Sarcococca wallichii Stapf (syn: Sarcococca coriacea Müll. Arg. (ambiguous synonym));
Bhutan, Sikkim, India (Arunachal Pradesh, Darjeeling, West Bengal, Assam, Meghalaya, Manipur), China (W-Yunnan), Myanmar [Burma], Nepal as per Catalogue of Life;


SK 2147 24 August 2019 : 3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (8)- around 650 kb each.

Location: Sundarijal, Kathmandu
Date: 30 July  2019
Elevation: 1674 m.
Habit : Wild
Sarcococca wallichii Stapf ??

Thanks, … You seem to be in right direction this time.
It does not match with two species already in efi site at Sarcococca coriacea (Hook.) Sweet & Sarcococca saligna (D. Don) Müll. Arg.
For the other two species as per Checklist of Nepal, Flora of Bhutan gives the following keys:
1. Shoots puberulous; leaves narrowly elliptic-lanceolate, 5 — 9 x 1 – 2cm, pinnately veined to base ….. 1. S. hookeriana
+ Shoots glabrous; leaves ovate-lanceolate, 8— 12 x 2.5-4cm, 3-veined at base ………  2. S. wallichii

Sarcococca coriacea (Hook.) Sweet : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (8)- around 700 kb each.
Location:  Phedi, Nagarkot, Bhaktapur
Date: 6 July 2019
Elevation:  1623 m.
Habit : Wild
Syn : Sarcococca pruniformis Lindl.

Request ID validation please !

Keys in flora of Bhutan ;
l. Shoots puberulous; leaves narrowly elliptic-lanceolate, 5 — 9 x 1 – 2cm, pinnately veined to base …….. 1. S. hookeriana
+ Shoots glabrous; leaves ovate-lanceolate, 8— 12 x 2.5-4cm, 3-veined at base …….. 2. S. wallichii
Flora of Bhutan lists only these two species.
However, Checklist of Nepal lists 4 species, including S. coriacea (Hook.) Sweet
Details ain Flora of Bhutan are as below:
1. S. hookeriana Baillon; S.pruniformis Lindley var. hookeriana (Baillon) Hook. f. Tongsa: Hue Shing; Nep: Chilekath (34). Fig. l6r — v. Shrub 0.3 —2m; shoots puberulous. Leaves narrowly elliptic-lanceolate, 5 —9 x l – 2cm, acuminate or acute, base cuneate, pinnately veined but veins obscure, glabrous except on midrib above; petioles 5 — 7mm. Flowers strongly fragrant; racemes short, 3 — 10-flowered; bracts ovate c 2.5cm. Perianth segments greenish or pink, c 2mm. Stamens white, long-exserted, c 6mm. Ovary ovoid, c 2.5mm. Berries subglobose, c 8mm, black. Bhutan: S-Chukka district, C—Ha, Thimphu, Punakha,Tongsaand Bumthang districts, N – Upper Mo Chu district; Darjeeling; Sikkim; Arunachal Pradesh: Nyam Jang Chu. Shaded streamsides and ravines in cool broad-leaved and Blue Pine forests, 2130 — 2900m. April —June. Woodhard, sometimes used to make walking sticks (34). Valued horticulturally as a ground-cover plant and for its fragrant flowers.
2. S. wallichii Stapf; S. pruniformis sensu F.B.l. p.p. non Lindley Similar to S. hookeriana but shoots glabrous; leaves ovate-lanceolate, 8 — 12 x 2.5—4cm, long-acuminate, strongly 3-veined above base; petioles l — l.5cm; fruits c lcm diameter. Bhutan: S—Samchi district (Sangura, l 14),C-Tongsadistrict (Chendebi) and Mongar district (Mongar); Darjeeling: Batasi, Rimbik; Sikkim: Singalela; Arunachal Pradesh: NyamJangChu. Warm and cool broad-leaved forests, 1500 – 2300m. November— April.
I am unable to find the keys between Sarcococca coriacea (Hook.) Sweet and Sarcococca wallichii Stapf
But would like to go with Sarcococca wallichii Stapf for the posted plant for the time being.

