Primula strumosa I. B. Balf. & R. E. Cooper, Notes Roy. Bot. Gard. Edinburgh 9: 201 (1916) (syn: Primula calderiana var. strumosa (Balf.f. & R.E.Cooper) S.K.Basak, Maiti & Hajra; Primula calderiana subsp. strumosa (Balf.f. & R.E.Cooper) A.J.Richards);
Central & E. Himalaya to S. Tibet: East Himalaya, Nepal, Tibet as per POWO;
Common name: Golden-Eyed Primrose

Primula strumosa from Arunachal Pradesh: 2 images.
Primula strumosa from Tawang district, Arunachal Pradesh.
It hybridizes with Primula calderiana and produces flowers of various colors, seen in the background.



Primula 6 – indiantreepix | Google Groups: 2 images.
Primula once again. Blue and white P. vulgaris, making a carpet, near Bumla pass- Indo- Tibetian Border (14000 ft.).

This may be Primula strumosa I. B. Balf. & R. E. Cooper as per images at Primula World.
But not sure as details are not clear.

possibly denticulata var alba

Agree photos are poor and colour rendition is uncertain. This is probably a mixed population of P. calderiana with subsp. calderiana and subsp. strumosa. It is populations like this which show that calderiana and strumosa are just colour forms of the same species.




POWO  Catalogue of Life  World Flora Online  GBIF (High resolution specimens) BSI Flora of India Checklist  Flora of China  FOC illustration  Annotated checklist of Flowering plants of Nepal  Flowers of India  Primula world  Research gate