
SK 3847 04 September 2023: 5 high res. images.

Location:  Shubhakuna, Surkhet, West Nepal 
Date: 30 May 2023
Elevation 600 m.
Habit : Wild
Jasminum. ID ??


Request for Id of Jasminum from Mahe : 5 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (2)- 2 to 3 mb each.
Request for Id of Jasminum from Mahe. Photographed in September 2019.

J. mutiflorum ?? 

Was it cultivated ? Any habit image ?

Yes, it was in cultivation. I will look for habit image, perhaps I may not have.


Jasminum nervosum from Manipur : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (2)

Jasminum nervosumgrowing wild on Cheirao-Ching (hill), Imphal, Manipur.
Blooming in February.

I think Jasminum multiflorum as per comparative images at Jasminum

I think so … !

Thanks for your feedback … Jasminum multiflorum and Jasminum nervosum are not straightforward to distinguish. In Manipur this wild plant is well distinguished from the commonly cultivated plant Jasminum multiflorum. Traditional wedding garlands are always made from Jasminum multiflorum. This plant is considered a wild cousin of Jasminum multiflorum. It has larger flowers and the sepals are prominently large. If absolute scale is not available, comparison of sepal to petal length can distinguish the two species according to the description at FOC. In Jasminum multiflorum, sepals are not more than half as long as petals. In Jasminum nervosum the sepals are almost always more than half as long as petals. In fruiting the sepals are prominently large.
Unfortunately these features are not clearly visible in these two pictures.

Pl. see Jasminum nervosum as per details and references herein.

Thanks Garg ji,
  Looking at the description of Jasminum nervosum at FOC, and the herbarias on POWO, my plant looks doubtful to be Jasminum nervosum. The character of 3 nerves from the base is obscure in my plant. Then I have to explore some species other than Jasminum nervosum and Jasminum multiflorum.
Jasminum elongatum is one species my plant appears to agree to:
It appears to be a variable species, looking at the images at POWO.

I am doubtful as per GBIF
I still feel it may Jasminum multiflorum and escaped from cultivation.