OK …

Re: Sarcococca wallichii Stapf : 6 posts by 2 authors. 3 images– 1 to 7 mb each.
Location: Sundarijal, Kathmandu
Date: 30 September  2019
Elevation: 1577 m.
Habit : Wild

ID validation please !

I guess drupes and seeds from the same sp.

Location: Ranibari, Kathmandu
Date: 06 February 2020
Elevation: 1370 m.
Habitat : Wild.
Attachments (2)

Yes, Sarcococca wallichii as per keys and comparative images at Sarcococca

Fwd: SK4MAR5-2016:ID : 9 posts by 2 authors. 2 correct images as above.

Request ID please !
Outskirts of Kathmandy valley !
Altitude 1300M.

Whether all photos were taken from a single plant?
Consider Lauraceae. Any species of Lindera or Neolitsea reported from that area?  I am not sure.

Difficult situation. Looks like a mixture and it needs clarification. Two images with red fruits= first plant. Green fruits = second plant. Black fruits + flowering twig = third plant with trinerved leaves and it may be doubtfully referred to Neolitsea umbrosa.

Pl. confirm whether photos belong to three different plants as stated by …

I am not sure. But now i think these are different plants

The second and third images are possibly Neolitsea umbrosa  (Nees) Gamble of Lauraceae, distributed in E. Himalayas, NE. India, Bangladesh and Myanmar. The last image may be Lindera, but it will be risky to assign the species with the available image.
Attachments (2)

Reply from another thread:
… black fruits and flowers are supposed Sarcococca posted separately now …
…. Look at the black fruits, there are remains of styles at the apices which are appearing bilobed at tip indicating that the fruits were 2-locular and in such case this would be Sarcococca. The species S. coriacea is known to have 2-locular fruits. … is the best person to clarify.

These two images appears to be of Sarcococca wallichii 

Yes …! Different images were posted in the past


SK423 14MAR-2017:ID : 14 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (4)

Location: Gokarna Forest, Kathmandu, Nepal
Date: 13 January 2016
Altitude: 4500 ft.

Could this be Sarcococca coriacea?

If the answer in no, then try Neolitsea umbrosa!

Thank you … for ID.
Sarcococca coriacea (Hook.) Sweet (accepted name)
Nepali Names : फितिफिया Phitiphiyaa / बाख्रे घाँस Baakhre Ghaans / तेल्पारो Telpaaro

Someone is guessing it is Cocculus laurifolius.
Opinion please ! 

I made a suggestion only. The narrow leaves decurrent into petioles, first pair of lateral nerves somewhat stronger than the subsequent pairs, axillary clustered cymes perhaps somewhat abbreviated and racemiform with fruits at basal nodes prompted me to think of Sarcococca. Whether ovary and fruits were 2-locular?
Good images are available in EFI page.

I think closer to Sarcococca as in Sarcococca coriacea rather than images at Cocculus laurifolius

Same images posted by you at Fwd: SK4MAR5-2016:ID & identified as Neolitsea umbrosa (Nees) Gamble by …

Really very confusing situation created by … by posting three different species in an earlier thread as indicated by you – the images with red fruits are of one species, and black fruits and flowers are supposed Sarcococca posted separately now and the last image is supposed Lauraceae again posted recently.
In the present thread, again, the first image has green fruits and somewhat looking different from the black fruits.  Could it be a mixture again or images taken from different trees? Look at the black fruits, there are remains of styles at the apices which are appearing bilobed at tip indicating that the fruits were 2-locular and in such case this would be Sarcococca. The species S. coriacea is known to have 2-locular fruits.  … is the best person to clarify.

In my earlier post it was mix upof mutiple post so I have reposted it separately thinking that all images are from same plant ! May be green fruits imagecis from different species.
Let us focus on black fruits only.
Sorry for confusion.

These images appears to be of Sarcococca wallichii

Solved after a long time.

Yes …!


Sarcococca wallichii Stapf: 5 very high res. images.

Location: Godam, Chandragiri, Lalitpur
Date: 16 September 2022
Altitude: 1800m.
Habitat : Wild
Image quality not good !


Sarcococca wallichii Stapf: 7 high res. images.
Location: Shivapuri National Park, Kathmandu, Nepal
Date: 30 September 2023
Altitude: 1829m.
Habitat : Wild