Call for Full-papers for Pre – Conference Proceedings of HARMONY-2018 as special volume of The Bioscan NAAS rating 5.26

Like previous years, this year also the National Environmentalists Association- India (NEA) is organizing an International Conference HARMONY-2018  in collaboration

with  Department of Zoology, St. Xavier’s College, Ranchi, FROM 28-30th October, 2018.

 The brochure of the conference with all other details will be sent to you very soon.

A pre-conference proceedings volume as a special volume of The Bioscan (, an international quarterly journal of Life Sciences (NAAS rating- 5.26, Index Copernicus value – 5.25 , SJIF- 2.65) will be published and released during the inaugural function of the conference. We invite authors to submit original full length papers and the abstracts to be accepted for conference by e-mail (dates will be notified soon) Manuscripts submitted will be reviewed and selected papers will be published (with nominal reprint cost) on first come first serve basis. Instructions to authors and guidelines for submission of full paper can be downloaded from the website or The abstract(s) should be submitted to The full papers should only be submitted on e-mail: upto 7th October, 2018.

Early contributors will be preferred for publication on priority basis as limited articles will be published.


· Agronomy, Plant Breading and Genetics, Plant Pathology, Agricultural Entomology, Soil Science and related topics to Agricultural Sciences  in context of changing climate

Air, Water, Soil and Noise Pollution and control strategies
·Biodiversity – Conservation and Sustainable Development, Conservation of National Resources
·Anthropogenic activity like mining, urbanization, industrialization and Environmental Impact Assessment
·Environmental Biotechnology and Microbiology, Bioremediation
·Toxicology , Environmental health and Medicinal plants
·Environmental Chemistry, Environmental Geology and Green Technology
·Seri, Lac, Api and Pisciculture in context of changing climate
·Agriculture and Aquatic resource Management, Applied Bioscience
·Eco friendly mining and reclamation , Groundwater Management
·Remote sensing & GIS in environmental management
·Industries and Environment
·Natural Disasters: Management issues and strategies
·Environmental Policies, Laws and Legislations, Environmental ethics


Organizing Secretary, Harmony 2018, Ranchi, India.