

ID Request: 25062019: NSK : 7 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (2)- around 800 kb each.

Date/Time- 25th June 2019, Daytime.
Location- North Bengaluru, 900m.
Habitat- Sapling self-germinated in my nursery.
Plant Habit- Tree?
Height/Length – 2 feet (small sapling, not grown).
Leaves Type/ Shape/ Size – very small, compound leaf structure, like Gulmohur.
Inflorescence Type/ Size – Not seen.
Flowers Size/ Colour/ Calyx/ Bracts – Not seen.
Fruits Type/ Shape/ Size Seeds – Not seen.
Other Information like Fragrance, Pollinator, Uses etc. – None

Very similar to Peltophorum pterocarpum saplings; check it once, sir. 

May not be !

Thanks to all.
There are high chances of this being Peltophorum. There are some big trees near the nursery.

There are high chances of this being Peltophorum. There are some big trees near the nursery where I am growing my saplings.