Distimake rhyncorhizus (Dalzell) A.R.Simões & Staples (syn: Ipomoea rhyncorhiza Dalz.; Merremia rhyncorhiza (Dalz.) Hall. fil.) as per Catalogue of Life;
India as per Catalogue of Life;

Merremia rhynchorrhiza (Convolvulacae) : 3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (6)
Found in rock crevices of rocky plateau.
Merremia rhynchorrhiza (Convolvulacae)
Amboli, Maharashtra, 2016 September 

Thanks a lot, … I think new to efi.

Great Post from Ceropegia-man !! Well-done …!! First time seeing it !



Distimake rhyncorhiza (Convolvulaceae) : 4 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (2) – pt00336p298.pdf- 1 MB.
Distimake rhyncorhiza (Convolvulaceae)
Amboli, Maharashtra, 2016, 2017 July and OCT

Thanks a lot … for your wonderful work and pictures..
The taxon is new to me..!! 

Nice finding and good work, … hearty congrats !


Amboli, MH :: Convolvulaceae – Distimake for validation :: ARK2021-096: 3 images.

This was seen at Amboli hill station, MH in Aug 2021.

I am assuming this is Distimake rhyncorhiza based on efi pics for yellow flowered Convolvulaceae in Amboli.
Requested to please validate.

Yes, appears close as per images at Distimake rhyncorhizus

Check this article for more info.

Synopsis and lectotypification of Distimake rhyncorhiza (Dalzell) Simões & Staples
(Convolvulaceae): a little known species from the Western Ghats (India)- ANA RITA SIMÕES & SUSHANT MORE- Phytotaxa 336 (3): 293–298 (2018)(pdf)



References: Catalogue of Life  IPNI  The Plant List Ver.1.1 (unresolved)  GBIF (with type specimens)  Convolvulaceae Unlimited  GBIF (with type specimen) JSTOR (Specimen)