Allium jacquemontii Kunth, Enum. Pl. 4: 399 1843. (syn:
Afghanistan; Pakistan; Tadzhikistan; Tibet; West Himalaya; Xinjiang as per Catalogue of Life;


Allium rubellum for confirmation : 14 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (5) – around 800 kb each.

Allium rubellum
Family – Amaryllidaceae
Experts please confirm id.
It was found growing in wild at an altitude of 1100metres amsl.
Photographed at Kullu, Himachal Pradesh

Dated – 14/4/2018


Allium rubellum C.Presl, nom. illeg. is as syn. of synonym for Allium rotundum L. and do not have any distribution in India.
Allium rubellum M.Bieb. also do not have any distribution in India.
We have Allium rubellum auct. non Bieb.: Hook.f, FI.Brit.Ind. 6:339. 1892. = Allium jacquemontii  as per Flora of Pakistan with distribution in India.
On further perusal, it seems to match with images of this species as per the following:
I could not find many images of Allium rubellum:
Pl. confirm.

Thanks … it matches
Allium jacquemontii Kunth, Enum. Pl. 4: 399. 1843; Hook. f., Fl. Brit. India 6: 342. 1892.
Synonyms – Allium rubellum sensu Hook. f., l.c . 339 non M.Bieb., 1808.
Here is the link from BSI site

Moreover its matching with the description and illustration provided in Flora of Pakistan.
But Allium rubellum M. Bieb. var. parviflora Ledeb. is also recorded from India and from Western Himalayas as mentioned in BSI checklist of Plants of India.
Here is the herbarium image of Allium jacquemontii Kunth.

Thanks. You finally nailed the id.

But still there is confusion sir as Allium jacquemontii Kunth is mentioned growing in High plateaus, gravelly places; 4200–4600 metres asl.
And Flowering time July.

Finally I found an herbarium image of Allium rubellum M.Bieb. which looks different to me from our Allium sp.
GBIF specimen
And here is the link from BSI but no illustration or description or particular distribution (altitude) is mentioned.
So Allium jacquemontii Kunth
Synonyms – Allium rubellum sensu Hook looks matching.

Thanks …, The only little doubt was that it’s altitude is mentioned above 4000 metres in Flora of China but I think its lower distribution ranges are as low as to 1100metres asl in India.
Thus the flowering occurs from March to July with increasing altitude.
So I think now there’s no confusion as its mentioned from J&K.
But it will be much better if we will find some description and distribution about Allium rubellum M. Bieb. var. parviflora.
And it will we helpful to check Allium species mentioned in Flora of Himachal Pradesh,
… may help us in this.


Identity this plant??: 2 images.
Location:  Rajouri, j and k

Date: 22/04/2023

Allium. Please post habitat and leaf images.

Appears close to images at