Cycas bglswamyii Praveen et al., IJCRBP (2020) 7(8) ?;


Fwd: Cycas indica (Cycas swamyii D D Pant nom. nud.) : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (3)
Photo:DDPant (2002)

Cycas beddomei Dyer ??

No. Can not be Cycas beddomei Dyer

From another thread:
Cycas beddomei Dyer is unique. Its leaflets are thinnest of all the known species from India. It is endemic to Tirumala hills and Cuddappa.
Plants mentioned by late Prof  B G L Swamy and Prof. D D Pant are totally different. These are tall trees  with dichotomous branching. This species is endemic to Bellur and has been named as Cycas bglswamyii. These two coloured photographs are of Cycas bglswamyii.
Cycas indica Lindstrom & Hill  is based on a single collection of Late Father Saldanha from Nagpuri locality,deposited in E Herbarium and the drawings published by Lindstrom and Hill.

PS.I have tried to clarify these in my recent book on “Living Gymnosperms in India” published from


Fwd: Photo from RCS : 4 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (2)
Megasporophylls and ovules of Cycas indica Lindstrom & Hill C.swamyii Pant nom.nud.(after Pant 2002)

When and where these images have been clicked ?

Cycas beddomei Dyer ??

Cycas beddomei Dyer is unique. Its leaflets are thinnest of all the known species from India. It is endemic to Tirumala hills and Cuddappa.
Plants mentioned by late Prof  B G L Swamy and Prof. D D Pant are totally different. These are tall trees  with dichotomous branching. This species is endemic to Bellur and has been named as Cycas bglswamyii. These two coloured photographs are of Cycas bglswamyii.
Cycas indica Lindstrom & Hill  is based on a single collection of Late Father Saldanha from Nagpuri locality,deposited in E Herbarium and the drawings published by Lindstrom and Hill.

OK  sir!



A new species of Cycas L. (Cycadaceae) from India– Praveen K. Agrawal, M. Akhtar and R. C. Srivastava- IJCRBP (2020) 7(8)
Nomenclatural notes on ‘Cycas bglswamyii D.D. Pant ex P.K. Agrawal, M. Akhtar and R.C. Srivast.’ (Cycadaceae) – an invalid name– Subir Bandyopadhyay, Avishek Bhattacharjee, Tapas Chakrabarty- Annals of Plant sciences Vol 10, No.5 (2021) (Abstract: Cycas bglswamyii D.D. Pant ex P.K. Agrawal, M. Akhtar and R.C. Srivast.’, a new species published in 2020, is found to be an invalidly published name as the authors described the species only by citing photograph and did not cite any specimen as type or holotype. Some other issues related to publication of the name are also discussed in the present communication)