લુણી lakha luni, વડી લુણી vadi luni • Kannada: ದೊಡ್ಡ ಗೋಣಿ ಸೊಪ್ಪು dodda goni soppu, ಕಿರುಗೋಣಿ kirugoni • Kashmiri: कुन kuna, नुनर् nunar • Konkani: गोळ gol • Malayalam: കൊഴുപ്പ kozhuppa, മണൽചീര manalcheera, ഉപ്പുചീര uupucheera • Manipuri: ꯂꯩꯕꯥꯛ ꯀꯨꯟꯗꯣ leibak kundo • Marathi: घोळ ghol • Mizo: an-thau, hlo-thau • Nepali: गड्यॉउला झार gadyaulaa jhaar, कुल्फा साग kulfaa saag, नोना nonaa, नून ढिकी noon dhikee, पाइते झार paaite jhaar • Nyishi: osit oyik, pali echi, tadar-oo • Odia: ଲୋଣୀ loni • Persian: خرفه khurfa • Punjabi: ਧਮਣੀ dhamni, ਕੁਲਫਾ kulfa, ਲੂਨਕ lunak • Rajasthani: लूणखा lunkha, लूंणक्यो lunkio • Sanskrit: घोटिका ghotica, लोणिका lonika • Santali: ᱢᱚᱴᱟ ᱩᱨᱤᱪ ᱟᱞᱟᱝ mota uric alan • Tagin: tadar-oo • Tamil: கோழிக்கீரை koli-k-kirai, பருப்புக்கீரை paruppu-k-kirai • Telugu: బొడ్డు పావిలికూర boddu pavilikura, గంగాబాయిలికూర gangabaili kura, పప్పుకూర pappukura, పెద్ద పావిలికూర pedda pavilikura • Tulu: ಗೋಳಿಪದ್ಪೆ golipadpe • Urdu: گهول ghol, کانڐلي kandli, لونا lona, لونيا loniya, نونيا nuniya botanical names: Portulaca oleracea L. … synonyms: listed at POWO, retrieved 29 April 2024 Bibliography / etymology Links listed as references in the notes below, may not remain valid permanently. Portals / websites have a tendency to re-organize / revise their content, leading to change in URLs of pages in their site. Some sites may even close down at their own will. ~~~~~ ENGLISH ~~~~~ written and spoken widely, in most parts of India common purslane ~~~~~ ADI ~~~~~ written in: Latin … spoken in: Arunachal Pradesh dongal oying, gubor oying
~~~~~ APATANI ~~~~~ written in: Roman … spoken in: Arunachal Pradesh … other names for this language: Apa Tani, Tanw lai hamang, pathavi
~~~~~ ASSAMESE ~~~~~ written in: Assamese (অসমীয়া) … spoken in: Assam, Arunachal Pradesh, Meghalaya মালভোগ খুতুৰা শাক malbhog khutur shaak
~~~~~ BENGALI ~~~~~ written in: Bengali (বাংলা) … spoken in: West Bengal, Assam, Jharkhand, Tripura, Andaman & Nicobar Islands বড় লনিয়া bara laniya
সি কলস ghee kalam
নুনিয়া nunia
~~~~~ BHOJPURI ~~~~~ written in: Devanagari (भोजपुरी) … spoken in: eastern Uttar Pradesh, western Bihar and northwestern Jharkhand नोनीया साग noneeya saag
~~~~~ BODO ~~~~~ written in: Devanagari or Latin … spoken in: Assam … other names for this language: Boro hangsogarmai
~~~~~ DOGRI ~~~~~ written in: Devanagari (डोगरी) … spoken in: Jammu & Kashmir … spoken by the Dogras कुल्फा kulfa, लूनक loonak
~~~~~ GARO ~~~~~ written in: Roman, Bengali-Assamese, A-Chik Tok’birim … spoken in: Meghalaya, Assam gagakjapha
~~~~~ GUJARATI ~~~~~ written in: Gujarati (ગુજરાતી) … spoken in: Gujarat, Dadra & Nagar Haveli, Daman & Diu મોટી લુણી moti luni
~~~~~ HINDI ~~~~~ written in: Devanagari (हिन्दी) … spoken in: Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan घोल ghol, कांडली kandli, लोणा lona, लोनिया loniya, नूनिया nuniya (or नोनिया noniya)
~~~~~ KACHCHHI ~~~~~ written in: Gujarati (કચ્છી), Sindhi (ڪڇّي) … spoken in: Kutch region of Gujarat કુનબો kunbo, લાખા લુણી lakha luni, વડી લુણી vadi luni
