Impatiens cathcartii Hook.f., Fl. Brit. India 1: 473 1875. ;
NE-India (Darjeeling, Benghal, Arunachal Pradesh, Meghalaya), Sikkim, Myanmar [Burma] (Rakhine) as per Catalogue of Life;


SK612 03 JUL-2017:ID : 17 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (14)

Location: Soureni, Mirik, India
Date: 18 May 2017
Altitude: 4500 ft.
Impatiens … ??

Beautiful images.  Pl. Also check comparative images in efi site.

This one looks like I. jurpia or something close.
See recent paper by Akiyama and Ohba
Authors don’t describe lower side of leaf as purple, but they were working mainly with herbarium specimens. 

Thank you ... I guess it is matching .
Shall I wait for further verification ? 

It could take loooooong time, as all what I know is from literature and pictures found via internet…
However, … will be doing revision of balsams of Sikkim and West Bengal in next three years.
I suppose he will be interested in pictures of Impatiens from this area.

Should we refer to … ?

Impatiens jurpia Buch.-Ham.

I don’t thing it Impatiens jurpia as in that species, the “hump” on the dorsal petal is 7-11 mm, as shown in the figure attached. Also the the spur (the tail) is quite curved in I. jurpia.
It looks closer to the related species Impatiens cathcartii, which is found in Darjeeling and Sikkim regions. The spur of Impatiens cathcartii is only weakly curved, and the “hump” is 1-5 mm long. Also Saroj’s flower visually looks closer to that in Fig. 1G.
Attachments (1)

Can anyone help ??

Actually it doesn’t agree with Impatiens cathcartii too. Impatiens cathcartii has noticeably large lateral sepals, the ones on top. But from the side-view of your flower, the lateral sepals are very small.

I know this paper by Grey-Wilson
Grey-Wilson C. 1989. The Impatiens jurpia complex. Studies in Balsaminaceae: 10. Kew Bull. 44,1: 115-122.
However, recently Akiyama revised this group of balsams and I follow her opinion.
Akiyama S., Ohba H. 2015. Studies of Impatiens (Balsaminaceae) of Nepal 2. Impatiens jurpia, I. urticifolia, and Allied Species. Bull. Natl. Mus. Nat. Sci., Ser. B, 41,4: 161–178.
Besides … plants lacks big lateral sepals – see picture in Grey-Wilson’s paper and compare with photographs.
I will ask … for opinion.

Yes, the spur shown in the figure in Akiyama & Ohba (which I have attached) agrees well with … flower. Interestingly, it is different from that in the figure in Grey-Wilson, which I had attached in my earlier response.
However the prominently jutting forward “hump” on the dorsal petal, characteristic of I. jurpia, is missing in … flower. I hope this small hump is within the variations in the species.
Attachments (1)

Any responce from … ?

… is just going to Sikkim for field trip, so he will be out of commision for at least three weeks.

The images looks like I. cathcarthii

Impatiens cathcartii Hook.f. as per another thread.

This is again something from Impatiens jurpia complex..
Can be Impatiens cathcartii
But in last image leaves look much hairy which should be near glabrous and also there looks some differences in flower…
As Dr. Wojciech Adamowski sir have said that Impatiens jurpia is still not completely resolved and there can be possibly some undescribed forms and it has many variations also…
So we can’t say with surity about this plant until I.jurpia complex is completely resolved…

Location: Soureni, Mirik, India
Date: 18 May 2017
Altitude: 4200 ft.
I find it little different from SK612 03 JUL-2017:ID.

Also check with comparative images in efi site.

I suppose this is still I. jurpia or something similar.
This group of balsams is not fully investigated, so there could be undescribed forms.

Is this the same plant Impatiens cathcartii as you  have
identified in the another link ?

To me looks slightly different from images at Impatiens cathcartii

Impatiens cathcatii

I guess we need to change the name in the Google Sites >
Impatiens cathcartii Hook.f.

I think it is this only in our site.

Yes …
But this one listed as I. jurpia.

It will be shifted in due course- generally time is around 7 days from the date of last reply

I don’t feel i need to comment as … has already commented he is an expert and knows Eastern Himalayan Balsams far much better than me…
It looks matching Impatiens cathcartii
however i have neither seen Impatiens cathcartii nor Impatiens jurpia as we don’t have these two species in Western Himalayas, so here my comment is only based on what i understand from description and illustrations of Impatiens jurpia complex…
Yes, images of Saroj ji of Impatiens jurpia in FOI needs to be shifted to I.cathacartii as identified by Rajib Gogoi ji at SK615 04 JUL-2017:ID




Catalogue of Life  The Plant List Ver.1.1  IPNI  GBIF (with type specimen) BSI Flora of India  JSTOR (Specimen)