

Request Tree ID 103 – Lalbagh, Bangalore – RA: The name plate says eugenia jambs.

But the leaves looks much broader than syzygium jambs

Yes the leaves and inflorescence looks different. Even though, the leaves looks like that of S. hemisphericum the fruit doesn’t.

I think, this is Syzygium grande (Wight) Walp.

Feedback from another thread:
The individual here https://sites.google.com/site/efloraofindia/species/m—z/m/myrtaceae/syzygium/syzygium-grande  does not seem consistent with the species description. Note the fruit size.

Syzygium tamilnadensis Rathakr. & V. Chithra is a syn. of Syzygium grande (Wight) N. P. Balakrishnan