Symphyotrichum subulatum (Introduced)

Symphyotrichum subulatum (Michx.) G. L. Nesom, Phytologia 77(3) 293. (syn: Aster exilis var. australis A. Gray (ambiguous synonym); Aster flexicaulis Rafin.; Aster linifolius (Bert. ex DC.) Torr. & A. Gray (ambiguous synonym); Aster subulatus Michx. (ambiguous synonym); Aster subulatus var. australis (A. Gray) Shinners; Aster subulatus var. euroauster Fern. & Griscom; Aster subulatus var. obtusifolius Fern.; Chrysocoma linifolia (Bert. ex DC.) Steud.; Erigeron linifolius Bert. ex DC.; Mesoligus subulatus Rafin.; Tripolium subulatum Nees);
Canada (New Brunswick, Ontario), USA (Alabama, Arkansas, Connecticut, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Indiana, Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Mississippi, Nebraska, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, Texas, Virginia), Mexico (widespread), Belize, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, Bahamas, Hispaniola, Jamaica, Western Australia (I), Northern Territory (I), South Australia (I), Queensland (I), New South Wales (I), Victoria (I), Tasmania (I), New Zealand (I), Lord Howe Isl. (I), Fiji (I), Norfolk Isl. (I), Bonin Isl. (I) (Keetaajima (I), Nakohdojima (I), Chichijima (I)), Christmas Isl. (Austr. (I)), Turkey (I) (NE-Anatolia (I), W-Anatolia (I)), Iraq (I) (SE-Iraq: Mesopotamia (I)), Israel (I) (C-Israel (I), coastal W-Israel (I), Rift Valley (I), N-Israel (I), N-Negev Desert (I), Negev Desert (I)), Sinai peninsula (I) (N-Sinai (I)), China (I) (Anhui (I), Fujian (I), Guangxi (I), Guizhou (I), Hebei (I), Henan (I), Hong Kong (I), Hubei (I), Hunan (I), Jiangsu (I), Jiangxi (I), Shaanxi (I), Shandong (I), Sichuan (I), Yunnan (I), Zhejiang (I)), Taiwan (I), Korea (I), Colombia (I) as per Catalogue of Life;


SK1655 18 Dec 2018 : 14 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (3) – around 500 kb each.

Location: Makalbari, Katmandu, Nepal
Date: 19 July 2014
Altitude:  4400 ft.
Habit : Wild

Lower portion? 

This is from old collection and only images.

Tried all listed in EFN but no luck.

Sir once check with Symphyotrichum subulatum

It looks exact match but it is not listed in Nepal neither any synonym. No specimen collected.

then newly invading .. its a weed. may be you can publish it. get together with your local botanists

Did not have specimen

We also have one Symphyotrichum novi-belgii in efi. Pl. check.

That is not matching … As far as I remember the size of flower is around one cm. or less in diameter.

Thanks, …, for the id.
To me also appears close as per images at


Erigeron sp.? ABSEP2017/06 : 7 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (8)

Found this small plant (about 10cm tall) growing among grass near a muddy pathThe leaves are narrow, tapering at both ends, flowers tiny (3-4 mm across), main stalk prostrate with flowering stalks emerging at different points. I thought of Conyza and Erigeron but I am not sure as the plant is almost completely hairless. Please advise.

Dal Lake, Dharamshala, HP
1800m approx.
06 September 2017

Pl. check images at–-l/ar/asteraceae/asteroideae/astereae/erigeron/erigeronacer

I am not sure if the plant I photographed is Erigeron acer. Most plant photos I have found online have hairier stems, leaves and involucres (including the ones on our group site). I do not find it in any of my flora books as well.
I will wait to gather more evidence such as seed-clock, achenes etc. before coming to a proper ID.

I think Erigeron acris L. as per GBIF specimens- one and two.

I do not think it matches !

Yes, I am also doubtful about this id as per POWO and images at Flora of China link

This is Symphyotrichum subulatum (Introduced) as per images and references herein.

Yes … I could not recall !


