


16052018PP1 : 6 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (1) – 6 MB.

Request for ID of this fruiting plant:

Date: 16/03/18
Place: Munnar
Habitat: Near a water stream, close to Eucalyptus plantations (which in turn is adjacent to tea plantations)
Fruits: Green turning black

Another picture.
Attachments (1)- 5 MB.

Please check for Maesa indica of Myrsinaceae

Did you check with Maesa indica suggested by …?

I actually missed the identification done by .. Yes, this looks like Maesa indica.



SK1159 31 MAY 2018 : 5 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (8)
Location : Lava, Kalimpong, India
Date : 11 May 2018
Elevation :  6800 ft.
Habit : Wild
Maesa?? ID ??

Maesa montana!

Thank you …! Nepali Name : कृमिघ्न फल Krimighna Phal / थिन्के Thinke

Pl. check illustrations at
I derived the keys from Flora of China as below (Maesa montana in red and Maesa indica in blue):
1 Branchlet apex hirsute, hirtellous, puberulent, pilose, velutinous, or brown scaly. (2)
+ Branchlet apex glabrous or glandular granulose, early glabrescent. (16)
2 (1) Branchlets brown scaly. (3)
+ Branchlets white pilose-tomentulose or brown velutinous tomentulose, hirsute, or hirtellous and reddish glandular granulose. (4)
4 (2) Branchlets white pilose-tomentulose or brown velutinous-tomentulose. (5)
+ Branchlets hirsute or stramineous hirtellous and reddish glandular granulose. (9)
5 (4) Branchlets white pilose-tomentulose. (6)
+ Branchlets brown velutinous-tomentulose. (7)
6 (5) Leaf blade leathery, secondary veins connected by submarginal vein 3 Maesa cavinervis
+ Leaf blade membranous, secondary veins free to margin, without submarginal vein 4 Maesa montana
16 (1) Branchlet apex glabrous. (17)
+ Branchlet apex glandular granulose, early glabrescent. (19)
19 (16) Leaf blade margin undulate, subentire, or entire. (20)
+ Leaf blade margin serrate or serrate-dentate. (24)
24 (19) Petiole 2-4 cm. (25)
+ Petiole 1-1.8 cm. (26)
26 (24) Calyx lobe and bracteoles obtuse to rounded apically; inflorescence rachis and pedicels densely and minutely glandular granulose 26 Maesa indica
+ Calyx lobe and bracteoles acute apically; inflorescence rachis and pedicels glabrous. (27)

I am unable to properly decipher the keys.
If somebody can tell distinguishable difference between the two, it will be nice and we can conclude the correct id.


Request for id
Please check the attached image of a Medium sized plant.
Captured at Srinagar Uttarakhand

Maesa sp.

Difficult to id upto species level with only one image.
Maybe Maesa indica (Roxb.) A. DC. as per keys and comparative images at Maesa