New Book: Liverworts and Hornworts of India – An Annotated Checklist : 1 post by 1 author.
I am pleased to announce the publication of new book ‘Liverworts and Hornworts of India – An Annotated Checklist’ [D.K. Singh, S.K. Singh Devendra Singh 2016. Liverworts and Hornworts of India – An Annotated Checklist. ISBN: 81-8177-088-9; Hardbound; ₹644/= / US$ 32/=; pp. x, 439; 17 × 24 cm (21 color figures/ photo-plates). Botanical Survey of India, Ministry of Environment, Forests Climate Change, Kolkata]. The book provides a comprehensive inventory of 930 species and infra-specific taxa of liverworts and hornworts of India belonging to 140 genera and 59 families, with full nomenclatural citations of currently accepted names and their basionym / synonym(s), if any, state wise distribution in India (mostly at minor locality level), Asia and the world with specific literature reference(s) and notes on taxonomy and geography of a taxon wherever necessary.
The book can be procured from: The Scientist-in-Charge, Publication Section, Botanical Survey of India, CGO Complex, 3rd MSO Building, Block F (6th Floor), Salt Lake Sector 1, Kolkata – 700064 (INDIA), email: For more details, please see the attachment. |