Asteraceae member id from Chandigarh PM1 6-10-2017 : 8 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (6)
Habit- herb, leaves long linear to lanceolate 

Habitat- Wild found growing in a forest near moist area
Photographed at Chandigarh
Date- 27-09-2017
sorry for the few blurred images it was drizzling at that time

Erigeron canadensis

Sir it doesn’t match with Erigeron canadensis. Last week I posted Erigeron Canadensis

Yes, I agree with you.

Does not match with any species as per comparative images at Conyza & Astereae & Inuleae

To me this plant appears to be the same as in Erigeron sp.? ABSEP2017/06

This is Symphyotrichum subulatum (Introduced) as per images and references herein.

Symphyotrichum subulatum (Michx.) G.L.Nesom

3 posts by 2 authors.
This one was shot from a canal bank in Panipat and Karnal district boundary.. first I thought to share this with Conyza canadensis.. please provide the id, habit pics are not worth posting, still included..

Appears close to images at Erigeron sp.? ABSEP2017/06
However, I am doubtful about its id as per POWO and images at Flora of China link

This is Symphyotrichum subulatum (Introduced) as per images and references herein.


Id: 3 images.
I’d please, herbaceous plants, location –Kangra, Himachal Pradesh, altitude-700mts. 
Plant height-3-4feet, inflorescence-very smalll, just 0.2 CM across, ray florets pink coloured and slightly curved and small, leaves-4-6 CM long, single stem at base, branches at all nodes starting from basal node.

Pl. check

What do you think about my id suggestion?

The plant seems to be very close to Erigeron canadensis, yet it is for your perusal for exact id.

Symphyotrichum subulatum (Michx.) G. L. Nesom ??

I do have this species from my place..
And I tentatively placed it under E. canadensis..
But your suggestion in this case has presented a new angle for investigation..

… suggested id is absolutely correct. This is Symphyotrichum subulatum (Michx.) G.L.Nesom commonly known as Annual Saltmarsh Aster. It’s an invasive naturalized species originally native to New World (America) and was first reported in India from Punjab in 2012. See It has now naturalized in other states namely Uttar Pradesh, Kashmir and Himachal Pradesh also, I have seen its several stable big populations in marshy areas and along paddy fields since 2018 in Hamirpur district of Himachal Pradesh.


Is it Symhylotrichum subulatum ?: 5 images.
Kindly let me know if the plant is Symphyotrichum subulatum. I found it growing on neglected dry land at Rawathpora Srinagar (Kashmir) (Sgr 19005). Flowers are small 5mm dia. Other plants of same family growing along with it include Myriactis nepalensis, Sigesbeckia orientalis, Carpesium cernuum and abrotanoides, Conyzia and Bidens sp. The photos are all recent.

Yes, to me appears close images at Symphyotrichum subulatum (Michx.) G. L. Nesom


Identification required 966: 4 high res. images.
Location Ganderbal Kashmir India.

Habit image is required.

I think close to images at Symphyotrichum subulatum (Introduced)



Again sent for identification: 4 images.
Location: ganderbal kashmir

Any other images showing habitat, leaf, stem and other parts ?

I will Send soon

Symphyotrichum subulatum (Michx.) G. L. Nesom

Exactly.. Matched.., thank you so Much

Yes, appears close as per images at

IDentification request for Asteraceae member: 7 images.
I need to identify this Asteraceae specimen, collected from Kumrat valley, Pakistan in August 2022. Photos are not of good quality. Sorry. Please help to identify its genus/species.

Pl. post high res. image of the last one.

Pl. check Cyanthillium cinereum (L.) H.Rob.

I am pretty sure not

I checked with the species you guided. However, it looks different. Can it be some Lactuca spp?

Pl. post high res. image of the last one.

Pl. check with images at Symphyotrichum subulatum (Michx.) G. L. Nesom
I am unable to check due to lack of high res. image.


Catalogue of Life  The Plant List Ver.1.1  GCC  IPNI   Calflora  Flora of China  Flora of North America  Wikipedia  Go Botany  India Biodiversity Portal

Updated on December 24, 2024

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