Fwd: Plant Discoveries, 2016 : 6 posts by 5 authors. Attachments (1) – Plant Discoveries_2016-E.pdf- 5 MB  
Please find attached a PDF file as mentioned above uploaded in Research Gate by Paramjit Singh.

Really very useful …!!

Thanks for sharing..

Thank you for sharing this document so early Sir!
Do BSI have data of Indian species family wise or any complete checklist?

This time they released it as per schedule.
As regards you query regarding the data of Indian species family wise or any completed checklist, I regret that  as I am out of service now I do not know whether such lists are available with BSI.  However, I am sometimes visiting their herbarium and library at CAL for my own research but I have not seen any such recent publication by them. I will ask someone there and will inform you back as soon as possible.