Fwd: Our book “Compendium of Indian Folk Medicine and Ethnobotany (1991-2015)” : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (1)
We are pleased to inform that our work entitled “Compendium of Indian Folk Medicine and Ethnobotany (1991-2015)” completed few moths ago and the book has now been published by Deep Publications, New Delhi. A flyer about the book is attached.
This book should also serve as a good supplement to earlier ‘Dictionary of Indian Folk Medicine and Ethnobotany‘ of 1991 and both of these books together do contain a concise account of all the significant ethnobotanical work done in India.
If your library or you yourself (personal copy) are interested , please write directly to the publisher whose details have been given in the flyer. Currently, publisher has offered a heavy discount of over 40% and you and your library would like to avail this offer. We will be happy to receive your own observation about this book. |