


Validation of images 59,60 300915 Dioscorea . : 3 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (2)

images of Dioscorea bulbifera found on hill slope of Nasik please validate  

It does look like D. bulbifera

I think more closer to Dioscorea alata L. rather than those at Dioscorea bulbifera L.

D. alata leaves are more longer than wide, getting a triangular shape. D. bulbifera leaves, big or small, are nearly orbicular. In Surat D. alata is cultivated, D. bulbifera grows wild and abubdant. 

I shall vote for D. bulbifera.

good to know. Dioscorea alata is there a hindi or gujarati name? and do they sell them locally?

D. alata = Rataalu in Hindi as well as Gujarati

Raatalu ? never ate it but once in a surati undhiyu. many many years ago. is that its use?

Thanks, …,  Pl. check leaves at both the links I have given. 

I find veins of Dioscorea bulbifera to be different, as per images herein.
May I request you to pl. check at least once.   

Yes .., the conspicuous secondary veins are missing.

The leaf shape reminds me of D. bulbifera. Do not know of any other Dioscorea spp. having this orbicular shape, just as … thoughts.

Good evening …, 

In fact it looks like neither D. bulbifera nor D. alata
I have access to only these two species, attaching leaf images from my collection.
Attachments (2)

My first image is D. bulbifera, wild growth, second is cultivated D. alata crop. 

I am planning to pay a visit to D. alata crop soon. 
Shall revert after going through D. alata page. 
Have a good day !

One article records 4 shapes of leaf in D. alata ….


Thanks, … Pl. also check images at Dioscorea alata L. 

It might be Dioscorea wallichii

Fresh images of D. alata, cultivated …..leaf, winged stem and twist. 

Attachments (7)