~~~~~ KANNADA ~~~~~ written in: Kannada (ಕನ್ನಡ) … spoken in: Karnataka ದೊಡ್ಡ ಗೋಣಿ ಸೊಪ್ಪು dodda goni soppu
ಕಿರುಗೋಣಿ kirugoni
~~~~~ KASHMIRI ~~~~~ written in: Koshur (Perso-Arabic كٲشُر), Devanagari (कश्मीरी), … spoken in: Kashmir … other names for this language: Koshur कुन kuna
नुनर् nunar
~~~~~ KONKANI ~~~~~ written in: Devanagari (कोंकणी), Kannada (ಕೊಂಕಣಿ), Malayalam (കൊങ്കണി), Perso-Arabic (کونکنی), Romi (Konknni) … spoken in: Goa, Karnataka, Maharashtra, Kerala, Gujarat गोळ gol (गोळची भाजी golchi bhaji)
~~~~~ MALAYALAM ~~~~~ written in: Malayalam (മലയാളം) … spoken in: Kerala, Lakshadweep കൊഴുപ്പ kozhuppa
മണൽചീര manalcheera
ഉപ്പുചീര uupucheera
~~~~~ MANIPURI ~~~~~ written in: Meiteilon (ꯃꯩꯇꯩꯂꯣꯟ) … spoken in: Manipur … other names for this language: Meetei ꯂꯩꯕꯥꯛ ꯀꯨꯟꯗꯣ leibak kundo
~~~~~ MARATHI ~~~~~ written in: Devanagari (मराठी) … spoken in: Maharashtra, Karnataka घोळ ghol
~~~~~ MIZO ~~~~~ written in: Latin, Bengali-Assamese … spoken in: Mizoram … other names for this language: Lushai, Duhlian an-thau
~~~~~ NEPALI ~~~~~ written in: Devanagari (नेपाली) … spoken in: Nepal, West Bengal, Assam, Sikkim गड्यॉउला झार gadyaulaa jhaar, कुल्फा साग kulfaa saag, नोना nonaa, नून ढिकी noon dhikee, पाइते झार paaite jhaar
~~~~~ NYISHI ~~~~~ written in: Latin … spoken in: Arunachal Pradesh, Assam … other names for this language: Nishi, Nisi, Nishang, Nissi, Nyising, Leil, Aya, Akang, Bangni-Bangru, Solung osit oyik, pali echi, tadar-oo
~~~~~ ODIA ~~~~~ written in: Odia (ଓଡ଼ିଆ) … spoken in: Odisha, Andaman & Nicobar Islands ଲୋଣୀ loni
~~~~~ PERSIAN ~~~~~ written in: Farsi (فارسی) … almost a defunct language; spoken in: West Bengal, Jharkhand, Maharashtra, Bihar خرفه khurfa
~~~~~ PUNJABI ~~~~~ written in: Gurmukhi (ਪੰਜਾਬੀ) … spoken in: Punjab ਧਮਣੀ dhamni, ਕੁਲਫਾ kulfa, ਲੂਨਕ lunak
~~~~~ RAJASTHANI ~~~~~ written in: Devanagari (राजस्थानी) … spoken in: Rajasthan लूणखा lunkha
लूंणक्यो lunkio
~~~~~ SANSKRIT ~~~~~ written in: Devanagari (संस्कृतम्) … used all over India by priests and scholars घोटिका ghotica, लोणिका lonika
~~~~~ SANTALI ~~~~~ written in: Ol Chiki (ᱥᱟᱱᱛᱟᱲᱤ), Bengali (সাঁওতালী), Odia (ସାନ୍ତାଳୀ), Devanagari (सान्ताली), Roman … spoken in: Jharkhand, West Bengal, Odisha ᱢᱚᱴᱟ ᱩᱨᱤᱪ ᱟᱞᱟᱝ mota uric alan
~~~~~ TAGIN ~~~~~ written in: Roman … spoken in: Arunachal Pradesh … other names for this language: West Dafla, Bangni … spoken by: Tagin people or Ghasi Miri people tadar-oo
~~~~~ TAMIL ~~~~~ written in: Tamil (தமிழ்) … spoken in: Tamil Nadu, Puducherry, Andaman & Nicobar Islands கோழிக்கீரை koli-k-kirai, பருப்புக்கீரை paruppu-k-kirai
~~~~~ TELUGU ~~~~~ written in: Telugu ( తెలుగు) … spoken in: Andhra Pradesh, Telangana, Puducherry బొడ్డు పావిలికూర boddu pavilikura, గంగాబాయిలికూర gangabaili kura, పప్పుకూర pappukura, పెద్ద పావిలికూర pedda pavilikura
~~~~~ TULU ~~~~~ written in: Tigalari (Tulu) was used for writing Vedic texts in Sanskrit, Kannada (ತುಳು), Malayalam (തുളു) … spoken in: Karnataka, north Kerala ಗೋಳಿಪದ್ಪೆ golipadpe
~~~~~ URDU ~~~~~ written in: Urdu (اردو) … spoken in: Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Maharashtra, Andhra Pradesh, Telangana, Karnataka گهول ghol, کانڐلي kandli, لونا lona, لونيا loniya, نونيا nuniya
