A primula : 6 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (1)
A yellow Primula from Sela Pass, Arunachal Pradesh, alt. 12,000 ft.
Species id. requested

Is it Primula elaitor?

I can state with certainty that this is not Primula elatior! The ‘Oxlip’ has a wide distribution (with 8 subspecies being recognised) but occurs in

the wild nowhere near to the Himalaya.
The photo is not good – not close-up to show the flowers or foliage well with the exposure off (exposing correctly for yellow-flowered plants is not easy).
I do not have any immediate ideas. Complicated by this being an especially rich area for Primulas esp. ones I am not familiar with, so may struggle to help much beyond saying what it is not.

This may be Primula strumosa I. B. Balf. & R. E. Cooper as per images at Primula World.

But not sure as details are not clear.


Yes, could be several things as seen.