Images of all genera under Inuleae except Blumea species are given below:
Asteriscus sericeus (L.f.) DC. (Images by Gurcharan Singh (Inserted by J.M.Garg) (For more photos & complete details, click on the links)) |
Caesulia axillaris Roxb. (Images by Balkar Singh, Nidhan Singh, Dinesh Valke & D S Rawat (Inserted by J.M.Garg) (For more photos & complete details, click on the links)) |
Carpesium abrotanoides L. (Images by Balkar Singh (Validated by Gurcharan Singh), Gurcharan Singh, Alok Mahendroo (Id by Gurcharan Singh) & Prashant Awale (Validated by Balkar Singh) (Inserted by J.M.Garg) (For more photos & complete details, click on the links)) |
Carpesium cernuum L. (Images by Gurcharan Singh, Balkar Singh (Validated by Gurcharan Singh), Alok Mahendroo (Id by Gurcharan Singh) & Nidhan Singh (Inserted by J.M.Garg) (For more photos & complete details, click on the links)) |
Duhaldea cappa (Buch.-Ham. ex D. Don) Pruski & Anderb. (Images by Alok Mahendroo (Id by Gurcharan Singh), Nidhan Singh (Validation by Satish Phadke) Gurcharan Singh (Id by Nidhan Singh & Krishan Lal) & Alka Khare (Validation by Nidhan Singh) (Inserted by J.M.Garg) (For more images & complete details, click on the links)) |
Duhaldea cuspidata (Wall. ex DC.) Anderb. (Images by Nidhan Singh (Validated by Krishan Lal), Anurag N Sharma (Id by Narain Singh Chauhan, Krishan Lal & Nidhan Singh) & Alok Mahendroo (id by Nidhan Singh & Gurcharan Singh)(Inserted by J.M.Garg) (For more images & complete details, click on the links)) |
Duhaldea eupatorioides (Wall. ex DC.) A. A. Anderberg (Himalaya to SE. Tibet and Indo-China: Assam, East Himalaya, Laos, Myanmar, Nepal, Pakistan, Tibet, Vietnam, West Himalaya as per POWO)
Duhaldea nervosa (Wall. ex DC.) Anderb. (Images by Nidhan Singh & Ritesh Kumar Chaudhary (All Ids by Krishan Lal) (Inserted by J.M.Garg) (For more images & complete details, click on the links)) |
Epaltes pygmaea DC. (Image by S. Kasim, Identified by P. Santhan (Inserted by J.M.Garg))
Filago arvensis L. (Images by Gurcharan Singh (inserted by Gurcharan Singh)) |
Filago pyramidata L. (Images by Gurcharan Singh (Inserted by Gurcharan Singh)) |
Inula obtusifolia A.Kerner (Images by Saroj Kasaju (Validation by J.M.Garg) (Inserted by J.M.Garg) (For more images & complete details, click on the links)) |
Inula orientalis Lam. (Images by Prashant Awale, Nidhan Singh (Id by D S Rawat), Balkar Singh (Id by Gurcharan Singh), D S Rawat & Alok Mahendroo (Id by Gurcharan Singh) (Inserted by J.M.Garg) (For more images & complete details, click on the links)) |
Inula racemosa Hook.f. (Images by Gurcharan Singh (Inserted by J.M.Garg) (For more images & complete details, click on the links)) |
Inula royleana DC. (Images by Gurcharan Singh (Inserted by J.M.Garg) (For more images & complete details, click on the links)) |
Laggera alata (D.Don) Sch.Bip. ex Oliv. (Images by Shivaprakash, Nidhan Singh and Prashant Awale (Inserted by Gurcharan Singh) (click links to see details and more images) |
Nanothamnus sericeus Thomson (Images by Dinesh Valke (Id by Prashant Awale) (Inserted by J.M.Garg) & Rajesh Sachdev (For more images & complete details, click on the links)) |
Pentanema vestita (Wall. ex DC.) Ling (Images by Nidhan Singh (Validated by Gurcharan Singh) (Inserted by J.M.Garg) (For more photos & complete details, click on the links)) |
Pluchea arguta Boiss. (SE. Yemen, S. Iran to W. India: India, Iran, Pakistan, Yemen as per POWO)
Pluchea indica (L.) Less. (Images by Surajit Koley (For more photos & complete details, click on the links)) |
Pluchea lanceolata (DC.) Oliv. & Hiern (Images by (Nidhan Singh – validation by Gurcharan Singh), D.S.Rawat & Gurcharan Singh, (For more photos & complete details, click on the links))
Pluchea tomentosa DC. (Images by (Aarti Khale – Id by J.M.Garg) & (Prashant Awale – validation by Gurcharan Singh & J.M.Garg), (For more photos & complete details, click on the links)) |
(Images by Rohitkumar M Patel (Id by Nidhan Singh) (Inserted by J.M.Garg) (For more images & complete details, click on the links)) |
Pulicaria dysenterica (L.) Gaertn. (Images by Nidhan Singh (Validated by Gurcharan Singh) & Gurcharan Singh (Inserted by J.M.Garg) (For more images & complete details, click on the links)) |
Pulicaria wightiana C.B.Clarke (Images by J.M.Garg (Validation by Shrikant Ingalhalikar) & Dinesh Valke (Id by Satish Phadke & Gurcharan Singh) (Inserted by J.M.Garg) (For more images & complete details, click on the links)) |
Pulicaria wightiana C.B.Clarke (Images by Neha Singh (id by Rohitkumar M Patel & Hari Lal) & Satish Phadke (Id by Rajdeo Singh) (Inserted by J.M.Garg)) |
Sphaeranthus africanus L. (Images by Pudji Widodo (ID by Vijayasankar Raman) and Prashant Awale, Inserted by Gurcharan Singh (PLease click links to see details and more images)) |
Sphaeranthus indicus L. (Images by Balkar Singh, Surajit Koley, Dinesh Valke, Satish Phadke, Prashant Awale and Shobha Halwe-Chavda (ID by Nidhan Singh), Inserted by Gurcharan Singh (Please click links to see details and more images)) |
Sphaeranthus senegalensis DC. (Images by Balkar Singh, Inserted by Gurcharan Singh (Please click link to see details)) |
Vicoa cernua Dalz. (Indian Subcontinent to China (Yunnan) and N. Thailand: China South-Central, East Himalaya, India, Nepal, Pakistan, Thailand as per POWO)