~~~~~ DISTRIBUTION in INDIA ~~~~~ almost throughout
~~~~~ Last updated: 03-05-2024 ~~~~~ Names compiled / updated at https://dineshvalke.blogspot.com/2024/05/portulaca-oleracea-l.html As far as I know current Kashmiri name is “Nunnar.” Would request … opinion on the same Do you mean to say among the two Kasmiri names listed: कुन kuna & नुनर् nunar … the name कुन kuna is no longer used OR is now considered obsolete ? I found कुन kuna in George Abraham Grierson’s “A dictionary of the Kashmiri language“ All the names are correct except one uppucheera. I will correct the English typo uupucheera to uppucheera. Typo in the English spelling of Malayalam name corrected … commonly known as: common purslane • Adi: dongal oying, gubor oying • Apatani: lai hamang, pathavi • Assamese: মালভোগ খুতুৰা শাক malbhog khutur shaak • Bengali: বড় লনিয়া bara laniya, সি কলস ghee kalam, নুনিয়া nunia • Bhojpuri: नोनीया साग noneeya saag • Bodo: hangsogarmai • Dogri: कुल्फा kulfa, लूनक loonak • Garo: gagakjapha • Gujarati: મોટી લુણી moti luni • Hindi: घोल ghol, कांडली kandli, लोणा lona, लोनिया loniya, नूनिया nuniya • Kachchhi: કુનબો kunbo, લાખા લુણી lakha luni, વડી લુણી vadi luni • Kannada: ದೊಡ್ಡ ಗೋಣಿ ಸೊಪ್ಪು dodda goni soppu, ಕಿರುಗೋಣಿ kirugoni • Kashmiri: कुन kuna, नुनर् nunar • Konkani: गोळ gol • Malayalam: കൊഴുപ്പ kozhuppa, മണൽചീര manalcheera, ഉപ്പുചീര uppucheera • Manipuri: ꯂꯩꯕꯥꯛ ꯀꯨꯟꯗꯣ leibak kundo • Marathi: घोळ ghol • Mizo: an-thau, hlo-thau • Nepali: गड्यॉउला झार gadyaulaa jhaar, कुल्फा साग kulfaa saag, नोना nonaa, नून ढिकी noon dhikee, पाइते झार paaite jhaar • Nyishi: osit oyik, pali echi, tadar-oo • Odia: ଲୋଣୀ loni • Persian: خرفه khurfa • Punjabi: ਧਮਣੀ dhamni, ਕੁਲਫਾ kulfa, ਲੂਨਕ lunak • Rajasthani: लूणखा lunkha, लूंणक्यो lunkio • Sanskrit: घोटिका ghotica, लोणिका lonika • Santali: ᱢᱚᱴᱟ ᱩᱨᱤᱪ ᱟᱞᱟᱝ mota uric alan • Tagin: tadar-oo • Tamil: கோழிக்கீரை koli-k-kirai, பருப்புக்கீரை paruppu-k-kirai • Telugu: బొడ్డు పావిలికూర boddu pavilikura, గంగాబాయిలికూర gangabaili kura, పప్పుకూర pappukura, పెద్ద పావిలికూర pedda pavilikura • Tulu: ಗೋಳಿಪದ್ಪೆ golipadpe • Urdu: گهول ghol, کانڐلي kandli, لونا lona, لونيا loniya, نونيا nuniya I have never heard the name “kuna” used for this plant. Nunnar is the name used and it also resembles the Hindi nuniya. Hassan Shah in his encyclopedic book “Tareekh Hassan” (written in 1885) gives its name as Nunnar (Editor of the book identifies it as Khulfa. ) Its Unani name used by Hakeems is Baqlat ul Humqa and its Unani Medical nature is cold and moist . He mentions a plant with name Kuna Kuch and gives its Hindi Name as Kuchu. The Editor of the book identifies it with a plant with the Hindi name Phain chitr. Lawrence in his book “The Valley of Kashmir (p 71)” mentions Kuna as a plant the appearance of which in popular lore heralds a famine . It could be that in Grierson’s book the word Kuna may have been printed in the wrong place. Many many thanks for elaborating and pointing to the error