ALPANA ( COLOURS TAKEN FROM INSECTS, BIRDS, FLOWERS )677 : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (2)
As you all know I have never studied botany or zoology in my student days. I study plants, birds and butterflies for pure joy. 

                     My identification of a species is based on my observation and comparing my observed species with images from books. For plants, at times I ask locals about name of a particular species and I compare with literature. There will be times when I will go wrong. But the joy of observing nature still remains with me.
                      Of late I am working with the colours  of objects from nature( taken from the images of birds, plants and insects taken by me )
                      I try to create some motif out of these colours on computers. I find it fascinating. There is more than identifying a particular species and that is pure joy. I am uploading a motif (ALPANA). The items used are shown separately. The possibilities are infinite. I do it for my joy. If you enjoy that will be a bonus for me.