Aralia armata (Wall. ex G.Don) Seem., J. Bot. 6: 134 1868. (syn: Aralia tengyuehensis C.Y.Wu; Aralia thomsonii var. glabrescens C.Y.Wu; Panax armatus Wall. ex G.Don);
E. Himalaya to Indo-China and E. India as per WCSP;
Assam; China South-Central; East Himalaya; India; Myanmar; Thailand as per Catalogue of Life;


MS Oct.2018/13 Aralia sp. ? for Id : 10 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (2)
Location : Farkawn, Mizoram

Date : 02-10-2018
Habit : Prickly shrub
Habitat : Wild

I guess leaves belong to some Rubus sp.

Not rubus to me.
Hi, …, Can you post details images ? Does the leaves belong to the same plant ? Appears to be some Aralia species only.

Yes, the leaves belong to the same plant

Thanks, …, What are the species reported in your area?

The following spp. are recorded in Mizoram :- 1. Aralia armata. 2. A.foliosa var. sikkimensis. 3. A. thomsonii

Attachments (1) – 7 MB.

Pl. check with Aralia armata:

Aralia armata SN211021: 1 high res. image
Wild shrub with tripinnate compound leaf from Tipang area of North Assam

May I request you to pl. post a high res. image or close up of a portion of the leaf to check the details.

It is dense vegetation …, reaching close to the plant is difficult.
1 very high res. image.


SK 3319 15 January 2022: 3 images.

Location: Central Nepal 
Altitude: 1600 m.
Date: January 2022
Habit : Wild
Araliaceae ..???

Yes …, Check with Aralia bipinnata,

Do not find any distribution in our area as per Aralia bipinnata
Pl. check Aralia armata (Wall. ex G.Don) Seem. and Aralia thomsonii Seem. ex C.B.Clarke, although I do not find any distribution of these in your area?

Aralia thomsonii looks close but it has got no distribution in Nepal.
Could you please look into it … !? ????

2 book attachments.

Checked other species as per the following:
Key to the species of Aralia reported in India (as per A New Species of Aralia [Araliaceae, Sect.: Pentapanax (Seem.) J. Wen] from Jammu & Kashmir, North-west Himalaya, India- Prashant Keshav Pusalkar- September 2009 Taiwania 54(3): (Key as proposed by Wen et al. (l.c.), with required modifications to incorporate the new species; distribution clockwise)
I feel it is most likely to be Aralia armata (Wall. ex G.Don) Seem. as it has been reported from West Bengal.