Combretum pilosum Roxb. ex G.Don, Trans. Linn. Soc. London 15: 434 1827. (syn: Combretum insigne Heurck & Muell. Arg.; Combretum laetum Wall.; Combretum spinescens Wall.; Poivrea pilosa (Roxb.) Wight & Arn.);



MS Nov,2016 Combretum sp. for id : 4 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (2)
Location : Tamdil, Mizoram
Date : 30/03/2016
Habit : Large climber
Habitat : Wild
Mizo name : Leihruisen

Any other images ?

I wish a single fruit should have been taken out from the cluster and photographed separately to enable us to ascertain the number of wings in the fruits (4-merous or 5-merous) which is the basic information required for identifying a plant of Combretum! Such clustered fruits are known in Combretum pilosum Roxb. ex G. Don occurring in North East India, Bangladesh and Myanmar.