I managed to get hold of a cheap second-hand copy of this.
It is my intention to review the book at some point and share relevant information about Himalayan species.
But please note this is NOT a botanical monograph of the genus Geranium.
The book, although it has detailed content, is primarily aimed at serious gardeners with a special interest in Geranium.
It was called ‘Hardy Geraniums’ to distinguish the subject from the non-Hardy ‘Geraniums’ as they are commonly known in the UK, which are in fact Pelargoniums.
It is an account of Geraniums IN CULTIVATION – which has a bearing of what is covered and how this is done.  Whilst of USE in improving our understanding of Geraniums in the Himalaya, it is NOT an account of Geraniums in the wild and has its limitations.
As far as I know, Yeo never visited the Himalaya, so was reliant upon studying Geraniums growing primarily in the UK and pressed specimens in British herbaria.
What a pity he passed away. The book was first published in 1985, in the early days of my travels to the Himalaya. Correspondence I had with Yeo went beyond what was feasible to include within such a book.