Kalanchoe poincarei R.-Hamet & Perrier, Bull. Géogr. Bot. 23: 148–151 1913. (syn: Bryophyllum mortagei (Ray.-Hamet & Perr.) G.E. Wickens ; Bryophyllum poincarei (Raym.-Hamet & H. Perrier) R. Govaerts (ambiguous synonym) ; Bryophyllum poincarei (Raym.-Hamet & H. Perrier) V. V. Byalt
(ambiguous synonym) ; Kalanchoe mortagei R.-Hamet & H. Perrier; Kalanchoe poincarei var. mortagei (R.-Hamet & H. Perrier) P.
N-Madagascar, Colombia (c) as per Catalogue of Life;


Succulant for ID please : 4 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (1).
This plant is growing in our garden and flowers attract Sunbirds. May I request you please if you could help me in ID this plant.

Kalanchoe species. Could be Kalanchoe pinnata.

efi page on Bryophyllum pinnatum (syn. Kalanchoe pinnata)

Seems Kalanchoe gastonis-bonnieri of Crassulaceae.

With yellow corolla, it may be Kalanchoe mortagei as per the following:

Many thanks for right out put and ID.



Images by Nidhan Singh (Inserted by Bhagyashri Ranade) 

Crassulaceae, Combretaceae and Myrtaceae Fortnight:: Crassulaceae:: Kalanchoe for id from HAU- NS 16 : 3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (4). Please provide id inputs for this succulent, from Herbal Garden of HAU, Hissar.. Can this be Kalanchoe gastonis-bonnieri …please provide your views..

donkey ear kalanchoe

I think it should be Kalanchoe mortagei as per the following:



Kalanchoe daigremontiana Hamet & Perr.
Devil’s backbone
Glabrous herb up to 1 m tall with 10-25 cm long oblong-lanceolate leaves, purple blotched beneath, serrate on 3-5 cm long petioles, with bulbiferous spur at each leaf notch; flowers purplish, 20-30 mm long, on compound panicle.
Photographed from Delhi

I think it should be Kalanchoe mortagei as per the following:

Requesting to please ID this plant captured in Mumbai in June 2013.

Bryophyllum mortagei
Thank you … for the ID…



Attached are pictures of Bryophyllum mortagei captured in a cultivated garden in Mumbai in June 2013.
Posted on the forum earlier and was identified.





Flora of Haryana: Bryophyllum pinnatum (Lam.) Oken from Herbal Garden CCSHAU Hisar:  

Bryophyllum pinnatum (Lam.) Oken from Herbal Garden CCSHAU Hisar
Family: Crassulaceae

flowers are similar to what we have in Bengal, but your leaves are too narrow for Kalanchoe…
patharkutchi…. Bryophyllum pinnatum… is it a seasonal and dry eather difference I wonder..

Not Seasonal i think grow for few years

It should be Kalanchoe poincarei R.-Hamet & Perrier as per images & discussions herein.



SL 215 101213 :  Attachments (1). 5 posts by 4 authors.
Please ID this Crassulaceae plant with flowers. Kalanchoe species?. Photo was taken in Sri Lanka in Sep 2012.

Kalanchoe species so far in efi 

Kalanchoe species, possibly Kalanchoe pinnata.

I endorse … ID.

Me too

It should be Kalanchoe poincarei R.-Hamet & Perrier as per images & discussions herein.




Kalanchoe pinnata (Lam.) Pers.
Cathedral plant, curtain plant, Air Plant, Mother-in-law
Glabrous plant up to 1.5 m tall with pinnate leaves; leaflets 3-5, 5-15 cm long, crenate, lower leaves often simple, petioles channeled above, inflorescence large with reddish flowers; calyx inflated 25-35 mm long, papery with much shorter lobes; corolla nearly one and half times as long as calyx, with short acute lobes.
Commonly grown in pots and rockeries. Photographed from Delhi.

I think except for the 2nd image, it should be Kalanchoe poincarei R.-Hamet & Perrier as per images & discussions herein.





This Kalanchoe is flowering these days.. please suggest specific id..

The Plant resembles to Kalanchoe blossfeldiana

branching pattern of the inflorescence does NOT generate any confidence in my mind that is it k blossfeldiana…  most like its NOT.
some in nursery cultivar…may be
short of an outright hybrid…
the shape of the buds are also weird
Leaf shape is reminiscent of k. pinnata long leafed variety.. but the flower buds and its inflorescence is not…
also must have the leaf rosette at the base

I think matches with images at Kalanchoe poincarei R.-Hamet & Perrier




Kalanchoe poincarei R.-Hamet & Perrier ??? : 4 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (5)

Location : Gyaneswor, Kathmandu
Date : 6 February 2018
Elevation :  4500 ft.
Habit : Cultivated. 

Yes, to me also appear close to images at Kalanchoe poincarei (Cultivated)  

Thank you … I guess it is introduced to Nepal.