in the entry of कुन kuna as a name for Portulaca oleracea L. in Grierson’s dictionary. This is a great help. I will remove the name from the compilation shortly. Removed inadvertent entry of a Kashmiri name … commonly known as: common purslane • Adi: dongal oying, gubor oying • Apatani: lai hamang, pathavi • Assamese: মালভোগ খুতুৰা শাক malbhog khutur shaak • Bengali: বড় লনিয়া bara laniya, সি কলস ghee kalam, নুনিয়া nunia • Bhojpuri: नोनीया साग noneeya saag • Bodo: hangsogarmai • Dogri: कुल्फा kulfa, लूनक loonak • Garo: gagakjapha • Gujarati: મોટી લુણી moti luni • Hindi: घोल ghol, कांडली kandli, लोणा lona, लोनिया loniya, नूनिया nuniya • Kachchhi: કુનબો kunbo, લાખા લુણી lakha luni, વડી લુણી vadi luni • Kannada: ದೊಡ್ಡ ಗೋಣಿ ಸೊಪ್ಪು dodda goni soppu, ಕಿರುಗೋಣಿ kirugoni • Kashmiri: नुनर् nunar • Konkani: गोळ gol • Malayalam: കൊഴുപ്പ kozhuppa, മണൽചീര manalcheera, ഉപ്പുചീര uppucheera • Manipuri: ꯂꯩꯕꯥꯛ ꯀꯨꯟꯗꯣ leibak kundo • Marathi: घोळ ghol • Mizo: an-thau, hlo-thau • Nepali: गड्यॉउला झार gadyaulaa jhaar, कुल्फा साग kulfaa saag, नोना nonaa, नून ढिकी noon dhikee, पाइते झार paaite jhaar • Nyishi: osit oyik, pali echi, tadar-oo • Odia: ଲୋଣୀ loni • Persian: خرفه khurfa • Punjabi: ਧਮਣੀ dhamni, ਕੁਲਫਾ kulfa, ਲੂਨਕ lunak • Rajasthani: लूणखा lunkha, लूंणक्यो lunkio • Sanskrit: घोटिका ghotica, लोणिका lonika • Santali: ᱢᱚᱴᱟ ᱩᱨᱤᱪ ᱟᱞᱟᱝ mota uric alan • Tagin: tadar-oo • Tamil: கோழிக்கீரை koli-k-kirai, பருப்புக்கீரை paruppu-k-kirai • Telugu: బొడ్డు పావిలికూర boddu pavilikura, గంగాబాయిలికూర gangabaili kura, పప్పుకూర pappukura, పెద్ద పావిలికూర pedda pavilikura • Tulu: ಗೋಳಿಪದ್ಪೆ golipadpe • Urdu: گهول ghol, کانڐلي kandli, لونا lona, لونيا loniya, نونيا nuniya A villager from a remote village of South Kashmir to whom I showed a plant of wild Chenopodium album identified it as Kuna . A cultivated variety of the same is popular in Kashmir and is called “Wusta Hak”. There is a popular belief that Wusta Hak should only be eaten in Spring and not in Summer and hence it is sold in the local markets only in Spring. Hassan in his book Tareekh e Hassan gives the Hindi name of of Wusta Hak as Bathua. Wusta Hak according to me is Atriplex hortensis, it was grown in our house in Kashmir in our Kitchen Garden by my bhabi. Yes Nunar is Portulaca oleracea, it is in my Book, Forest Flora of Srinagar and Plants of neighbourhood. Thanks for giving the correct ID of Wusta Hak. I was misled as Hassan has wrongly given its Hindi name as Bathua I was always curious about true ID of Wusta Hak and you have solved my problem Would like to thank Gurcharan Ji for information about his book “Forest Flora of Srinagar” and keeping a copy of it freely available at Archives.org from where I could download a PDF file of the book. Portulaca oleracea L. : 4 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (4) Location : Tatopani, Pokhara, Nepal Date : 12 April 2017 Elevation : 5000 ft. Nepali Names : कुल्फा साग Kulfaa Saag / नून ढिकी Noon Dhikee / नोना Nonaa / गड्यॉउला झार Gadyaulaa Jhaar / पाइते झार Paaite Jhaar For me the ID looks correct.
