Silvianthus bracteatus Hook. f., Hooker’s Icon. Pl. 11: 36, pl. 1048 1868.;
China (Yunnan), NE-India, Myanmar [Burma] as per Catalogue of Life;

ID REGUESTED : 7 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (2)
Locality: Changlang, Arunachal Pradesh

Habit: Large shrub

Apocynaceae ?

This is Silvianthus bracteatus Hook. f.
Family: Carlemanniaceae

This is Silvianthus bracteatus Hook. f. [Rubiaceae, now Carlemanniaceae]

MS May, 2018/16 Shrub for ID : 4 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (2)
Location : Tamdil, Mizoram
Date : 15-05-2018
Habit : Small shrub
Habitat : Grows wild near lake

Request for ID : 17 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (3)
Request the ID for a shrub. Height-upto 5ft. Habitat-shaded forest area, subtropical. Altitude-appx 600m asl. Leaves shiny above.

Very interesting. Is it from Meghalaya? 

Codonopsis virens? Yes, it was photographed in Meghalaya. Month was probably May- June..

Thanks … We do not have any such observation of this species.
But it does not look like one as per Codonopsis

Please check silvianthua bracteatus.

Sir, U can see Silvianthus bracteatus

Does not matches with images at Silvianthus bracteatus

no progress so far… waiting for any leads..

Yes. Very enigmatic look.

Leaves suggestive of Annonaceae and other pics may be of wilted flowers. Wild guess is Uvaria lucida.

There does appears to be some superficial similarity. But thats it..

Can it be some Annonaceae member ?

No, not Annonaceae for sure. Where is it from?

Thanks, … It is from Meghalaya.

Sir, may I humbly say that Silvianthus bracteatus is very probable id, as it corroborates the attached descriptions.
Leaf margin in the attached pictures is a point of concern, but then Flora of China describes : “margin irregular, shallowly wavy-dentate…”., supported by KEW herbarium too!
3 attachments

Agree with …


MS,May,2022/02 Undershrub ? for id:
Location : Tamdil, Mizoram

Altitude : ca.730 m.
Date : 09-11-2015
Habit : Undershrub ? 
Habitat : Wild

Do you have any idea?

No, sir

May I request you for high res. images, to check the flowers.

2 very high res. images.

Any idea about the family?


Sylvianthus bracteatus Rubiaceae

Haven’t come across this spp.
Maybe Rubiaceae, however the details of flowers are not seen properly due to overexposure.

Identified by … as Sylvianthus bracteatus Rubiaceae

Yes, Silvianthus bracteatus as per images and details herein.