Fruits & Vegetables Week: Portulaca oleracea, the common purslane: Portulaca oleracea, the common purslane, a common weed in wastelands, cultivated fields and roadsides is used as pot-herb, consumed as salad and employed in salads. Flesh stems are often pickled. Local names Hindi: Khursa, baralaniya, kulfa Beng: Baraloniya Mar: Bhuigholi, kurfah, mhotighol Guj: Moto loni, ghol Tel: Peddapayilikura, ganga-pavilikura Tam: Karikeeral, parupukkiray, pullikirat Kan: Dooddagooni, soppu Mal: Karlecheera The beautiful flowers o ften planted in hanging boxes – commonly called “Office time” is a cousin of this – Here is the photo of Office time. – This is portulaca x Yubi. Some consider it to be a variety of P. oleracea, others a variety of P. grandiflora and still others as a hybrid between the two species. This seems to be a good material for any one interested in Kindly help in identification of this. It is a green leafy vegetable. Local name-Dali-arak Date-25th June, 2019 Place-Khunti, Jharkhand Two images are from different plants. For 2nd image, pl. check comparative images at Amaranthus Yes, first one is Portulaca oleracea and second one seems to be Amranthus viridis… first one (Dali arak) is Portulaca oleracea; Fam. – Portulacaceae. Also called as Golgola saag in Jharkhand. second is Khudi bhaji saag – Amaranthus viridis. Fam. – Amaranthaceae
… name of Portulaca oleracea in Assamiya: Dear Assamiya-knowing friends, Don’t know about transliteration but from my Useful Plant of India it is Noniya (perhaps first word) the second I guess should be saag Assamese name for plant is Noniya Could find it from online transliteration to be chanikya saag. Yes, noniya OR nuniya is a popular name for Portulaca oleracea in Bengal and Assam. [image: Discussions at efloraofindia] <> [image: more views in flickr]<> [image: more views on Google Earth] <> commonly known as: purslane • Assamese: মালভোগ শাক malbhog xaak • Bengali: নূনিযা সাগ nuniya saag • Gujarati: લૂણી luni • Hindi: घोल ghol, लोनिया loniya, नोनिया noniya • Kannada: ದೊಡ್ಡ ಗೋಣಿ ಸೊಪ್ಪು dodda goni soppu, ಕಿರುಗೋಣಿ ಸೊಪ್ಪು kirugoni soppu • Kashmiri: कुन kuna • Konkani: गोळ gol • Malayalam: കൊഴുപ്പ koluppa • Manipuri: লৈবাক কুন্দো leibak kundo • Marathi: घोळ ghol • Oriya: lunia • Persian: خرفه khurfa • Punjabi: ਧਮਣੀ dhamni, ਕੁਲਫਾ kulfa, ਲੂਨਕ lunak •Sanskrit: घोटक ghotaka, लोणिका lonika • Tamil: கோழிக்கீரை koli-k-kirai, பருப்புக்கீரை paruppu-k-kirai • Telugu:పెద్ద పావిలికూర pedda pavilikura botanical name: Portulaca oleracea L. Have set incremental goal … first compiling names for the native flora that is found in my collection (Western Ghats in my vicinity) … next, eFI & FOI … can go at it with the only option … slowly and steadily !!! Nooniya is not name we recognize in urban west bengal, namely mostly West Bengal and its vicinity… all saag sellers are village women who come to Calcutta markets with their haul of yesterday from their village tanks, riverbanks, forests…. 1: They and our non-english reading and speaking Bengali folks… call it LOONE saak লুনে শাক… so I wanted to be sure before I responded…. Supporting Reference for this is in a booklet called: ” Banglar Saak” dated March 2003 published by The DEVELOPMENT Research Communication and Services Center, 18 b Gariahat Road, Dhakuria, Kolkata 700031. (I would like to send the pic of the cover and the page with this saak of the book but there is no option here to include an attachment, or I have just not found it, not smart enough I guess) !!! 2: Santhal tribals in Bengal call it Golgol-sag.. Reference: TRIBAL MEDICINE by Dr. DC Pal and SK Jain…page 216. published 1997 Kolkata.by Naya Prokas Kolkata ISN 81-85421-307.. 3: My servants recognize it, eat it and buy it sometimes…from our local market… There is one growing in my balcony at the base of my potted Adenium obesum….that single loone saag has also developed the telltale yellow tiny flowers… I would recognize portulaca any way… it was a common weed in upstate NY countryside and on many a weekends I have gone on hikes with my herbal medicine teachers, we would pick Portulaca among many things from the pristine woods, and eat them in our salad for lunch or add in the sandwiches… nowadays green grocers carry it all over NYC…. sorry to respond so late… but it took a while to dig out skinny botany books in Bengali script.. You must be right. My information Noniya as Assamese name is based on CSIR publication, Useful Plants of India. To me now, getting common names validated is seeming just as important as botanical names. And yes, my source says Baraloniya in Bengali L should be logical: Baralaniya in Hindi Motiloni in Gujarati Brihalloni, lanika and lonamla in Sanskrit Lonak in Punjab We observe that the names in most of the languages have an adjective prefixed implying “large” OR “big”. One of my Assamese friends transliterated চানেকীয়া শাক as Chanekiya Haak. And most probably this chanekiya haak OR chanikya saag is a generic name for sour greens (though not sure). … just found from few resources on internet that smaller version of loniya OR luniya would be species of Oxalis … there could possibly be some other plant(s) too. … the name lonamla (Sanskrit: लोणाम्ला) is more apt for Oxalis pusilla as per online Sanskrit dictionaries, one of is Monier-Williams Dictionary <http://www.sanskrita.org/wiki/index.php/loNa>. Just now my another friend from Upper Assam informed some names for these plants: Identity : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (2) Which plant is this? It is Portulaca oleracea, herb, weed in the agriculture land, edible, some times sold in the market also Fwd: need id assistance for JNU campus forest plant SP 4 : 3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (1) I need id assistance for following plants collected from JNU New Campus Forest, New Delhi. Date: 27.04.2015 . Please identify the wild plant, Location: near Reserve Forest, Chathamattom, Ernakulam District, Kerala PIN:686671 Date (flower): 06.04.2021, 09.50am, 04.04.2021, 09.35am Altitude: 1700fsl Habitat: wild moisture Plant habit: creeping annual weak stem Height: 10cm Leaves: opposite oval oblong Flower: diameter:04mm, yellow non fragrant Fruit: green, cone shaped Seed: black, circular, very tiny numerous Camera: mobile LGK10 2017 13mp +macro lens (for seed shot) Portulaca oleracea L. ! Yes I agree with … The photographs are superb ! . Botanical Name: Portulaca oleracea: 2 images. Location: Rajouri district jandk Habit:Herb Date:10-05-2021 Used: use as vegetable Yes. The ID is correct. It is a weed outside my house and often in my garden. . Swamy/New series/ID/18 – ID of the Plant Portulaca oleracea: 6 images. Please confirm the Id / suggest new ID for the photographs of the plant received from Chennai. Photographed last week (28.5.21). My ID is Portulaca oleracea Yes … . Portulaca oleracea: 4 very high res. images. Yes. A common weed in wasteland. Plenty around. Yes as per images at Portulaca oleracea . Identification help 2: 2 high res. images. Two days ago, in the market, the attached plant was being sold as Bacopa moneri. I bought it for plantation. But, I doubt is it the same plant. I request your assistance. Place: Karimganj Habit: Looks like a succulent herb. Flowers were not seen. Though buds were present. Glabrous. I chewed the leaves but it was not bitter. Habitat: Information could not be collected. I think it might be Portulaca oleracea or any related species. Portulaca oleracea L. Yes, appears close to images at , Portulaca oleracea L. :: Waghbil, Thane, Maharashtra :: May 1, 2011 · 9:14 AM IST: 3 images. . Portulacaceae: Portulaca oleracea L.: 1 high res. image. location/date: Tropical Forest Research Institute, Jabalpur, Madhya Pradesh, October 1994 . References: |
Portulaca oleracea (Introduced)
Updated on December 24, 2024